John Lennon's passing - 30 yrs today

Well I'm the odd man out. I didn't like their or his music. I still don't. And I've tried. I don't dispute any of their musical gifts. I just never got into any of all. And John's taste in women? Really?

[ame=""]YouTube - Yoko Ono P.O.B "Why" Live at Royal Festival Hall, London 2009[/ame]
I'll never forget the day. I was 18 years old and living in my first apartment which I rented while attending Denver Automotive and Diesel school. I attended a memorial service for him the next day at Red Rock Stadium. He was a truly gifted artist and left us a lot to remember him by.

RIP John...

And John's taste in women? Really?

I second that one for sure...
I can't say anything about the man himself because I didn't know him personally, but I did like his music (mostly the stuff he wrote while a Beatle). That's all I know. "I Want You (She's So Heavy)" is probably my favorite tune that he wrote.


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I am a Brit ( Canada transplant ). Unless your roots are UK, well John Lennon and his mates really won't resonate in the same way. John was, and always will be a part of who we are as a nation,The United Kingdom, and more importantly, who we are as a people. He represented a brilliant mind,wit, critical self awareness, humour and an unparalleled penetrating perspective on the world in which he lived. In so many ways John was, to us, an older brother, and friend, or that person you would have chosen for those roles in your life. He wasn't perfect. Who is? But it didn't matter.
I've met the Lennons some years ago. The salt of the earth people. John's only real mistake was two fold. Marrying Yoko Ono ( talentless parasite who continues non stop in that capacity ), and living in the US. Had he remained in the UK, John would still be alive. No question. It took an armed worthless mental case in NYC to destroy such beauty.
Rolling Stone released recordings of an interview done a few days before he died. He speaks about how his views had changed through the eyes of a 40 year old man.
Thanks AB;Some of us in that era saw things in a different light.The only jetsetting some of us got was a cargo plane and dropped off in a jungle.We all see things different as we grow up.Maybe he would have looked through different eyes later on,guess we will never know.
way to go Green1, get everyone all

I was only about 14 when he was murdered, got the news from Al Michaels during Monday Night Football. I was sort of anti-beatles when I was a kid, only from the immature standpoint that they were old news and overplayed. I couldn't figure out why people still liked them, when KISS was "clearly" so much better. Then I grew up. He was a gifted man with an unbelievable talent. A truly timeless artist.

semi-related sidenote-, Has anyone seen the movie "Across the Universe" ? It's very surreal musical, in similar manner of Sgt. Pepper, based entirely on Beatle music and loaded obscure references. First time I saw it, I though it was stupid, but my daughter loves it so I was coerced into watching it again and it really grew on me. I'd love to hear the opinion of a true Beatles fan.
OK, I'll really get people stirred up. He was a communist. "Image no posessions( he died owning how many $million of them, that he didn't give away); image no religion (didn't him and george go buddhist? or was it just George?) image no heaven or hell(materialistic, it seems). On and on.
Neglected his son for how many years? Lived in his $2 mill penthouse in the usa, to escape British taxes?. I loved the Beatles, heard I Love You, Yeah YEAh on my first 9 transistor radio in 1964. But he was a hypocrite.

hey bro, we all have skeletons in our closets. i bet you do too... john Lennon was a not much of a father for sure to Julian. i agree. you are picking him apart, when none of us are perfect.... we are talking John Lennon NOT Jesus the Christ! we celebrate his contributions to the music and culture of the time and generations there after. his message was clear. when people are killed over possessions, religions, and territory. this is the theme of the song. i think, you need a hobby!
What some of you forget…… John Lennon was nothing more than a stay at home dad for the last 5 years of his life.

In interviews he himself said most of his early political stuff was crap. In 1980 he decided to get back in the game and record Double Fantasy.

It would be interesting seeing what he would be today.

[ame=""]YouTube - John Lennon - Nobody Told Me [Remastered] [HQ][/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube - Watching The Wheels - John Lennon[/ame]
BTW, if you ever have a chance to see the Cirque de Sole show "Love" go for it. It was hands down the BEST live performance I've ever seen. And no, it's not all Beatles love songs by a long shot... What the Cirque de Sole performers did in a real time setting was just amazing. I would have thought that a lot of what I saw could only be done through editing and CGI.
John Lennon and Yoko actually donated bulletproof vests to the NYC police department, not that is matters to some but in reality it mattered to John and Yoko.

It truly was a tragedy of his murder and a tragedy to the millions who mourn him each year on his death.

There are and always will be those who have something negative to say in regards to someone's hero so with that said, I will sit back, smoke my pipe and listen to the Beatles
Its funny. Most of the people I know that are not a fan of the Beatles have never really listened to the Beatles.

