Guns, Dogs and Blades QnA

That is some throwback memories right there. I had a Mossberg pump in mine. In an old Chevy 79 4x4 that we hauled a fertilizer buggy with. It had cancer so bad around the fenders you could read thru it!
There was one spot next to the river we mined, a farmer planted feed corn and oats on it. It attracted quite a few Pheasants that often flew over his fence into the river :rolleyes: and than there were the Quail I could chase on the mine site with the skip loaders just for fun :lol:
Hard to have even trigger pull with a heavy rifle. That's most of it for me.
I look like I'm waving a flag with heavy rifles.
Hard to have even trigger pull with a heavy rifle. That's most of it for me.
I look like I'm waving a flag with heavy rifles.
They have a place but for me I like light and fast. I want heavy, I want Barrett! And lord knows there is a place for big heavy rifles. But these students likely had zero hours in practice, then tried to hold up big heavy F style (satire) heavy rifles standing unsupported! Heavy means supported! Great group but sometimes folks just don’t know what they don’t know. Reckon that is why we teach! That’s why you guys on this forum line our wheels when we ask why can’t I paint the engine bay black!
That’s why you guys on this forum line our wheels when we ask why can’t I paint the engine bay black!

Lol. Is this wrong!!!
That’s why you guys on this forum line our wheels when we ask why can’t I paint the engine bay black!

Lol. Is this wrong!!!
I dunno?

Looks great to me.
Hah! An engine bay only a racer could love. Absolutely nuthin in there that don’t make car go forward! You would love the dash John, it is fiberglass as well! Toggle switches for the win! Sometimes I drive it to car shows and the parents can’t believe I let their kids sit in it. I strap them in and let them ham it up for the camera. I mean seriously….what can they possibly hurt? The roll bar? I guess they could pull the pin on fire suppression? The kids absolutely love being able to sit in it. I need to add some pretend wipers! I added some harvest bin lights in front cause they were round. They pass muster on a quick walk by at car shows for the guys with badges, the guys with score sheets, not so much! Hah!
Hah! An engine bay only a racer could love. Absolutely nuthin in there that don’t make car go forward! You would love the dash John, it is fiberglass as well! Toggle switches for the win! Sometimes I drive it to car shows and the parents can’t believe I let their kids sit in it. I strap them in and let them ham it up for the camera. I mean seriously….what can they possibly hurt? The roll bar? I guess they could pull the pin on fire suppression? The kids absolutely love being able to sit in it. I need to add some pretend wipers! I added some harvest bin lights in front cause they were round. They pass muster on a quick walk by at car shows for the guys with badges, the guys with score sheets, not so much! Hah!

Almost that time of year again. I’ll be taking the kids out this weekend.
I should try it sometime, but I can't be still that long

I tried duck and squirrel hunting, but to no avail
Well we are in the midst of dove season here. Our boy swung by the house mooched dinner then drove about two hours and spent the night sleeping at a truck stop in his truck so he would be fresh for the dove opener. Guess what I have been prepping tonight? Yep we are serving dove for dinner on Thursday. Gonna be yummy!
Pardon my ignorance, but I am not a hunter. First, I would have thought that the stand would be much higher off the ground. Second, what is youth deer season? Is there a separate season specially for taking your kids hunting?
This one is not very high because the longest shot is only about 60 yards. If I went really high, I’d have to shoot nearly straight down or at a very steep angle. The one deeper on my property is 10’ off the ground but I can shoot potentially out to 200 yards.

Some states have youth hunts but not all. In Michigan, they have two days to go out ahead of the regular hunting seasons starting. The number of hunters has been declining for years so the state does it to try to get kids interested in the sport. They have to be supervised by an adult so it’s not just sending kids into the woods with firearms. Supposed to be mid-80’s here this weekend so I don’t have my hopes set too high. However, God is in control and He can make anything happen!
Pretty sure I haven’t shared this before. This is a spotting scope my dad made when he was in the army 1950-1952. Put her to use on the range today.

Man, horrible news, this happened on the 4th and I just saw it.

RIP Paul Harrell

While I did not always agree with him I do think he always gave it his best shot! And I also think he was a genuine good dude. Please don’t quote me but I think he was well North of a million followers and actually made money in this crazy industry. That should tell ya something about him.
This one is not very high because the longest shot is only about 60 yards. If I went really high, I’d have to shoot nearly straight down or at a very steep angle. The one deeper on my property is 10’ off the ground but I can shoot potentially out to 200 yards.

Some states have youth hunts but not all. In Michigan, they have two days to go out ahead of the regular hunting seasons starting. The number of hunters has been declining for years so the state does it to try to get kids interested in the sport. They have to be supervised by an adult so it’s not just sending kids into the woods with firearms. Supposed to be mid-80’s here this weekend so I don’t have my hopes set too high. However, God is in control and He can make anything happen!
Thanks. I never went hunting or fishing as a kid, so I never got into it. I really think it is great for a father and son to have something they can do together.
Thanks. I never went hunting or fishing as a kid, so I never got into it. I really think it is great for a father and son to have something they can do together.
That is one true statement right there. I also work for Game and Fish as a Hunters Education Instructor. I cannot tell you how many Fathers and Sons or Daughters come to class as a pair. The parent and often times the grandparent will sit thru the class with their little one. It is just the coolest thing ever. Right up until little Johnny starts asking very direct questions over legality scenarios! Children think in straight lines with no guile. The “what if” questions are classic. You can see the adult squirm on occasion. The questions are far too detailed to not be based on real life, usually they are around duck hunting or road deer hunting. I simply answer the question and figure the rest is up to them to sort out at home! The question usually starts with “What if you stop the truck when you see the deer and get out of the truck before you shoot is that ok?” Only thing missing is hold my beer!
That is one true statement right there. I also work for Game and Fish as a Hunters Education Instructor. I cannot tell you how many Fathers and Sons or Daughters come to class as a pair. The parent and often times the grandparent will sit thru the class with their little one. It is just the coolest thing ever. Right up until little Johnny starts asking very direct questions over legality scenarios! Children think in straight lines with no guile. The “what if” questions are classic. You can see the adult squirm on occasion. The questions are far too detailed to not be based on real life, usually they are around duck hunting or road deer hunting. I simply answer the question and figure the rest is up to them to sort out at home! The question usually starts with “What if you stop the truck when you see the deer and get out of the truck before you shoot is that ok?” Only thing missing is hold my beer!

I took my hunter’s safety class at my local YMCA to get my license when I was old enough to hunt. Years later a local sportsman club with an indoor range had another safety class. This one involved range shooting after each class with our 22 rifles. I put a sling on my gun for the class as that was part of the instruction learning how to shoot with one in all positions. I think 4 of us signed up for the class from my small neighborhood. What a great time we had.
I just got certified as a state Hunter Safety instructor. Interesting for sure-lots of politics at the Conservation Officer level and above. I’m a volunteer and am there to help train the kids.
I just got certified as a state Hunter Safety instructor. Interesting for sure-lots of politics at the Conservation Officer level and above. I’m a volunteer and am there to help train the kids.
Super congrats and thank you so much for throwing in to help. You will find most every guy or girl at our level as Instructors simply wants to teach and could care less about the politics. Again just a great big ok thank you to ya! You won’t regret it. It is a lot of fun.