Found my dads original 1971 duster!

When you calm down, take some pictures of the issues, everything is fixable.
Ya. Thanks. But it definitely needs complete body and paint. Hard to get pics too. Needs to be seen in person. But I’ll take what I can. Need certain lighting to have things show up in pictures. I’ll take what I can tomorrow
With $70,000 into the project, I'd be looking for a lawyer and a legit shop to look at the car and assess it. A friend of mine got screwed on a car issue several years ago. He got a lawyer and ended up suing the guy and ended up with a judgement for $30,000 plus interest until the debt was settled, secured by the court putting a lien on the guy's house and property. Nothing happened for a looong time, but then the guy wanted to sell his property and couldn't due to the lien. So after several years, with accrued interest what came to him was $80,000. The lawyers took $15,000 out of what he was paid and never asked for a dime until the bill was paid.
With $70,000 into the project, I'd be looking for a lawyer and a legit shop to look at the car and assess it. A friend of mine got screwed on a car issue several years ago. He got a lawyer and ended up suing the guy and ended up with a judgement for $30,000 plus interest until the debt was settled, secured by the court putting a lien on the guy's house and property. Nothing happened for a looong time, but then the guy wanted to sell his property and couldn't due to the lien. So after several years, with accrued interest what came to him was $80,000. The lawyers took $15,000 out of what he was paid and never asked for a dime until the bill was paid.
Thanks for the reply. I know that I should, but again I have no contract on paper. I feel like an idiot, but that’s on me. He kept saying how he was a Christian and it was a small family run business. I trusted him
I would not let that stop you. The bad guy in my story was supposedly a friend and there was no contract there either. The lawyer will let you know if there is no case.
The best way possibly to hammer this motherfucker is to call your local news station. We have a station that does a segment called 5 on your side. I really think your story would interest them. They will try to contact him and go to his house ON CAMERA. Just a thought. Next. DO NOT beat yourself up!! This has happened to guys that have been in the hobby for years. There is a special place in hell for this guy.
Thanks a lot. At this point I am really beating myself up. There were so many red flags. That’s what’s so evil about people like him. They know that you want it so badly that you will ignore the bad and the lies, still holding out hope that you’ll get your dream car back in the end. Even though my intuition was telling me that he didn’t have a clue and was lying the whole time, I still wanted it so badly and was so deep into it with money and emotions that I ignored it.
As he was begging for an extra day while we were driving down to pick it up, I asked him how on earth he thought an extra day would finish it. He said that he had 2 guys hired for the next day. So I told him we would give him an extra day. Instead, we stopped in by surprise the next day at 10:45 in the morning and aa expected, he completely lied and there was nobody there. I asked him where his hired help was and he said that it was the guy out building his deck, but he didn’t need him at that moment. I said “where’s the other guy you said you were hiring from your church?” He just looked at the ground with no answer. He is truly a piece of ****. As he knew we were driving down, he did absolutely nothing on the car. Despite telling me that it would be finished
I would not beat your self up, hind sight is 20/20. The guy promised he would do top notch job, then decided to be a scum bag lying piece of **** and screw you over. I am so sad and so mad at the same time that pieces of **** can take other ppls money knowing they are gonna **** em over in the end. Low life dirt bag lying piece of ****.

Most lawyers will take a phone call for free. They can tell you fairly quickly if there is a legal path here.
I would not beat your self up, hind sight is 20/20. The guy promised he would do top notch job, then decided to be a scum bag lying piece of **** and screw you over. I am so sad and so mad at the same time that pieces of **** can take other ppls money knowing they are gonna **** em over in the end. Low life dirt bag lying piece of ****.

Most lawyers will take a phone call for free. They can tell you fairly quickly if there is a legal path here.
Thanks man. He said so much crap. In the beginning I told him that people were telling me that it wasn’t possible to build a car in 4 months. He laughed and said that he could do it easily because he had the knowledge and was a true mopar guy. He also wrote that if I got it to him soon, I may even be driving it by that sunmer instead of by fall (2 months from when he got the car). Looking back, every time I asked for pricing etc, he would say “call me” etc. Because he didn’t want it in writing. So obvious now that he does it to people all the time. I gave him 20k down and he said he didn’t want a cent more until it was finished. A few months later, he asked for 16k more because he really needed to order my parts (which he has already told me the 20k was for). I objected, but ended up sending it. Then a few days later I asked for the parts list that he ordered. He said “I haven’t ordered yet, I can’t find a credit card to use”. I said “well I have a credit card, so give me the list and I’ll order it and have it shipped to you”. He replied “we can’t do that”. Then claimed he “found” a credit card to use a few days later. Just a total con artist/scammer
Thanks man. He said so much crap. In the beginning I told him that people were telling me that it wasn’t possible to build a car in 4 months. He laughed and said that he could do it easily because he had the knowledge and was a true mopar guy. He also wrote that if I got it to him soon, I may even be driving it by that sunmer instead of by fall (2 months from when he got the car). Looking back, every time I asked for pricing etc, he would say “call me” etc. Because he didn’t want it in writing. So obvious now that he does it to people all the time. I gave him 20k down and he said he didn’t want a cent more until it was finished. A few months later, he asked for 16k more because he really needed to order my parts (which he has already told me the 20k was for). I objected, but ended up sending it. Then a few days later I asked for the parts list that he ordered. He said “I haven’t ordered yet, I can’t find a credit card to use”. I said “well I have a credit card, so give me the list and I’ll order it and have it shipped to you”. He replied “we can’t do that”. Then claimed he “found” a credit card to use a few days later. Just a total con artist/scammer
I hear you, guy was a dirt bag, at least you got car back. Some times shops close all the parts go missing ppl get a rolling shell back missing everything. Unfortunately scum bag lying pieces of ***** are all too common. Very common shops **** ppl over, take to next shop same, then ask around beat the bushes and a good shop is a needle in a hay stack and eventual success. Those stories are so common unfortunately.
I hear you, guy was a dirt bag, at least you got car back. Some times shops close all the parts go missing ppl get a rolling shell back missing everything. Unfortunately scum bag lying pieces of ***** are all too common. Very common shops **** ppl over, take to next shop same, then ask around beat the bushes and a good shop is a needle in a hay stack and eventual success. Those stories are so common unfortunately.
That’s what I’ve been hearing. I’m very glad to have my dad’s car back where it belongs and out of that losers shop. I’ll still have my dream car one day
No point beating yourself up as that’s not going to change the outcome. Having the work done a province away, let alone a city away, was super risky, regardless if you know the person/business or not. Super hard to see with your own eyes daily progress on the build (whether it be a car or house). Something goes wrong, it’s not until you visit a week or two or three later and, by then, it’s too late to redo what was done incorrectly w/o it costing a lot more. The churchy stuff is a red flag too as my BS meter would start twitching as soon as someone proactively brings that topic up.