When one really listens to their music, it's evolution is very shocking.

Even if one doesn't like the Beatles, one probably has the Beatles to thank for the music they do like.

Unless you like Country. I'm sure we can all agree that country music lovers are gay. :D

In a perfect world we would only have The Beatles, The Who and Led Zeppelin on the radio.
Rolling Stone released recordings of an interview done a few days before he died. He speaks about how his views had changed through the eyes of a 40 year old man.
the last interview with john and yoko was done at his home in the dakodta building a few hours before he died
the interview ended so john could get to an appointment he had at the recording studio on his way out he gave an autograph to some one
when he returned home a few hours later that same person shot him twice in the back
Wasn't a fan of his political **** ; but if I let an artist's political views affect my favour of their artistic-contributions , more than 90% of my music collection wouldn't exist . Remember the "Free John Sinclair" concert deal in Decembre 1971 ? Sinclair was the founder of the White Panther Party ( Caucasian wing of the Black Panthers ; were behind the Black Panthers 100% ) , and was also the manager of the MC5 ; they're one of my top 10 fave bands ever ; don't give a **** about their ploitical associations .

Nevertheless , here's one of my fave solo Lennon songs . It used to scare me as a kid ( I was 4 when this song came out ) , as I thought he was trying to tell everyone about an alien invasion ! ( lol ) .

Enjoy !
[ame=""]YouTube - John Lennon - # 9 Dream[/ame]
In a perfect world we would only have The Beatles, The Who and Led Zeppelin on the radio.
Move to the L.A. area . The fledgling classic rock radio stations here play nothing but that same ol shizz !!

In a perfect world , FM stations would play a much wider variety of classic rock :
- Velvet Underground
- MC5
- Stooges
- Amboy Dukes
- Bowie's other works
- Garage Rock ( Count 5 , Chocolate Watch Band , Electric Prunes , etc. , etc. )
- Zeppelin songs other than the same *** 4 boring songs that get played over-and-over ad infinium !
- The Who's early works
- Pink Floyd's pre-1973 songs ( esp the Syd Barrett stuff !! ) . I know it's hard to believe , but P.F. actually made songs -- great songs -- prior to Dark Side !!
Okay ... you get the idea. I'm not singling you out ; just making a point :happy10:.
It's important to remember that most creative geniuses are very fragile, self-aware and insecure beings. John was on a long list of celebrities coerced by the peaceful and "love filled" messages of the radical marxist movement of the time. While they disguised themselves with the peace-nik facade they took advantage of John's genuine belief that we could all live in harmony and put him out front. They did not even hide from him the fact that they needed him to draw crowds of young people in so they could then indoctrinate them with drugs and propaganda.
I looked towards each new Beatles album. After Sgt. Pepper's, I really thought the White Album and Abbey Road were big letdowns. Without Epstein, the McCartney-Lennon team seemed to diverge in style and content message. Maybe it was the drugs they took. Maybe it was Yoko's presence. Maybe I grew up and realized that what they were saying musically was a not as profound or groundbreaking as they were hyped to be.
As far as John Lennon's music, you cannot separate his politics/beliefs/or life experiences from his music. That is why he wrote. He wanted to express his point of view.
I never considered him a musical genius or innovator. Everything he did musically was done before his time save the reverse looping of Ringo's drum beat in Tomorrow Never Knows. Listen to classical music and discover themes in music. Listen to opera and find musical tales. Listen to Phil Spector and discover the Wall of Sound that utilized orchestra and electronic instruments.
In my opinion the true tragedy of John's death was that Sean would grow up in the same situation as his older half-brother Julian.....fatherless.

Here's a recently discovered deleted verse from Imagine.

Imagine there's no Yoko,
It's easy if you try.
No reason to listen to her,
Only wonder why do I.
MoparMarcus, I listen to a lot of propaganda here on FABO and that's one of the reasons I like this site and as a matter of fact your posts and replies are one of my favorites :)
MoparMarcus, I listen to a lot of propaganda here on FABO and that's one of the reasons I like this site and as a matter of fact your posts and replies are one of my favorites :)

I farted.

Don't you like my replies, too?
Heres one for the haters.

[ame=""]YouTube - John Lennon - "Dear Yoko"[/ame]
MoparMarcus, I listen to a lot of propaganda here on FABO and that's one of the reasons I like this site and as a matter of fact your posts and replies are one of my favorites :)

Thanks, I spent way too many years spewing my own propaganda from the right only to meet up against some one from the left with equally valid points, just not too often;-). When I dropped my allegiance to the republican party I was able to see things from a much clearer perspective.

StrokerScamp - I just fell off my friggin chair- that **** was FFFFFFFFunnny!:sign5: