Give me your best shot



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FABO Gold Member
Jan 8, 2006
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on the hill
I have seen many great day's here and learned more about myself and the world around me then I have in my entire life being here on this computer
For A Bodies Only has been a big part of my life and I have took adventures I would not have experienced if not for the great folks here :happy10:
My family MeMikeJr, Jr's wife, creeds_247 and last but not least memikeswife :love7: have joined in on the fun and education threads :read2:
You all know me by know :toothy10: and it has been a great pleasure for me to enjoy and learn here with a bunch of great friends YES friends :happy10:
Even though I have not met most of you I still feel like we are friends and I will continue to feel that way :happy10:

Give me your best shot at me and I will enjoy and learn from it... so :poke:away :-D

Thank you for putting up with me and sharing your days with me and letting me in your life and the love I have receive here :happy10:

small /6 to my small fish I catch :-D, and my drinking :drinkers:
Yep and my words ain't corect for some 8)
I wonder how some of yall put up with me sometimes :bootysha:
What the he double hockey sticks is a Strongend anyway :-D
You Arkansas friend on the hill in the sticks, me Mike :happy10:

ps. FABO P.W. :)
i do not have a shot to throw at you, but would love to meet you and the family one day through our travels!
Your wall is waiting for you Mike

I've got the pen ready. If you do Monster Mopar Weekend you will be about 45 miles from me.

Hope you can make it brother.

Your not getting my best shot unless we are drinking together. It will be 1800 Cuervo.
i do not have a shot to throw at you, but would love to meet you and the family one day through our travels!
Well shoot :toothy10: I figured you could at lest tell me to find some big fish and quite fishing the pond to fill my freezer :toothy10:
I hope to do some traveling this year Plot :happy10: That would be very nice to meet you and yours one day soon, Thank you :happy10:

Your wall is waiting for you Mike

I've got the pen ready. If you do Monster Mopar Weekend you will be about 45 miles from me.

Hope you can make it brother.

I sure will give it my 100% shot brother :happy10:
It's another good reason to make the 10 hour trip and spend a day with you in your shop :-D I sure would like a ride in your Cuda 8) or even one of your turbo cars :cheers: Hope to see you soon brother :happy10::happy10:
Well shoot :toothy10: I figured you could at lest tell me to find some big fish and quite fishing the pond to fill my freezer :toothy10:
I hope to do some traveling this year Plot :happy10: That would be very nice to meet you and yours one day soon, Thank you :happy10:

I sure will give it my 100% shot brother :happy10:
It's another good reason to make the 10 hour trip and spend a day with you in your shop :-D I sure would like a ride in your Cuda 8) or even one of your turbo cars :cheers: Hope to see you soon brother :happy10::happy10:

You can drive anything I got Mike.....No, make that all of the cars I got!O:)
O.K I,m game for some fun....

Did you move ontop of a hill to feel taller?LMAO.:poke::tongue::wave:
:toothy10: Now that I think about it :-k there might be some truth to that 8) one thing is for sure, it's all down hill from here and I can sneak out at night and roll down the hill with out being herd :bball:
Good one petty :thumblef:

Your not getting my best shot unless we are drinking together. It will be 1800 Cuervo.
I knew you would have a good reson to peter out and not take a shot at me :toothy10:
I will keep you up dated brother :cheers:

Here you go Mike! :joker:
Know that is a cool 7 shooter shot brother Joe :toothy10:

I wheeled this in Friday night


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You can drive anything I got Mike.....No, make that all of the cars I got!O:)
LMAO Tony :toothy10: you so bad :toothy10:
It would take a day and a half to drive all your cars 8)
Tell you what Mike you ever make your way to Winnipeg, I will buy you the shot (or 2 or 3) of your choice!:drinkers::drinkers: And you know Dave (DRENO) will do the same.

LOL! Not me, I've been on call since Friday morning. O:) I did get the Duster up on the dollies, cleaned the garage from top to bottom and went to degree the cams on the bike when I found a bad cam chain idler, dang it. BTW, I forgot what a hassle it was to degree a DOHC engine, lol. I checked the intake cam first and found that it was 5 degrees off so it needs to be done.