On the positive side you have your car back. Onwards and upwards from here.
You have proof of some discussions with him via text, and I am sure you have proof of what you paid him, call a good lawyer Monday morning and put this prick out of business. Please give us his name and the town he's in.
I am looking for a good Mopar restoration guy.
Please send me his name and number and a review of his work.

LOL, Lets just let everybody know how good he is.

Thanks in advance
I am looking for a good Mopar restoration guy.
Please send me his name and number and a review of his work.

LOL, Lets just let everybody know how good he is.

Thanks in advance
Also please list his number , name and address so I know how to reach him.

Thanks again, I am needing a good guy to work on my car.
I'm sure he isn't reporting his earnings. That text is a good thing to hang on to. Yes. It can be repaired.
I'm sure he isn't reporting his earnings. That text is a good thing to hang on to. Yes. It can be repaired.
Good morning, guys. He lives in Fillmore Saskatchewan. I posted ads on Kijiji warning people. He told me “you wouldn’t believe how much work I get from Kijiji” and “a lot of it comes from down your way”, near the beginning of trying to lure me in. Kijiji removed my ads within an hour. Here is another car he’s working on. There are approx 4 in his shop. I’m trying to warn the barricuda person. He has barely touched it in the past 14 months and when we got there it was completely covered in parts and junk. He was using it as a storage shelf

Good morning, guys. He lives in Fillmore Saskatchewan. I posted ads on Kijiji warning people. He told me “you wouldn’t believe how much work I get from Kijiji” and “a lot of it comes from down your way”, near the beginning of trying to lure me in. Kijiji removed my ads within an hour. Here is another car he’s working on. There are approx 4 in his shop. I’m trying to warn the barricuda person. He has barely touched it in the past 14 months and when we got there it was completely covered in parts and junk. He was using it as a storage shelf

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Hopefully guy with green Cuda gets his car out of there cause its never gonna get finished there.
100%. Plus he will ruin things on it, forcing the customer to pay to undo his work
Unfortunately there are a lot of scum bag crooks just like him out there. Grab money lie and leave ppls lives in shambles. Then move to the next victim. One sign of really good shop is there is usually a year or longer wait for them to take your car. Any shop that can take car right way and promise quick turn around thats red flags for miles. But the lying scum bag does not care he grabbed cash and thats all he cares about....
Here is the carpet around the shifter. The shifter is 1 hear out of alignment too. He had the coffin console taped to the carpet when I showed up. I asked why the carpet was butchered around the shifter and he said that his glue let go. So he just needs to re glue it. Also the rallye dash. I asked why it was sticking out and he said he had one more screw to put in it. It’s wedged in so hard that you can’t push on that corner or it will break



I can only imagine the aggravation you have taking photos of it now. Those interior shots are grim considering you paid for that work. While you weren’t confident of your car restoration skills prior to the project, I suspect looking at the work done, you now realise you could do some of the reassembly work yourself. The interior reassembly (maybe not redoing the upholstery or reinstalling the front/back windshield) but re-installing everything else (door panels, carpets, re-installing seats, trim parts) is totally doable. Same for exterior bits (lights, bumpers) as well.

Fillmore, SK is a pretty small town and you’ve already discovered two other people he has fleeced as well. How/when did you find out about those two other people?
I can only imagine the aggravation you have taking photos of it now. Those interior shots are grim considering you paid for that work. While you weren’t confident of your car restoration skills prior to the project, I suspect looking at the work done, you now realise you could do some of the reassembly work yourself. The interior reaasmebly (maybe not redoing the upholstery or reinstalling the front/back windshield) but reinstalling everything else (door panels, carpets, reinstalling seats, trim parts) is totally doable. Same for exterior bits (lights, bumpers) as well.

Fillmore, SK is a pretty small town and you’ve already discovered two other people he has fleeced as well. How/when did you find out about those two other people?
Ya. Thanks. I don’t even like looking at the car now. But I will try to get some pictures. Also yes. I’m pretty sure he’s wrecked the quarter glass stainless trims. I’m scared to see how he has the coffin console attached. I thought the carpet was supposed to be 1 piece and not that concoction he has around the shifter as a separate piece. I think everything has to come out. It’s wrong and also likely needs out for new bodywork and paint.
When I dropped motor off he said “this one has been here for 2 years and the guy got tired of waiting, so I had to buy it off of him”. Then he realized what he said and tried to make up a different story. I had more than enough red flags. Just felt too invested etc. My mistake for carrying on with it. He also told me about another one that he fixed up and sold and had to buy back. That’s why I wrote to him that the problem with a liar is that they can’t remember all of their lies