I was so meticulous when putting my engine together, spic n span clean, used anaroebic sealer, RTV, etc., I put mine all together, weeks later, and there it was, a leak in the rear main area. It's difficult to figure out if it's the pan, rear main seal bracket, or rear main seal. Even with the engine on my engine run stand and good light~ just difficult to pinpoint the LEAK, or more like a steady drip in my case. So, one has to address everything all over again. I feel just because a mechanic is experienced, they're human and can mess up as well as any of us.
So, now, I had to work on the engine with dropping the pan, at least on my engine run stand. I despise this design. So, drop the pan, clean up, have new parts on hand, new tube of RTV this time, be careful not to push the rubber gasket(the one on the pan to the rear main seal bracket), I had it all together, then felt around and I had to loosen all the pan bolts, fanigle the rubber gasket back in place! omg. I've ran it for at least an hour overall, and so far ok. (knock on wood!)
this is an older pic, it's complicated, I wound up using a Roll master timing chain, Rusty knows and Zach for sure.