Homeless Issues and Support



Well-Known Member
May 20, 2010
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Kelowna, British Columbia
I know that it seems everyone is asking for money and I dont want to be one of "those people" who are constantly looking for others to fund their cause. I just thought that I would share as I am proud that our son is trying to help out and make a difference.

Our son Ryan is spending five consecutive days and nights outside in Ottawa in order to raise awareness for homeless issues. If you click on the link you will find his bio second from last. If you feel so inclined please show your support!

Carleton University | 5 Days for the Homeless
as I commend your son for his work with the home less, I have to say I have much first hand experience with them on a daily basis. I am a park specialist for one of the largest cities in Oregon .the Homeless problem is A very complex one there are as many reasons as people out there. but a very large percentage of street people are there because thy have no desire to live within the constraints of society many are predatorial and dangers there life is to take trash and give back nothing.so I hope his eyes are open to the dangers of his undertaking!
Having tried to show someone a different way to go about life I wish him luck...... He will need it.... As for those who are truly "stuck" I hope he accomplishes what in his mind will help the situation....

As for the dangers, it is real. Too many people on the street really and truly don't give a crap about what we think how a somewhat normal society should act.... In other words, if they do something that can't be undone and the next step is 3 hots and a cot they are perfectly fine with it....

Generating money to throw at this problem is not the deal. On the other hand I have no solutions. WA state (example) is now claiming that opioid deaths is an epidemic and outnumber car crash deaths. Over 700 in 2015 if you believe the numbers. Spokamentro and the area is a gigantic pipeline for meth. For years and YEARS Spokane was in the top 6 in the country--by population--for car thefts. The situation has not gotten much better.

I don't go to Spokane much.........I live in Idaho, but I worked 2 different jobs there at different times and different fields. I WAS A VICTIM OF ATTEMPTED assault or mugging TWICE. Once was at a remote radio site near Othello WA called "RADAR Hill"
WTF.. get a job.. and work like most people.. if u can't find a job.. then move.. and find a job... And if one can't do that? Don't be a burden on the working class..
I commend the effort, but the problem isn’t that simple. Around 45% of homeless people are that way because of mental illness and no access to treatment. They are scared, mentally ill and fear society.

The solution is in medical treatment for their illness along with a path of support back to a normal productive life. Just giving them a place to stay isn’t the answer. The money needs to go to the treatment of their mental illness and the support systems to help them recover.

Only about 15% of homeless people just need some money to help get them back on their feet. The rest need a whole lot more.
Sam Kinison summed it up well.

If you can't make it in America, where exactly do you plan to make it?

I've been homeless 3 times. Each time got a little easier as I had more experience with it, but I also had lots of supportive friends.
That said, I find it hard to be "generally" supportive. I won't hand 'em cash, but I'll buy them a meal and I'll give them work if I have it to give.

Sadly, haven't had many that will take what I offer.
I commend the effort, but the problem isn’t that simple. Around 45% of homeless people are that way because of mental illness and no access to treatment. They are scared, mentally ill and fear society.

The solution is in medical treatment for their illness along with a path of support back to a normal productive life. Just giving them a place to stay isn’t the answer. The money needs to go to the treatment of their mental illness and the support systems to help them recover.

Only about 15% of homeless people just need some money to help get them back on their feet. The rest need a whole lot more.
Do you believe what you just wrote? Most homeless want nothing more than enough money to score their next fix! 33 years dealing as a F/F with the same BS stories I heard every shift. Rehab has a 70% failure rate. Sorry but I get so tired of hearing the "need help" story. Ok I'll shut up and bow out.
Mental illness is the main reason for homelessness, at least up here in Canada anyone get a welfare check its unfortunately mainly a choice.
I commend what your son id doing! No ands, ifs or buts. He is trying to make a difference. More than most here are doing......even myself.
Generating money to throw at this problem is not the deal. On the other hand I have no solutions. WA state (example) is now claiming that opioid deaths is an epidemic and outnumber car crash deaths. Over 700 in 2015 if you believe the numbers. Spokamentro and the area is a gigantic pipeline for meth. For years and YEARS Spokane was in the top 6 in the country--by population--for car thefts. The situation has not gotten much better.

I don't go to Spokane much.........I live in Idaho, but I worked 2 different jobs there at different times and different fields. I WAS A VICTIM OF ATTEMPTED assault or mugging TWICE. Once was at a remote radio site near Othello WA called "RADAR Hill"

Holy crap, thanks for the info, I'll tell our Eastern Division tech in case he goes there for any reason.
Do you believe what you just wrote? Most homeless want nothing more than enough money to score their next fix! 33 years dealing as a F/F with the same BS stories I heard every shift. Rehab has a 70% failure rate. Sorry but I get so tired of hearing the "need help" story. Ok I'll shut up and bow out.
Yes, those are the facts of the matter. Rehab isnt the answer either. The root of the issue is far deeper. Score for their next fix, yeah that’s part of the issue too. Around 35% are addicted to drugs and alcohol in addition to other issues.

What the homeless want is irrelevant...what they need is.
Homeless, how can you fix the problem when they don't want the help? WE have spent over $22 Trillion on poverty in the last 50 years, and guess what: We still got poor people! And every one of us is a little poorer because of it too. Homeless is a huge prob around here. We just kicked out 700 'residents' of a tent city next to Anaheim Stadium, squatting in the flood control channel. Tons of garbage, feces and thousands of needles: Nice place to ride on the bike path, eh? We gave them 30 day motel vouchers and expect 70% of them back in the ditch by April, with new bed linen! There was a dude that lived there for 25 years! Its strange, we want to 'save' them more than they want to be saved. A plan floating around is to offer aid only to CA residents and bus the 'visitors' back to their home states. Man, I'd hate to be the guy sitting next to him for 200 miles!
I worked the 10-7pm shift in Downtown Long Beach for the phone company. In the winter months, I rarely left the truck after sunset. Now that I do cable maintenance, I work longer hours and there is always a 2nd or 3rd guy helping you after dark. Way too sketchy areas to have a $100,000 truck full of tools sitting on a dark street while your in the manhole. The freaks come out at night....save them? ~5 times a day Im approached for money. Ill give them a mint, that's about it.
Do you believe what you just wrote? Most homeless want nothing more than enough money to score their next fix! 33 years dealing as a F/F with the same BS stories I heard every shift. Rehab has a 70% failure rate. Sorry but I get so tired of hearing the "need help" story. Ok I'll shut up and bow out.

Was a story in the Macon Telegraph years ago about one of the "regulars" at a real busy intersection close to the river in Macon. He routinely stayed under the Spring Street Bridge. Once he got busted and the cops found over 5K dollars on him. He told them he had made it in less than two weeks. LOL You're damn right that a lot of the homeless are perfectly sane and scammin however they can to get by. I still have my soft spot though. I do believe there are those who are honestly helplessly lost and do need help........but we caint save everybody and that's the cold hard truth.
Think of the Beaver life. You don't work and you won't live. There is no other option. Though there is some cruelty in that statement it is exactly what we need without Government intervention. How we help those that truly need help is above my paygrade and certainly don't have the answer but a Government that enables a problem in society will never change course.....

Some days I come home dirty, tired, and smelling from work. It's what I do. I have made alot more doing alot less but this is my "fix" during the week. I wish more people could see it like I do. There is something to be said about moving a pile of rocks from here to over there......
