Last one to post in this thread wins!

I don't care much either. Sure do like a good game though. My best friend is a seahawks and sport nut. I can just hear him yelling and cussing at the hawks even though he's a mile away. lol
I use to watch them play years ago.
I got on the political Forum and now I see what you mean best to keep quiet and just read. lol
Just got a PM from one of the guys there on my comments and he likes what I said but also filled me in on some of the guys there. I'll keep my mouth shut I think. lol
I post on the politics from time to time and the one thing I found there is the peace loving liberals love to attack and pounce while adding words to what you said. They sure are railed up for having the belief their guy just won.
I use to watch them play years ago.
I got on the political Forum and now I see what you mean best to keep quiet and just read. lol
Just like way back dad and I would watch the hockey when it was just The Six. Dad continued watching them and I lost interest once the teams started to get bigger. Johnny Bower in goal for the Leafs and never wore a facemask and had the scars to prove it. He'd get hit, they'd stitch him up and back out on the ice again.
Hey I'm jealous , you have sunshine
We've had sunshine all day FOG but windy and cold again. Feeling like -10 with the windchill. I did go out for a walk after lunch and wasn't bad as long as you weren't out there for a long time. Walked about a mile I figure. Glad to get home though and made some hot chocolate.
We've had sunshine all day FOG but windy and cold again. Feeling like -10 with the windchill. I did go out for a walk after lunch and wasn't bad as long as you weren't out there for a long time. Walked about a mile I figure. Glad to get home though and made some hot chocolate.
Good for you Mark , glad to hear your getting out. We haven't had any sun for days and the forecast is cloudy all week . But at least no snow .
Good for you Mark , glad to hear your getting out. We haven't had any sun for days and the forecast is cloudy all week . But at least no snow .
The week doesn't look too bad here. Maybe some crap on Wed but no plans for that day. I go out tomorrow morning for a dermatologist yearly exam. for 7am. Like to keep on that as I had some keratosis burned off a few years and he always finds a couple on my head. Not as bad lately since I always wear a hat which I never did before. Have to be proactive about your health.
I washed the 300 up yesterday. It was awful but I had it undercoated a few weeks back and didn't want to wash it till the underneath had a chance to solidify before getting hit with the underspray and wash it off. All good now. I tried to detail it yesterday but was too dam cold on my arthritic hands.
Just like way back dad and I would watch the hockey when it was just The Six. Dad continued watching them and I lost interest once the teams started to get bigger. Johnny Bower in goal for the Leafs and never wore a facemask and had the scars to prove it. He'd get hit, they'd stitch him up and back out on the ice again.
Same with my Dad Mark but foot ball.
Miss Dad for sure.