Hope Lives On!!



Mar 19, 2006
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Central Coast of California
To All A Body Lovers,
It has been awhile since I visited or posted anything on this site. It was not because I didn't want to or that anyone pushed me away. I had my life take a different direction this year. Instead of finishing the engine for the 61 Lancer, I had way too many visits to Dr's. I discovered a lump in my neck in March. For the record, the statisics show that 90%+ of all lumps in the neck of adults are cancerous. Yep, mine was too. This is my second round of neck cancer so I knew what to expect. What I didn't expect was the place I would have the tumor removed. I found the City of Hope Cancer Center in Duarte, California. I now know that if I ever have another tumor I will only go one place for treatment. It was a great experience as cancer treatment experiences go. They treated me like a King. Including giving me anything I wanted to eat at all hours of the day and night. It is the place ot go if you ask me.

Now to all of you out there who may not relate to this post. I was going through life without a care in the world two years ago when this hit me. It completely changed my life then and it is reshaping me still. My priorites have changed and I now look at life differently. Better appreciating the things that matter most. I offer the following advise. If you suddenly feel different or notice a change in your body. Don't do the man thing and ignore it. It can kill you. Get it checked out and know what you face good or bad. So there you have it. Take it or leave it. I just am glad that I am feeling better and should be back to playing with cars soon. I'll keep you posted on what I decide to build now that I may have less time to build something. I may only get one more shot and want to build something that has meaning to me and my wife. Bye for now.

Hemi Man Dan
Great message and advice, Glad you are doing so well. My buddy just passed away a couple days ago (heart attack} at the age of 49. Your right, life around you or things that happen to you do and SHOULD make you appreciate life more but so many people don't get the message.
My father passed away 4 years ago from esophagus cancer caused by years of being obese, eating the wrong foods, little exercise, and never going to a doctor for his constant heart burn. A visit to the doctor and some Nexium may well have prolonged his life.

I have lost 40 pounds and go for a 4 mile walk almost everyday and lift weights because of the message I got when I saw my father die. I to was having heartburn and no energy because I was so out of shape and obese.

A couple years ago I also passed on the message to my buddy that just died. He was obese and having a lot of related health problems. He either did not listen to my message or did not have the ability to make the changes to improve his health.

Anyhow, thanks again for the message and motivation. It can help some of us who are paying attention.
Without your health there`s not much else that matters. I hope you can kick this cancers butt and be back on track again soon!
Sorry to hear about the cancer, I hope you are fighting it will everything you got.

1. If you want to build something quick and painlessly, go find yourself a car that has all the body and paint work done. DOn't be too picky on the Make and model. A good starting point is a 70-73 Dart. Look on Craigslist or Ebay (you might pay a premium on Ebay though)

2. Suspension & Chassis. Buy ready to bolt on assemblies. Like RMS Alterkation front K member, suspension, brakes, engine mounts. They also have a 4 link retofit rear suspension kit for the back end.

3. Buy a complete transmission assemblies like the Passion manuals or TCI for an automatic. This will save you a lot of time.

4. Engines. If you want to save yourself a lot of time, buy yourself a complete crate motor, the new mopar modern Hemi's are great, ready to run, reliable. They are also easy to find.

5. Exhaust. Buy a ready to bolt on TTI system. From headers to the tailpipes, its easy to install and it fits.

6. Also, make it nice to drive, get a whole interior kit from Year One.

Also, don't be afraid to tell people when ordering parts you story, let them know you have cancer and ask if they can expedite your parts.

Good luck, let us know what you have chosen.
Way to go Dan!
Keep up the good spirit, this is advice that all of us can use.
Glad to hear you're doing better.
Thanks for sharing your story. It's important for people to hear from their peers about these things. Hiding from it, or denying it, will kill you.

About 4 years ago, my father was diagnosed with prostate cancer, and had prostate surgury. So far he's been fine, and cancer free.

In 1994 I was visiting my father in North Carolina, and was rear ended by a drunk driver. I had x-rays of my neck, and they noticed shadows that weren't supposed to be there. I had tumors on my thyroid, and had it removed. I'm a 13 year cancer survivor, but I still have yearly testing. Before getting into the accident I wouldn't even go near a doctor's office. "Me get sick? YA RIGHT!!!". Too much damn testosterone in the room. I guess getting in the accident saved my life.
Stay positive, and get checked regularly. Regards, Tim.
Sorry to hear about the cancer...it is funny how something so detrimental can be turned into something positive isn't it? When I found out just how bad off my husband was with his health (two shoulder replacements-got hep c from blood transfusions during those surgeries, and had the two arteries that run inside the spinal column in his neck stretched from that accident I posted in the welcome wagon forum, stenosis of the spine, etc.) it woke me up and showed me just what is the most important thing on the face of this earth...spend time with loved ones and blow off the little things that won't matter tomorrow anyway.
Keep the Faith HemiMan............I'm sure we'll all be prayin' for a LOT of productive years ahead for you and the family, and that your next project will be the best of all.

Later........... Doc
Glad you are doing well and wan't to start a new project.
Your word's and and experience of how you have delt with this,
and the good advice of where to go take care of cancer will help some folks out, that may have to go through this.
I do admire you Chin up attitude and hope if I have to deal with this I can be as strong and helpful as you.
My prayer's go out to you and your wife.
Hope you and your wife find a great car you will enjoy and finish.

Thank you Hemi Man Dan for the heads up this life can hand anyone.
I will be looking forword to your next post.:read2: