Guns, Dogs and Blades QnA

Got it this far. Time to bush hog.
Youth deer season is in 3 weeks


So again with my ignorance of all things North hunting protocol, do you move it where you want it then remove at end of season or does it become permanently affixed to the earth?
I will anchor this but can be permanent on private land. State land is whole topic of its own. I’ve been blessed to have private property to hunt most of my life.
Kinda like shooting from your kitchen window only different. Lol
Maybe. But I’ve never shot a deer from the house, although there have been opportunities. Still on my bucket list! did shoot a big Tom turkey off the front porch during the BS shutdown of 2020 in a t shirt and pajama pants! Great memory!!
Funny thing as I write this I am sitting in my recliner on the front porch, the wind is right so I am watching it rain and not getting wet focused on a beautiful six point wide rack grazing on fence row in our lower pasture. Always amazes me how long they can stand perfectly still and wait you out. I got him in the binocs so I recognize who his Dad is! We just got done with a who moves first session as he busted me grabbing the binocs off our decorative high dollar wire wood spool table!

Kinda like shooting from your kitchen window only different. Lol
That's not hunting, hunting is packing several miles in to elk hunt and quartering your kill and packing it out, of course horses are part of the equation. lol
Usually pick off a deer on the way out.
I have a friend that scouts elk herds most of the summer into the season. He takes a 7x7 every year.
That's not hunting, hunting is packing several miles in to elk hunt and quartering your kill and packing it out, of course horses are part of the equation. lol
Usually pick off a deer on the way out.
I have a friend that scouts elk herds most of the summer into the season. He takes a 7x7 every year.

The year we got a bear we were five miles from camp. Thank God it wasn’t huge and after two miles my buddy flagged down a gas company truck driving the gas lines.
That's not hunting, hunting is packing several miles in to elk hunt and quartering your kill and packing it out, of course horses are part of the equation. lol
Usually pick off a deer on the way out.
I have a friend that scouts elk herds most of the summer into the season. He takes a 7x7 every year.
Last elk season, over ten days we averaged just under 13 miles per day on foot, and that is not flat ground! Elk hunting is brutal, physically. Is is all fun and games till ya get one on the ground.
What state do you hunt?
That particular hunt I am referring to was on the Strawberry in Idaho, so you know how rough that is. Wife harvested a six by six in a bottom canyon me and packboard got it out, just over two hours round trip to the flat. Toss a haunch and back down to the bottom. I left her in the bottom cutting while I was packing. It was what we call three step steep. Take three steps and rest! And you darn sure are using your hands to pull yourself up! Usually we hunted Eastern Oregon, but a buddy has a ranch so we hunted his ranch last time. Great memories but it ain’t easy! Hunting elk is hard work, as it should be. They are one of the most majestic creatures on earth.
That particular hunt I am referring to was on the Strawberry in Idaho, so you know how rough that is. Wife harvested a six by six in a bottom canyon me and packboard got it out, just over two hours round trip to the flat. Toss a haunch and back down to the bottom. I left her in the bottom cutting while I was packing. It was what we call three step steep. Take three steps and rest! And you darn sure are using your hands to pull yourself up! Usually we hunted Eastern Oregon, but a buddy has a ranch so we hunted his ranch last time. Great memories but it ain’t easy! Hunting elk is hard work, as it should be. They are one of the most majestic creatures on earth.
Foot note; we have a sizable Elk herd here in Arkansas, but I have yet to draw a tag. It is limited. Hope I draw one soon, while I can still walk! Hah!
Haven’t hunted in along time, but that might be changing. Off my back deck, Elk, Deer and Antelope



I was cleaning my old rifle after another hunting season closed, and thinking about where we went and the things we accomplished this year. I realized that this was the 25th season together. I thought back to many great adventures and wonder how many more there might be.

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I've only had to take my "other 340" out 3 times and I'm not nearly as nostalgic about those...

