Found my dads original 1971 duster!

Unfortunately I am not very close, otherwise I would be happy to help with getting it across the finish line. Gotta be frustrating at this point.
It’s been a long journey for you on this restoration of your Dad’s car.

I can’t help but think the shop knows that since it’s so close to the finish line now they are dinging you for ‘extras’ to keep the bill going before you actually pick it up. And since it’s so close to being done they are playing on your emotions to ‘just get it done so I can pick it up already’ which allows them to keep adding things to the bill.

If the meter is still running at the shop, I’d suggest picking the car up as is, paying for what they’ve done, and complete the rest on your own with the help of folks here.
I think you’re probably right. I appreciate the help and knowledge on this site. Funny you say that, because I told him that I’m coming to pick it up on Thursday of next week. Finished or not. I’ll likely have things to do before I can drive it, but at least it will be home. Thanks for your message!
Unfortunately I am not very close, otherwise I would be happy to help with getting it across the finish line. Gotta be frustrating at this point.
Thanks so much! There are lots of good people on here. Cool to see the support system that’s created on forums like this. I’ve also emailed the engine builder and asked if I can bring it to them and pay them to make sure everything is good to go before I drive it. I know I’ll have to get an alignment done, but I mean mechanically speaking. Apparently I might need to have the carb set up too
What a buzz kill for it to end up like this. Unfortunately the sad truth is you are gonna have to learn to wrench on it. It's an old car and even though it's restored it will need stuff repaired and replaced in the future. It's not a bad thing. We will help.
What a buzz kill for it to end up like this. Unfortunately the sad truth is you are gonna have to learn to wrench on it. It's an old car and even though it's restored it will need stuff repaired and replaced in the future. It's not a bad thing. We will help.
Ya, sure is. But I’m still very excited to get it home. I’ve already learned quite a bit about the car and how things work over the past 15 months or so by researching stuff, mostly on this forum!
Much appreciated! I’m sure I’ll have questions once I get it home. I’m just wanting to take it for a rip….buy want to make sure everything is good to go before I do
If rust repairs body work paint are well done that is most important. Any other issues will be able to get resolved.
Haha! No prob! Sorry it was so long winded. Where do I post pics? Just on this thread or whatever? Not sure how anything works
Great story, Sorry to hear about your Dad, lost mine this year as well. I just bought a 71 340 duster as well. Know your Dad will be smiling down as you pilot that Duster. Persistence prevails.
Great story, Sorry to hear about your Dad, lost mine this year as well. I just bought a 71 340 duster as well. Know your Dad will be smiling down as you pilot that Duster. Persistence prevails.
Thanks a bunch! Sorry to hear about your dad as well. That’s awesome! Does yours need restored, or did you buy it finished?
Thanks! My first drive will be to the cemetery, to show it to him and let him hear it :)
Well guys, I just got home from Saskatchewan with my car and I’m sitting here in tears. Too much to type on here, but he pretty much ruined my dad’s car. The body and paint are terrible, the body lines and gaps are terrible, the interior that is installed is absolutely horrible. He’s pounded my stainless window trim flat with a hammer to try to make the rear quarter windows fit…and you can still fit your finger between them and the body. It would fill the car with water if it rained. He said he couldn’t get the car running. It’s really bad.
I don’t even know what do do at this point. He is the biggest loser, con artist that I’ve ever met in my life…and believe me, he knows how I feel. I need to spread the word about him, because he will be doing this to people every day. Ruining their lives, hopes and dreams
Also, I forgot to mention that the car isn’t any closer to finished than the last time I posted. He did nothing in the time leading up to me going to pick it up. I now have a car that I have no idea what to do with, after spending around $70,000. Just devastated. He blocked my number within 30 minutes of me leaving his house. Obviously everyone is going to say that I should pursue legal action, but by my own fault it was a handshake type deal. I have all receipts for money given. I know it was stupid and don’t need to hear it. I’m an honest guy and just got a hard lesson that done people are evil
Very sorry to hear this. My condolences. Unfortunately this happens alot. Even if you try to sue him and you get a favorable judgment he probably has nothing. Big time loser. Don't know what to say just hope it can be turned around. One thing for sure you probably won't be able to trust anyone again.
Best suggestion I have right now is don't do anything. Give it a week or a month and walk away from it all. Park it someplace covered so things don't go any further backwards and just leave it alone.

After that come back here. Maybe somebody will have some good ideas then.

Edit - I am very sorry about this. Makes me sick to think what people will do to others.
Best suggestion I have right now is don't do anything. Give it a week or a month and walk away from it all. Park it someplace covered so things don't go any further backwards and just leave it alone.

After that come back here. Maybe somebody will have some good ideas then.

Edit - I am very sorry about this. Makes me sick to think what people will do to others.
I agree. Take a break and hopefully with some time you can regroup and fulfill your dream.
So sorry to hear. But this happen way to often. Some scum bag dirt ball lying piece of **** taking someones money and not delivering.

Yeah park the car cover it and let it be for a while.
Wow. I can't begin to imagine how much it hurts right now. The amount of money you have been conned out of is bad enough. For this asshole to have done the damage to your dad's car and still face you when you arrived to pick it up is sickening.
I am truly sorry to hear about this, but you must publish the name of this person or shop so that he can't **** someone else over.
I agree with the previous posts that you should just park it and cover it up for a while until you get a better mindset.

I experienced a similar issue with a 'professional' body shop that I had do the prep work on my 1970 Dart long ago. It came back from there with the driver's window covered in burn marks from welding splatter, and the body had more waves than the Pacific ocean. I was so upset that I rolled it into the garage and closed the doors, left it for a while until I calmed down. I found another shop that was able to block sand it until most of the waves were out and do a quality paint job for what I felt was a fair price. I did all of the reassembly myself and I still don't trust very many 'shops' to work on anything that I own.
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The best way possibly to hammer this motherfucker is to call your local news station. We have a station that does a segment called 5 on your side. I really think your story would interest them. They will try to contact him and go to his house ON CAMERA. Just a thought. Next. DO NOT beat yourself up!! This has happened to guys that have been in the hobby for years. There is a special place in hell for this guy.
Obviously you don’t want him touching it anymore but, maybe he could refund some money once they embarrass him.
Wow, this is tough to read which means it’s even tougher for you given it’s your car.

As others have said, probably best to park it in a dry area and cover it up so you’re not looking when near it.

Given the history of that car, down the road, this will be another blip on the journey of getting the car back on the road doing a smokey burnout. It might seem difficult imagining it now which is why you should take a break from it for a bit.
Thanks so much to everyone. I really appreciate the advice and sympathy felt by all. I am definitely going to regroup. It’s hard to even look at the car without bad emotions now. But once I sort it out, I will have the day I’ve dreamed of for the past 14 months of the guy ruining it.
You know what he said when I let him have it?? “I know. I don’t think I’ll ever do a build like this again. I don’t usually build full cars”
This is one of his texts to get me to commit to the build

Thanks so much to everyone. I really appreciate the advice and sympathy felt by all. I am definitely going to regroup. It’s hard to even look at the car without bad emotions now. But once I sort it out, I will have the day I’ve dreamed of for the past 14 months of the guy ruining it.
You know what he said when I let him have it?? “I know. I don’t think I’ll ever do a build like this again. I don’t usually build full cars”
This is one of his texts to get me to commit to the build

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When you calm down, take some pictures of the issues, everything is fixable.