Brother, you may not be the tallest guy here but you sure have the biggest balls. :cheers: If I called everyone out the thread would go for a week. :butthead:

Here's another Cold Shot for ya!

[ame=""]YouTube - Stevie Ray Vaughan - Cold shot (Live in Texas)[/ame]
Tell you what Mike you ever make your way to Winnipeg, I will buy you the shot (or 2 or 3) of your choice!:drinkers::drinkers: And you know Dave (DRENO) will do the same.

One day 67DartGT340 :happy10: I wish I could have made it to the gathering yall had, I have not seen pictures yet :happy10:, and I have been waiting on a story or two :angel9:

LOL! Not me, I've been on call since Friday morning. O:) I did get the Duster up on the dollies, cleaned the garage from top to bottom and went to degree the cams on the bike when I found a bad cam chain idler, dang it. BTW, I forgot what a hassle it was to degree a DOHC engine, lol. I checked the intake cam first and found that it was 5 degrees off so it needs to be done.

Brother, you may not be the tallest guy here but you sure have the biggest balls. :cheers: If I called everyone out the thread would go for a week. :butthead:

Here's another Cold Shot for ya!

YouTube - Stevie Ray Vaughan - Cold shot (Live in Texas)

You know me all to well :happy10:, SRV and I have shared a few together under the tree's here in spirit :happy10:, I bet you can handle that DOHC just fine I bet. Being 5 degrees off worked that cam chain idler to death.
Mike, there's one thing we are not going to see eye to eye on.....canned spinach. I thought people stopped eating that slimy stuff during the Johnson Administration. I bet even Buddy runs and hides when you open the can.

OK, ok, it's not that bad, it just grosses me out, I gotta have fresh or the frozen stuff....guess you can see it's pretty hard to find anything to mess with you about lol. I guess now you're gonna tell me how canned spinach and eggs is a great hangover cure.....
I'm with some of the other folks, only shot I'd send your way was one we threw back during a toast!:drinkers:

Now about those fish... we call ones that size bait! :toothy10:
I am still chuckleing over the "Seed Channel" memike. :mrgreen: :rock:

You are one of the reasons I am here on FABO. Keep it up........................but first................assume the position! :butthead:

[ame=""]YouTube - Kevin Bacon - Fraternity Paddle[/ame]
OK Mike, I'm gonna throw this out. If you are going to make the trek to MMW now that it's in Indy, I'm gonna make it a plan to load up a couple things and go there also. What couple things??? How about Nella AND Sunfish!!! This sounds like our opprotunity to meet the legend in person, and maybe, just maybe, he can give his girl a ride in Sunfish, only not just in spirit this time!!! Let me know if you're planning to make this event, it would be a dream come true for your Michigan family to finally meet you in person!!! Geof
Mike, there's one thing we are not going to see eye to eye on.....canned spinach. I thought people stopped eating that slimy stuff during the Johnson Administration. I bet even Buddy runs and hides when you open the can.

OK, ok, it's not that bad, it just grosses me out, I gotta have fresh or the frozen stuff....guess you can see it's pretty hard to find anything to mess with you about lol. I guess now you're gonna tell me how canned spinach and eggs is a great hangover cure.....
I quess it does look and seem like a nasty mix 8-[ And I agree it is much better with fresh or frozen spinach :tongue3: I have been eating it for well over 40 years and it's a great protein boost and economical, this gets everyone here at home!! I put vinegar on it to :colors:
Good one goldfish65 :hello2:

I'm with some of the other folks, only shot I'd send your way was one we threw back during a toast!:drinkers:

Now about those fish... we call ones that size bait! :toothy10:
:mrgreen: I have seen pictures of the big fish being caught here and I was waiting for that one Stan :toothy2: and just think!! I have to walk a 1/4 mile and back with a stringer full and clean fillet 20 of them just to make up for half of one small salmon or musky :mrgreen:

Not to good with words MeMike,kind of speachlessss.
Snake speechless #-o I bet after a couple cups of coffee you can think of something :mrgreen:.

