Last one to post in this thread wins!

Good for you Mark , glad to hear your getting out. We haven't had any sun for days and the forecast is cloudy all week . But at least no snow .
It has been sunny here for many days and another 40* day so should head your way buddy.
Had my 500 gallon propane tank filled today for the house heat and is 99 cents a gallon still so I am a happy camper.
It's 72* clear and sunny right now going down to 44* tonight same thing tomorrow .
But wait Wed . its getting colder down to 67* and overnight 42* .
Thursday only 63* and 36* Friday 57* & 40* partly cloudy and then Saturday slight chance of wet stuff 57* & 39* Sunday through Wed about the same .

"This has been your hippy dippy weather man reporting on the weather ."

"Like anyone cares dude !"
It's 72* clear and sunny right now going down to 44* tonight same thing tomorrow .
But wait Wed . its getting colder down to 67* and overnight 42* .
Thursday only 63* and 36* Friday 57* & 40* partly cloudy and then Saturday slight chance of wet stuff 57* & 39* Sunday through Wed about the same .

"This has been your hippy dippy weather man reporting on the weather ."

"Like anyone cares dude !"
Hey buddy North Dakota is the place to be, warm and sunny and just cold enough that if you go for a walk in the morning your balls disappear and at your temp they sag to the ground and trip on them when taking a walk. lol
Hey buddy North Dakota is the place to be, warm and sunny and just cold enough that if you go for a walk in the morning your balls disappear and at your temp they sag to the ground and trip on them when taking a walk. lol
lol If ya pee outside in that temp. you gotta go fast or you will soak yer undies when it shrinks from the cold. lmao
Sagging balls , That doesn't happen around here until it hits 120* . Thank you very much it only happened twice this year , But I was in the air conditioned house all summer :)
Sagging balls , That doesn't happen around here until it hits 120* . Thank you very much it only happened twice this year , But I was in the air conditioned house all summer :)
Happens when it hits 80* here but I carry band aids and a jock strap. :D
You still don't get it do you DIY. One person dies every 60 seconds in your country and that's why you're on the top of the list for the most infected in the world.
More tests for infection here than anywhere else identify more infected here than anywhere else.

A real problem is that almost all deaths are listed as COVID, and this is because there is a financial and political advantage to claiming that. Those claims are causing many to question the actual risks (and yes, some members of my family have had and survived Covid).

Late Stage 4 cancer plus Covid = Covid. Severe congestive heart failure plus Covid = Covid. Respiratory failure, old age, morbid obesity, flu - even car wrecks get listed as Covid.

It sucks to lose someone; however, there were lots of losses prior to and after China shared its problem with the world. It is not the Black Plague - survival is high.

Finally, I would like to see the data on the Covid fatalities broken down by age and other diseases. How many were already nearing the end of their time due to their pre-existing condition?
A bit of perspective. If Covid was the death sentence social media and the media claims, shouldn’t the 2020 talley be much higher?
More tests for infection here than anywhere else identify more infected here than anywhere else.

A real problem is that almost all deaths are listed as COVID, and this is because there is a financial and political advantage to claiming that. Those claims are causing many to question the actual risks (and yes, some members of my family have had and survived Covid).

Late Stage 4 cancer plus Covid = Covid. Severe congestive heart failure plus Covid = Covid. Respiratory failure, old age, morbid obesity, flu - even car wrecks get listed as Covid.

It sucks to lose someone; however, there were lots of losses prior to and after China shared its problem with the world. It is not the Black Plague - survival is high.

Finally, I would like to see the data on the Covid fatalities broken down by age and other diseases. How many were already nearing the end of their time due to their pre-existing condition?
Really could not have said it better. Thanks Bob if we got into it any deeper we would have to go to the political forum.
Well, ill tell you this
We took my mother in law to the hospital last Thursday where she got diagnosed with something I can't pronounce

This something has a 30% survival rate
But they didn't want to let her have visitors because some case of the sniffles which has a survival rate of more then 99.9%

That kinda pissed me off
Happy Monday rained all day 10 deg though but rained 20mm and still pouring down .