Hockey fans



19? Plymouth Scampenstein
Oct 7, 2010
Reaction score
Taylor, MI
Is it just me or are you sick and tired of Gary Bettman forcing Sidney Crosby down our throats?

Sure they guy is talented offensively. But IMO he doesnt work hard. It seems like he lets his linemates work their tails off to set him up. And he is not the end all of hockey they are making him out to be.

Truthfully, if this guy had a career ending injury i think the sport woud be better off for it.
SICK OF SIDNEY MYSELF! Second time in four years Penguins are in Winter Classic and they are on NBC all the time too along with the Rangers who suck.

Canadian Fans have the same problem with the Leafs. Every year they get their hopes up, then Toronto crashes, but that's all the Canadian Media can talk about is how to fix them.

Canadian FABO members (who are hockey fans) wouldn't it be fun to see some good games in that 7PM HNIC broadcast? Even if it was, say for example, St. Louis Blues vs. Chicago Black Hawks?
You know why I stopped watching hockey. Gretzky !! Gretzky this and Gretzky that. The Edmonton Gretzkys. If the guy had to play like a man like every other player in the league, his ' legacy ' would have been a whole different story.
It was great to watch the Flyers end pitts 12 game win streak. I think that was the 3rd time we beat Cry Baby Crosby and the Pens this year.
Let`s Go Flyers!!!!
People..people...Crosby is a great player...Yes. BUT there are alot of great players in the league. I agree when it comes down to commentators and Bettman on and on about Crosby. Remember....Hes not doing this its all the other idiots who dont really no anything about the game. As far as i see it...Fighting should be there and you wont have the cheap **** happening. Crosby wil drop the gloves and so will OV. This is one thing i have to say thats different than Gretzky...Hell Mario dropped them from time to time.............JM2C.........Go leafs Go........Some day
I can't remember the other player involved but during a game Gretzky took a really hard hit. It was also a really CLEAN hit. Well all hell broke loose and at the end there's little Wayne standing 'behind' his players and yelling at the guy and waiving his finger at him. God that was funny. And your right it is the announcers and such. When he went to LA where were the cups? Maybe it wasn't Wayne after all. And tell me it wasn't his wife that made him move to Los Angeles so she could pursue her career as an actress. What a pussy.
I agree for the most part with Nite Moves. Not on the OV thing though, 2 fights in 5 years?? He aint no fighter, but he can play a physical game of hockey. I have no issues with Crosby, he is one fantastic hockey player that Bettman is riding the hell out of. Hey its not rocket science that the US market is suffering, so Bettman has to do something. Florida has 2 teams??? WTF is that? Dallas?? Phoenix??No support down there whatsoever for hockey. Hey its just the way it is, but you can bet your *** that if a franchise was failing at one of their locations it sure wouldnt be too long before the doors were closed or it was sold! Crosby and Gretzky didnt invent the game but they sure as hell know how to play it! The NHL and Bettman are the ones ramming it down our throats, not them. Dont get me wrong here Train, but as much as I didnt like the style that Gretzky played, he was amazing!! He has more assists than anyone has total combined points, that should tell ya somethin. I like the physical style of hockey and prefer it when there is about 3 fights per game. When was the last time a Canadian team won the cup?? 93 Montreal wasnt it? I have been a life long leafs fan and will till the day I die, so when I was growing up I hated Montreal..thats just what ya did. Now though, any Canadian team makes it into the playoffs and I am cheering for them. So seeing how long the drought has been for Canada, bring back the Edmonton Gretzky's and the coke sniffin Grant Fuhr and cementhead Semenko, so at least Canada can have a taste of the cup....or I could just wait for the World Juniors and for Canada to exact some revenge on the US this year....
The last time I cheered for a team was when the flames won the cup. I knew it was Lannies last season and thought it would be nice if he had a cup under his belt.

Dragtop, we're talking about a guy who was off limits as far as hitting was concerned. So if your skating along and know your not going to get your *** kicked, of course your games going to be on a different level.
The 'kid" is a great player i bet all you haters wish he was on your team..and he's from Nova Scotia which makes him even better cause' we all know the greatest hockey players come from Canada..
:cheers:Since its a hockey topic....Heres something that should get you going....A few years ago Todd bertuzi was out for a year. I agree he shouldnt have done what he did.This is what really pisses me off. The League suspended him for just over a year...Did he do the damage or was it the 4 to 6 players that jumped on them aftr the two went to the ice? If he was a man and faught Bertuzi none of this what have happened. I KNOW that a fractured neck is bad,,,,Hey the guy was on TV with a soft philli collar......Bullshit. A fracture can be out of your skin or a tiny bone fragment ripped off buy a ligament......Im a Ortho Tech.The issue that really does it that hes suspended for a year for delibrate injury.........I Ask you all...What the F$%K is the difference from that and checking someone from behind into the boards or leaving your feet to hit someone in the head or two handing someone in the head body or anywhere else. The league is full of assholes running it that have no clue. Most of the commentators on TSN regarding hokey>>>>>>>>>SUCK. Bob mckenzie wouldnt know how to skate and the bald idiot Maguire has always negative **** to say until the player makes him eat there words,,,,,,,,,Sorry venting. As for the Leafs.........They will never win the cup when they are owned buy Teachers,,,Hell they only work 9 months and need PA days and time to prepare for there day.........What a crock. Im Blue through and through. Leafs are my team since i can remember........JM2C.....BTW Bring back fighting , get rid of the stupid instigater rule. hell the old days they got in a scrap and then had a beer together after the game..........Lack of repect for each other
People..people...Crosby is a great player...Yes. BUT there are alot of great players in the league. I agree when it comes down to commentators and Bettman on and on about Crosby. Remember....Hes not doing this its all the other idiots who dont really no anything about the game. As far as i see it...Fighting should be there and you wont have the cheap **** happening. Crosby wil drop the gloves and so will OV. This is one thing i have to say thats different than Gretzky...Hell Mario dropped them from time to time.............JM2C.........Go leafs Go........Some day

Sorry, but I have to disagree with this statement.

