cleaning a toilet help needed!

thick brown stains, a green scrub pad/comet wouldn't even touch it. what do I try next. thank you for your time. RR
Hydrochloric acid will bubble it off in minutes. But you need to dilute it to about 10/12%, and the fumes from the bottle will kill you. Well maybe not killyou, but if you get them in your lungs , you might wish you were dead, lol. If you spill it on your hands wash it off Immediately under running water, you'll be OK. If you get it on your clothes, say goodbye to them. If you get it up your nose, yur an idiot, say hello to Jesus for me.

Up next is Muriatic acid . This is ~12% or less Hydrochloric acid pre mixed for you. The fumes are still unacceptable to your lungs. It's a lil slower than the pure stuff which is like ~35%, but safer . When it stops smoking or bubbling, it has finished working, flush it down no problem. Repeat as often as necessary.
To keep the working fluid on the stain, use paper towels.

Do I need to mention ventilation? Install a window fan to get it out of the room. and a local fan to keep it out of your lungs. IDK if you can get a respirator. They don't keep acids on the shelf anymore, you gotta ask the department supervisor to get some for you. Hardware stores and lumberyards have it in the back. It is often used to etch Concrete before painting.

CLR Is about 2% Hydrochloric acid. Safe enough for most housewives.
IIRC Vinegar is a base, the opposite of an acid . I've never tried some of the other suggestions. Why would I if I know HCL works? It used to be like $5 for a gallon. You won't need even a quart, if you ration it out onto paper towels. I always have some on hand in case somebody comes for my freezers and stuff, lol. If you have left overs and kids, get rid of it, it looks exactly like water.
Wear protection/Stay safe
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