First Name = Last Name?

I went to high school with Mark Mark, he always joked that if he had a kid he would call it Question.
My wife used to go to a dentist who's wife was also his receptionist. She and my wife struck up a friendship. Her name was Marsha, but her nickname was Mars (This part I did not know). One Thursday evening I asked my wife what we were doing that weekend. She answered, " I'm waiting for Mars to call." I immediately sat up and asked "YOU ARE???????" It was only then that she realized what she had just said. Good memories of crazy times!!
My wife used to go to a dentist who's wife was also his receptionist. She and my wife struck up a friendship. Her name was Marsha, but her nickname was Mars (This part I did not know). One Thursday evening I asked my wife what we were doing that weekend. She answered, " I'm waiting for Mars to call." I immediately sat up and asked "YOU ARE???????" It was only then that she realized what she had just said. Good memories of crazy times!!
Sometimes I think Mars has called...
When I was a kid the kid across the streets last names was boner, his first name was Bobby, he went to a private school....
I remember a girl whos name was Penny Nichole's we always got a chuckle she was a cutie
im a stickler for names, it drives me bonkers when people give kids stupids names (days, rivers, months, or last names, to name a few)
i remember the first time i met a kid named lincoln
i ask him what his name was, and he said "lincoln"
so i said, no your first name and he said "lincoln"

i thought to myself, well, thats stupid

some with this girl i know, named charity
i asked her for her name, she said "charity"
i said, thats not a name, thats a noun

same with this kid named hunter, thats a noun, not a name
Buddy of mine was named chris hiscock , that’s nothing I know , he named his kid Holden Hiscock no lie!
2 differant guys same town not related named William Williams. The old one is in a nursing home.
The young one about 30 is a purv as is his brother that's in prison. If shtf I hope someone takes them out asap.

I know three William Williams. And two of them have wives that share a first name. Friend of mine bought a car from a Walter W. Walters. I am still curious as to his middle name. I also know a Harry Beaver and a Mike Hunt. Still haven't met Lou Sassle though..
Lmao!! Some of those are just too funny. I went to school with a girl named Ashley Peter's her dad was... you guessed it Harry! HARRY F PETERS!!!
I once worked with a guy named Warren Strutt. It didn't even strike me until I mentioned his name to my dad in passing, and pops fell apart laughing. Warren was a great guy, as I recall.

Most Canadians would have heard of Dick Pound (you can google if you're curious as to who he is.) What I love about anybody named Dick is that, in this day and age, he has the balls to go by Dick. Nope, not Rick Pound, not Richard Pound... he's got to be Dick Pound. Awesome.

Dad once knew a guy from Beaton, Ontario named Rich Herton. Yup. Dick Herton from Beaton.
Went to the bank yesterday an was waited on by Ashley Ash. I ask her if she had a son named Pot. She said no but if she has a son she wants to name him Ashton.
There was a girl in my high school one grade ahead of me named Pat Beaver
My grandmother went to school with two sisters named Ima Hogg and Ura Hogg. My wife and I have a friend named Candy Filling.