Nice Work! That aught to hold it in place...lol
I'm hoping to find something more along the lines of a trans mount that will work.
Well For some reason I cannot upload the picture of the trans mount Insulator but if you go to any part store and ask for part number 2659 you can get one. Google will show a picture of it. You only have to ream out a bolt hole slightly.
As for the mount I am still going to weld the back piece which will box it in on the bottom. Two Grade 8 bolts should hold it in place, but I am considering adding another hole as a security measure. With the weight of the trans even if the nuts came off those bolts would not move, But I am not going to take that chance, trust me.
With the weather the way it has been I finally finished it and wanted to show you guys what I had so far.
It is a solid piece and I am sure it will hold with no issue even the way it sits.
Tincup Maybe I should finish mine like you did. Did you use a dremmel or just a drill for that?
I finally got that stinkin' bushing out, thanks T-grainger, I would have been there all week with pullers, they don't work. There is a bevel on the back side that prevents any type of puller from grabbing. Die grinder and carbide, went through it like butter.....:cheers:
I assume you are talking about the bushing in the bck of the crank??
WE tac welded a piece of pipe to the bushing and used a slide hammer. Piece of cake getting it out.