i used one of these
BOP 1 piece rear main seal got a 3 inch and cut it to size for my 2.5 inch seal diameter
BOP Engineering Engine Accessories
because the knurl on the crank that facilitates use of rope seal was worn away.
cut seal. its got a metal core... solid in all but 1 place, which is marked. use a mini grinder hand tool with the thinnest cutting disk at highest rpm.
curve seal to nominally the right shape
cut off most of the excess
put in housing and slowly clamp down the beraing cap
when the cut ends of the seal lip pucker stop take it out trim a little bit off
continue until you can get housing on just at the point of the seal lip puckering
do 1 last tiny cut to get good ends
make sure you put it in the right way. check direction of the profile on the lip...will it drive oil back into the pan when the crank rotates? i think some of those pontiac/buick engines spin the wrong way, so work it out yourself.
put the join at the top.
glue it in like you would any other rubber seal
kinda worked
leaks with no PCV connected
doesn't seem to leak with PCV connected
I believe slant 6 is like my hemi 6. designed for rope seal
in which case there is go guarantee that the seal housing is truly concentric with the seal surface on the crank
a rope seal will conform to cover that issue
a rubber seal won't
i will say if you want to use rope you are better off with NOS ferguson tractor seal....
its the old asbestos rope, that worked.
Rather than that fibreglass like stuff with putty in the middle
you could also of course choose from a range of gland packing.
Graphite Gland Packing for sale | eBay
choose one where the inches/second of shaft rotation fits with RPM range and of course in a cross sectional area that is deeper than the depth of the V in the seal housing.
bash it into both halves using a nice round bar
cut a seal wide slot in an old credit card
put that around the end of the seal at each surface and use it as a depth gauge to cut the seal off cleanly with a credit cards worth standing proud
pull out seal
move it round slightly so it stick up at 1 side and is low at the other
daub ends with sealer
cover seal surface in lube
put cap on with offset ends of seal inter locking so the join is not at the parting line.
do not let the splayed ends of seal get into the parting line between cap and block, if you do the cap will sit cocked slightly fore or aft, removing any clearance on the close side and you will seize that bearing
gland packing.......you get 1 meter for half the cost of buying 2 pieces of exactly the same stuff in a baggy with a cardboard tag saying "slant 6 rope seal on it", that's some expensive bag and cardboard tag...
but of course this will only work properly with a well defined knurl on the crank
if its worn another solution is needed