Y’all got me anxious about elk and I have to commit to only one weapon season in my area. I think I’ll take the rifle for a walk this year. I started a thread about it awhile ago and thought I’d drop it in here too. Good luck whatever you chase around out there.
Y’all got me anxious about elk and I have to commit to only one weapon season in my area. I think I’ll take the rifle for a walk this year. I started a thread about it awhile ago and thought I’d drop it in here too. Good luck whatever you chase around out there.
I think we should chase around “Capitalism the Unknown Ideal” or perhaps some “Blue Steel” hah! Love you signature line. She is my absolute favorite author bar none. Atlas Shrugged changed my life!
That's not hunting, hunting is packing several miles in to elk hunt and quartering your kill and packing it out, of course horses are part of the equation. lol
Usually pick off a deer on the way out.
I have a friend that scouts elk herds most of the summer into the season. He takes a 7x7 every year.
Id just as soon shoot the horse, i never had elk before, but horse is delicious
Id just as soon shoot the horse, i never had elk before, but horse is delicious
We got a steady diet of horse when overseas. It does in fact taste very similar to Elk. Yummy, super lean and maybe a bit tougher than cow but great flavor. I drew the line at ostrich when they served it rare and I am talking blue rare!
This is for @fishmens67 I am no Pat McManus but I will try.
Elk hunting is an annual ritual for our family. Having a range on your farm goes a long way towards a successful harvest. We worked the wife at 500 yard line all summer long in preparation of our last hunt. She is small in stature and stride but is pure lioness in heart and endurance. She will lay in the dirt rain or snow for days to harvest an Elk. Over the years I have become the “deer dog” and don’t even carry a rifle anymore. She gets so much satisfaction over it I get my “fix” by scouting and setting her up for success. Honestly it is more gratifying, may be why I am a Coach? Anyway the Bull presents itself, we range it and it is right at 520 yards. I ask if she wants to improve our position just a bit, she looks me in the eye, lowers her pack silently on the ground and drops down behind it, whispering “I got this”. She gets solid and asks for verification on yardage, I confirm. She makes a couple of adjustments on her scope I call the wind she adjusts and calmly takes a great shot. Bull drops and the cows surround him to protect him. We stayed like this for about four hours. With nightfall rapidly approaching I start to figure out my easiest path down into the canyon and back up to the bench we are on. It is an easy two hours down and back in the daylight, and knowing full well I will be pack boarding till dawn I wanted it to be as safe as possible as it was treacherous steep. We break out our caver lights and stash every thing non essential out of our packs up top on the bench to reduce weight load. I throw down a tarp and. secure it with rocks as a drop zone for the quarters. We look at each other and she smiles and we bail off the side of the mountain into the canyon bottom. We get to the Bull and start the process of making the meat manageable for pack boarding back up top. It is simply to steep for horses. As I roll into my first packboard I moan under the weight, we adjust it a bit to make sure it is secure, I loosen my knife and pistol making sure I can get to them, knowing full well I have a wolf and bear buffet table on my back. I start heading back up the mountain in four wheel drive, that means both hands and both feet all engaged so as the weight on my back does not topple me back off the mountain. I am thinking to my self as my clothes become saturated with blood from the Elk and I have zero spatial awareness, simply putting one foot in front of the other lunging for the next hand hold. I can read the headlines now, Marine comes home from desert alive only to be mauled by bear on mountain! I make it to the top unscathed, caver light askew and quads screaming. Then think of my wife still in the bottom of the canyon with her back to the woods focused on cutting up my next load. I hustle back down and she looks like a crime scene. But elated, sadly she already has my next load ready. With zero concern for my physical condition she already has the next packboard ready to go. In what can only be misguided macho I shrug and load up. By now it is midnight, and you do not know dark till you have been in a canyon bottom in the wilderness at night. I make sure I have spare caver and back up to the top I go, recognizing my hand holds and spots to rest makes this trip easier. By the time I get to the top I now think a bear or wolf is a mercy death and long to be saved from the at least two more trips up and down. I head back down, naturally she is all smiles as she is getting closer to being done. I start the trip back up but this time on sheer grit, nothing left in the tank, legs on fire, blood soaked to the skin, heart beating out of my chest and can’t breathe. I drop the packboard on the tarp and decide falling down the mountain is much more efficient and quicker. Once I arrest my fall and figure out where I am vs original path I head back over to rendezvous with wife who is now wrestling with the rack as she has the meat squared away. Suffice to say we made a few more trips down and up to the bench. We spent the next two days in camp healing up. That boys and girls is Elk hunting as we know it. Just a man and wife and our animals. No guides no fences no pay to play. Just plain hard work. We can’t wait for next year!
