Last one to post in this thread wins!

I got new hearing aids today!!! I can hear all kinds of noise now that I haven't heard in a long time. Like birds chirping, My neighbors dog barking, My fasten seat belt buzzer when I drive my car, Rattles and wind noise driving down the road, My house doors are squeaking at the hinges when I open and close them. Even my refrigerator door squeaks. :BangHead:
Screw it I'm taking the hearing aids out.
Ya can be a little overwhelming. When I first got my aids the one thing I remember was the crunching of the gravel under my feet. Haven’t heard that in 20 years
Ya can be a little overwhelming. When I first got my aids the one thing I remember was the crunching of the gravel under my feet. Haven’t heard that in 20 years
i'm turning 62 next month, with three kids still living at home. i walk around with noise cancelling head phones with my usual dumb founded look on my face....couldn't be happier :)
Ya can be a little overwhelming. When I first got my aids the one thing I remember was the crunching of the gravel under my feet. Haven’t heard that in 20 years
Sure is nice watching tv and not have to crank up the volume.
That was Lying Brian Mulroney and he was PC. How can we forget.
He knew the PC's would be defeated and when he stepped down he put Campbell in charged.
He screwed her royally.
Of course we've had Oh You Toole and Shear stupidity.
We can agree on one thing Lyin' Brian was his name, but his policies were much more liberal than conservative. As for the rest of this debate, it doesn't belong in this thread.
We can agree on one thing Lyin' Brian was his name, but his policies were much more liberal than conservative. As for the rest of this debate, it doesn't belong in this thread.
one last thing...there is an underlying factor of US and Canada needing a huge shift in where i am hope we are NOT heading. Sorry..I had to throw that in..End of this political rant as duly noted :)
I got new hearing aids today!!! I can hear all kinds of noise now that I haven't heard in a long time. Like birds chirping, My neighbors dog barking, My fasten seat belt buzzer when I drive my car, Rattles and wind noise driving down the road, My house doors are squeaking at the hinges when I open and close them. Even my refrigerator door squeaks. :BangHead:
Screw it I'm taking the hearing aids out.
Fred, I went through that ahit. The ear doctor said your brain will eventually filter all that out ! I figured why pay all that $$$ when my brain already did that. And besides, still couldn't here low talkers or conversation on television.
Fred, I went through that ahit. The ear doctor said your brain will eventually filter all that out ! I figured why pay all that $$$ when my brain already did that. And besides, still couldn't here low talkers or conversation on television.
Fred, I went through that ahit. The ear doctor said your brain will eventually filter all that out ! I figured why pay all that $$$ when my brain already did that. And besides, still couldn't here low talkers or conversation on television.
Would be nice to hear my grandkids but even with the aids in I still can't hear them.
Your right Al, screw it I'll save my money for my car projects that makes me happier.
I been thinking of changing my center console in my Scamp because I'm not really happy with it. This is what I have now.
Any suggestions would be apricated.

Would be nice to hear my grandkids but even with the aids in I still can't hear them.
Your right Al, screw it I'll save my money for my car projects that makes me happier.
If you find a good hearing specialist that will take the time with proper hearing tests and you are completely honest with yourself when taking those tests. Talking to myself also. They can and will tailor your aids to fit your needs. It’s been 3 years now for me and I’m noticing my hearing is changing. So after the busy fall season I’m going back for a retest and aid adjustment. As far as low talking people, look around at your able hearing friends when they are talking I’m sure you’ll notice that they are having a hard time hearing them also. Had that fight with my old boss. Then he figured out he couldn’t give direction by talking to the wall when you were standing behind him my experience my opinions
If you find a good hearing specialist that will take the time with proper hearing tests and you are completely honest with yourself when taking those tests. Talking to myself also. They can and will tailor your aids to fit your needs. It’s been 3 years now for me and I’m noticing my hearing is changing. So after the busy fall season I’m going back for a retest and aid adjustment. As far as low talking people, look around at your able hearing friends when they are talking I’m sure you’ll notice that they are having a hard time hearing them also. Had that fight with my old boss. Then he figured out he couldn’t give direction by talking to the wall when you were standing behind him my experience my opinions
After 55 years in the construction trade as an electrician I now have what is called selective hearing only what I want to hear go around saying huh what you say
If you find a good hearing specialist that will take the time with proper hearing tests and you are completely honest with yourself when taking those tests. Talking to myself also. They can and will tailor your aids to fit your needs. It’s been 3 years now for me and I’m noticing my hearing is changing. So after the busy fall season I’m going back for a retest and aid adjustment. As far as low talking people, look around at your able hearing friends when they are talking I’m sure you’ll notice that they are having a hard time hearing them also. Had that fight with my old boss. Then he figured out he couldn’t give direction by talking to the wall when you were standing behind him my experience my opinions
My first set of hearing aids was 3 grand from the hearing specialist and lost one and it would have been 5 grand to replace and upgrade them. I can't afford it I don't have insurance that will cover the cost.
In the States you don't need a prescription anymore and so bought a set by mail and trying to get the volume set for each ear Ibut think I need to get used to hearing and adjust them a little at a time.
After 55 years in the construction trade as an electrician I now have what is called selective hearing only what I want to hear go around saying huh what you say
My wife said I had selective hearing because I only herd what I wanted to hear. lol
My first set of hearing aids was 3 grand from the hearing specialist and lost one and it would have been 5 grand to replace and upgrade them. I can't afford it I don't have insurance that will cover the cost.
In the States you don't need a prescription anymore and so bought a set by mail and trying to get the volume set for each ear Ibut think I need to get used to hearing and adjust them a little at a time.
My insurance gave me the finger, compensation board told me it was my own fault and gave me the finger. So I scrounged what I could borrowed the rest 1 1/2 years paid off. Upkeep is minimal, next big cost in 5 years is new battery around $500. But saving up for that day.
For me everything just seems muffled. Turning up the volume doesn't really help. Got that dang ringing too. I blame not using the hearing protection when using the air blowing gun.
After 55 years in the construction trade as an electrician I now have what is called selective hearing only what I want to hear go around saying huh what you say
Dang....i have selective hearing as well then.....its called married life for 23+ years
That would do it.

The polished stainless on the top gets the sun reflecting on it and about blinds me driving down the road.
Deaf and blind, might have to relinquish your driver's license LOL Ya I could see that with the polished steel.