House Hunting!

Thanks Mike and Buddy! :cheers: I hope to know more later this afternoon.

Getting ready to leave for a first time home buyers class. Knowledge is power.

Very smart idea. Also good to remember: be logical, avoid allowing your emotions to affect your decision.
I sure hope it all works out for you, ramcharger.
Boy, you sure do get a lot for your money in Colorado compared to here, for the same place here you would be paying at least 100 grand more.
Very smart idea. Also good to remember: be logical, avoid allowing your emotions to affect your decision.

Roger that goldfish!

I sure hope it all works out for you, ramcharger.
Boy, you sure do get a lot for your money in Colorado compared to here, for the same place here you would be paying at least 100 grand more.

Economy sucks here, that's why it's so relatively cheap..

Seller accepted my bid! :cheers::cheers::cheers: I've jumped through my hoops, now it's up to the house to pass though it's trials (Inspections, etc.). :D

BTW, I highly recommend a first time home buyers class. It was a really intense 6 hours but was worth every minute and it was free. They offered free calculators, pens etc. I brought my own so I didn't take any free stuff. I'd rather have it go to someone who really needs it, like the disabled Marine who sat next to me. He lost a leg and two fingers in Vietnam. I helped him out with some stuff he couldn't easily manage and thanked him for his service at the end of the class. :)
"Hop in my Chrysler,
it's as big as a whale
and it's about to set sail!
I got me a car, it seats about twenty
So c'mon and bring your jukebox money."

[ame=""]The B52's - Love Shack - YouTube[/ame]
A great day to look back on Joe :cheers: I am so so happy for you :blob: and proud to call you a friend.
Helping everyone here with so much and helping the disabled Marine who sat next to you keeps faith there are still some good folks out there
6 hours :eek:ops: that would give me more info then I could absorb :D Treva would have to go with me
Congratulations brother, I would have a drink with you but all I have is beer:eek:ops:
A good hot shot of whisky would sure hit the spot :D
I don't drink beer if I have the crud, stuffed up head and congested cough and beer is not best
I hold my hot cup of Apple Cider high in the air to your great day :coffee2::cheers:

Treva said congratulation to, she is doing her e-bay store thing :glasses7:
Could not resist :D It's getting late and it's time for a good nights sleep 8)


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A great day to look back on Joe :cheers: I am so so happy for you :blob: and proud to call you a friend.
Helping everyone here with so much and helping the disabled Marine who sat next to you keeps faith there are still some good folks out there
6 hours :eek:ops: that would give me more info then I could absorb :D Treva would have to go with me
Congratulations brother, I would have a drink with you but all I have is beer:eek:ops:
A good hot shot of whisky would sure hit the spot :D
I don't drink beer if I have the crud, stuffed up head and congested cough and beer is not best
I hold my hot cup of Apple Cider high in the air to your great day :coffee2::cheers:

Treva said congratulation to, she is doing her e-bay store thing :glasses7:

Could not resist :D It's getting late and it's time for a good nights sleep 8)

Mike, you are 100% correct, no beer if you got the crud and take care my friend! Thank you for all for your support over the years and be sure I said "Hello" to Treva as well. You all are welcome in this home IF it all works out.

Thanks for the picture Brother. It really looks like this might really happen! Prayer does work if I only ask for God's will, no more. Of course, I could get another lesson in paitence and disapointment. I'd like to think I've paid my dues, but that's not for me to decide. I'm just some motorcycle riding mopar idiot. :-D
Once again, that pic ROCKS!!!!!

Mike, this song has nothing to with a house, but what the heck!

[ame=""]Led Zeppelin - The Ocean - YouTube[/ame]
I love this song.... Don't mean to Ramble on....

[ame=""]Led Zeppelin - Ramble On - YouTube[/ame]
Congrats! Been lurking in the the poopshooters have a place of thier own to "decorate"!
:eek:ccasion::eek:ccasion::eek:ccasion::eek:ccasion::eek:ccasion:Congratulations Joe!!!

Have you done much PEX? I might be able to give you some pointers if you need any. Just remember the way you store your PEX has a big difference on if it fails. I love using PEX and it is great stuff.
Congrats Joe!!! Now you're a land baron - or is that land barren? LOL
The poop shooters are gonna be really happy now. You're gonna have fun out in your big garage! It's always much more fun working on the place you live in when it belongs to you. And a great tax write-off as well.
When's the housewarming? Oh yeah, you're in Colorado - housewarming will be after the spring thaw!
Again, congrats! Great news!!!
Ol Jerry new how to throw a house warming party.

R.I.P. Jerry and thank you for all the laughs

[ame=""]Jerry Reed -- Amos Moses - YouTube[/ame]
Well my mortgage broker was completely confused bt the loan so I just went directly to a lender. I took time off yesterday to get everything sorted out and everything is still a go so far. I have to get a engineers report first, then the appraisal, then the regular inspection. Closing has been moved up to 12/16. This will be a nice Christmas present if everything works out.

Congrats Joe!Hope it all works out for you,no more paying RENT for another persons gain.:D

Thanks pettyblue!

:eek:ccasion::eek:ccasion::eek:ccasion::eek:ccasion::eek:ccasion:Congratulations Joe!!!

Have you done much PEX? I might be able to give you some pointers if you need any. Just remember the way you store your PEX has a big difference on if it fails. I love using PEX and it is great stuff.

THANKS OKCC! I do know that sunlight breaks this stuff down fast and have seen it done, but I'll definitely be asking questions. Thanks so much for the offer of help!

Party at Joe's place, excellent news Joe, I'm sure the twins will love their new digs (literally).

:D Thanks DS!

Congrats Joe!!! Now you're a land baron - or is that land barren? LOL
The poop shooters are gonna be really happy now. You're gonna have fun out in your big garage! It's always much more fun working on the place you live in when it belongs to you. And a great tax write-off as well.
When's the housewarming? Oh yeah, you're in Colorado - housewarming will be after the spring thaw!
Again, congrats! Great news!!!

Thanks OC and yep, housewarming in the spring, lol.

great news, congrats!

Thanks 2darts!

Ol Jerry new how to throw a house warming party.

R.I.P. Jerry and thank you for all the laughs

Jerry Reed -- Amos Moses - YouTube

Too bad he's not still around, I'd invite him over. :prayer:

Congratulations Joe!!!

Thanks Marland!

Awesome news Joe on the accpetance!!!

Hope the rest goes smoothly! Again, if you need help moving, let me know.

Thanks for the offer Kim and I just may take you up on that!

Congrats ram

Thanks VR!
The house and property pased the inspection and appraisal. It really looks like this is going happen and the signing will happen on the 16th. Here's a few pics of the garage, parking and back yard. :) Garage is 30' x 40'. :cheers:


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