This is for @fishmens67 I am no Pat McManus but I will try.
Elk hunting is an annual ritual for our family. Having a range on your farm goes a long way towards a successful harvest. We worked the wife at 500 yard line all summer long in preparation of our last hunt. She is small in stature and stride but is pure lioness in heart and endurance. She will lay in the dirt rain or snow for days to harvest an Elk. Over the years I have become the “deer dog” and don’t even carry a rifle anymore. She gets so much satisfaction over it I get my “fix” by scouting and setting her up for success. Honestly it is more gratifying, may be why I am a Coach? Anyway the Bull presents itself, we range it and it is right at 520 yards. I ask if she wants to improve our position just a bit, she looks me in the eye, lowers her pack silently on the ground and drops down behind it, whispering “I got this”. She gets solid and asks for verification on yardage, I confirm. She makes a couple of adjustments on her scope I call the wind she adjusts and calmly takes a great shot. Bull drops and the cows surround him to protect him. We stayed like this for about four hours. With nightfall rapidly approaching I start to figure out my easiest path down into the canyon and back up to the bench we are on. It is an easy two hours down and back in the daylight, and knowing full well I will be pack boarding till dawn I wanted it to be as safe as possible as it was treacherous steep. We break out our caver lights and stash every thing non essential out of our packs up top on the bench to reduce weight load. I throw down a tarp and. secure it with rocks as a drop zone for the quarters. We look at each other and she smiles and we bail off the side of the mountain into the canyon bottom. We get to the Bull and start the process of making the meat manageable for pack boarding back up top. It is simply to steep for horses. As I roll into my first packboard I moan under the weight, we adjust it a bit to make sure it is secure, I loosen my knife and pistol making sure I can get to them, knowing full well I have a wolf and bear buffet table on my back. I start heading back up the mountain in four wheel drive, that means both hands and both feet all engaged so as the weight on my back does not topple me back off the mountain. I am thinking to my self as my clothes become saturated with blood from the Elk and I have zero spatial awareness, simply putting one foot in front of the other lunging for the next hand hold. I can read the headlines now, Marine comes home from desert alive only to be mauled by bear on mountain! I make it to the top unscathed, caver light askew and quads screaming. Then think of my wife still in the bottom of the canyon with her back to the woods focused on cutting up my next load. I hustle back down and she looks like a crime scene. But elated, sadly she already has my next load ready. With zero concern for my physical condition she already has the next packboard ready to go. In what can only be misguided macho I shrug and load up. By now it is midnight, and you do not know dark till you have been in a canyon bottom in the wilderness at night. I make sure I have spare caver and back up to the top I go, recognizing my hand holds and spots to rest makes this trip easier. By the time I get to the top I now think a bear or wolf is a mercy death and long to be saved from the at least two more trips up and down. I head back down, naturally she is all smiles as she is getting closer to being done. I start the trip back up but this time on sheer grit, nothing left in the tank, legs on fire, blood soaked to the skin, heart beating out of my chest and can’t breathe. I drop the packboard on the tarp and decide falling down the mountain is much more efficient and quicker. Once I arrest my fall and figure out where I am vs original path I head back over to rendezvous with wife who is now wrestling with the rack as she has the meat squared away. Suffice to say we made a few more trips down and up to the bench. We spent the next two days in camp healing up. That boys and girls is Elk hunting as we know it. Just a man and wife and our animals. No guides no fences no pay to play. Just plain hard work. We can’t wait for next year!

Im Going to stick to drag racing. Lol. That’s to much like work.