That is the main reason that I no longer watch NHL hockey. It sucks. Plain and simple. It's all about the money. Too many games, too many teams, and too many marginal players.

I doubt that there are even 20 great players in the league at this moment. I know that Vancouver doesn't have a great player. Maybe a few very good ones, like the Sedins and Luongo, but no great ones.

I've been a Bruins fan for decades, we did have some great players, but not for a few years now.

There's no doubt about it, Crosby is a great player. A bit of a whiner and kinda wimpy, but he is in a category with only a few other current players. So the NHL does have to ride on his coattails to attract fans. Really, who's gonna cheer for OV? Not too many people, unless you're a Caps fan, or maybe Russian.:toothy10:

But one thing for sure. Bettman is an a$$.


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As a long suffering Leaf fan, I have found a lot of the games more enjoyable this year. I know that Bettmen would never allow the Leafs to build a great team, but His promotion of Crosby is downright embarrasing.

.....and who holds a draft lottery behind closed doors anyway? :angry7:
I live in pohoenix and support the coyotes 15-20 games a year. I am NOT a fan because, as Journey sang I was "born and raised in south detroit".... no not windsor. but youre right... 2 FL teams, dallas, Phoenix, 2 in LA... REALLY? Yet no teams in winnipeg, quebec city, london, (need i continue?)

stroked 340. I would shoot myself in the face if Cindy Crysby became a wing.

Gary Bettman is ruining the game by making it 100% a business and 0% a sport. It should be 100% a sport and the business side of it will take care of itself. Can we send him back to the NBA and make Shanahan the commish? well... his idea for the all star game was pretty stupid... but a REAL hockey guy.... Tie Domi or Dino Ciccarelli. Hell... even Don Cherry.
Back to Crosby...
Couple of seasons ago I saw him whining about a high-sticking penalty while his stick was still jammed in the goalie's mask. I just can't see winning that argument, no matter who you are.
Sorry to tell you cry babies but Sid is the best player on the planet right now so your going to hear alot about him. And FYI, the NHL needs players like Sid.... and Wendel Clark! How luckey am I to get to see, Lemieux, Malkin, Crosby, Yags, Coffee and the list goes on and on.........
is it just me or are you sick and tired of gary bettman forcing sidney crosby down our throats?

Sure they guy is talented offensively. But imo he doesnt work hard. It seems like he lets his linemates work their tails off to set him up. And he is not the end all of hockey they are making him out to be.

Truthfully, if this guy had a career ending injury i think the sport woud be better off for it.
you are a piece of ****--******* moron
Sorry to tell you cry babies but Sid is the best player on the planet right now so your going to hear alot about him. And FYI, the NHL needs players like Sid.... and Wendel Clark! How luckey am I to get to see, Lemieux, Malkin, Crosby, Yags, Coffee and the list goes on and on.........

Thats a pretty good list but i saw Bobby Orr play..the "Greastest" to ever lace them up...
Sorry to tell you cry babies but Sid is the best player on the planet right now so your going to hear alot about him. And FYI, the NHL needs players like Sid.... and Wendel Clark! How luckey am I to get to see, Lemieux, Malkin, Crosby, Yags, Coffee and the list goes on and on.........

If you want a list..

Howe, Able, Delvecchio, Sawchuk, Ullman, Lindsay, Yzerman, Lidstrom, Shanahan, Fedorov, Larionov, Fetisov, Datsyuk, Zetterberg....i could go on. Not to mention Journeymen the wings have taken under their winged wheel like Wendel Clark, Robataille, Ciccarelli......etc

3 cups to 11.

But that isnt what this thread is about.

Funny how only people form pittsburgh, and gary bettman and his minions say what youre saying.

Lets get down to it.... Back to the roots of Hockey. Ask Canadians. Every Canadian posting on this thread seems to agree with me that they are riding this Crosby train into the ground and taking the NHL along with them.
Crosby is a great player and probably the best in the NHL right now. My kids idolize him and he is a great role model for them. In fact both my kids want to play for the penguins when they grow up. He puts 100% effort into all his games and deserves all the credit he receives. I am glad he is on our team during the Olympics!

As for Bobby Orr being the greatest player, I am not sure of this. Although Bobby is still my favorite all time player and he was by far the best in his era, I often wonder how he would do against players of today. The time when Bobby entered the league, it was only a few years after a major expansion and the talent was somewhat watered down compared to the original six days. In my opinion the players of today are stronger, faster and have better skills than in the past. This is due to better training, better equipment and better performance enhancing substances (legal or not).

Now if Bobby Orr had grown up at the same time as Sid the kid, I'd give the advantage to Orr....

And yes Bettman is an idiot