I am still chuckleing over the "Seed Channel" memike. :mrgreen: :rock:

You are one of the reasons I am here on FABO. Keep it up........................but first................assume the position! :butthead:

YouTube - Kevin Bacon - Fraternity Paddle
Seed, Speed Dweed Cannel :glasses8:I will get it right one day :rock: Here is to you this morning Noel :coffee2:
We need to exchange e-mail addresses 8-) I enjoyed one of many of your post's :rock:

OK Mike, I'm gonna throw this out. If you are going to make the trek to MMW now that it's in Indy, I'm gonna make it a plan to load up a couple things and go there also. What couple things??? How about Nella AND Sunfish!!! This sounds like our opprotunity to meet the legend in person, and maybe, just maybe, he can give his girl a ride in Sunfish, only not just in spirit this time!!! Let me know if you're planning to make this event, it would be a dream come true for your Michigan family to finally meet you in person!!! Geof
I have goose pumps just thinking about that Geof :colors: I will get back to you and Tony Fields on that =D>
:hello2::hello2: Nella O:) I will be making plans in the near future and I will do my Very Very best to be there and finely meet you and your cool family you have, Your Dad rocks :rock: and yall have made many of my days better just seeing and hearing from Geof and you. I am another day older and another day happier after seeing this reply :color:
:toothy10: Now that I think about it :-k there might be some truth to that 8) one thing is for sure, it's all down hill from here and I can sneak out at night and roll down the hill with out being herd :bball:
Good one petty :thumblef:

I knew you would have a good reson to peter out and not take a shot at me :toothy10:
I will keep you up dated brother :cheers:

Know that is a cool 7 shooter shot brother Joe :toothy10:

I wheeled this in Friday night
Mike, you are as worthless as a woodpecker with rubber lips. I hear you have two brains though. Ones the size of a bb and the others a little bitty sucker. Lol
I have goose pumps just thinking about that Geof

Mike, Mike, Mike,

You are going to get picked on here. I too thought the "seed channel" was funny. Until I read the line above.

I pictured a goose walking around in a pair of woman's pumps and you taking them from it. LMAO

Key's are in all of my car's for ya mike, when ya git back from your cruise we'll have a shot of something.....
I only have 2 things i would like to know about you, Mike.

How many keyboards have you gone through?

And the thing that i have always wondered about is why do you drink Bud Light?
I think it's the cool commercials with the cute chicks in them, and you want to support that and i don't blame you.
It can't be the beer.
Light beer and tequila shots? It doesn't make any sense to me.
What beer did you drink before they came out with light beer anyway?

I think we should set up a "Memike Canadian tour" so you can visit us all up here.
Give me your agent's number and we will go from there.
Maybe Bud Light will sponsor it.
Mike, you are as worthless as a woodpecker with rubber lips. I hear you have two brains though. Ones the size of a bb and the others a little bitty sucker. Lol
A woodpecker with rubber lips :toothy10::toothy7: Know that is the funniest thing I have herd in a long time :toothy10:=D>

I have goose pumps just thinking about that Geof

Mike, Mike, Mike,

You are going to get picked on here. I too thought the "seed channel" was funny. Until I read the line above.

I pictured a goose walking around in a pair of woman's pumps and you taking them from it. LMAO

lmao Jack, you have quit the imagination :mrgreen:
I need to find this Seed Channel everyone is talking about :mrgreen:
I must have posted it some where and spelled speed wrong :mrgreen:

Key's are in all of my car's for ya mike, when ya git back from your cruise we'll have a shot of something.....
Me!! on a cruise!! on ,in the ocean #-o Not me brother :pale: Never been on one and not sure if I ever will, know if I was the captain and was updated of what mother nature was up to maybe :pirate:
A boat the size of a small town is to much boat for me :glasses8:
I am more of a fishing boat person, that can get my butt back to land REAL quick :colors:
Quote=waggin Key's are in all of my car's for ya mike.
I bet you have a mason jar full :mrgreen: