Last one to post in this thread wins!

Morning guys.
Great car show last night and even won a door prize.
Fairly good turnout. I thought the lot would have been full being the last show and the weather was good.
Did eventually have to put a jacket on.
Still some nice weather this week I'm pleased to say.
My wife made cabbage roll casserole yesterday and a double batch at that.
Had that for supper YUM!
Have a great day


Morning guys.
Great car show last night and the weather was pretty good. There was a breeze coming from Helene I think.
We filled the lot and spilled over into the other parts of the lot.
We will still continue till it starts getting cold or dark really early.
Going to a Celebration of Life for my late friend today. It will be held at the car club he belonged to.
May even take the Cuda.
He was a great friend of over 50 years. Sure miss him.
Have a great day
Taking the Cuda would be a nice little tribute in his honor. That would be a solid move on your part. :)
When our daughter was living at home and we were giving her crap for something. She would turn her back to us and turn her hearing aid off. Little monkey. She is profound so wouldn't hear anything unless we yelled over 90 decibels
lol..having three young adults and still living at home......... 90db's is a common thing in my home.. :)
That Power Wagon looks like it has some ten round stripper clips hanging there. Kind of surprises me being Canada has a five round limit in their guns.
Cool car shows you get to go to Mark. I bet you make lots of friends there. My area the shows are far and few between. looks like mark is blessed with an abundance of shows. I live in the opposite end of the metro..about an 1 hour and a half, and we dont get half the shows He seems to go to. They just keep shutting them down here in the west end!
Another gorgeous day. Looks the same for the rest of the week into the weekend.
We have a large car show this Saturday ( a yearly thing)
It's held at a park and it will be packed.
They have food and music and 50/50 and door prizes.
It's in Nestleton on Hwy 7A
Have to get there early to get a good spot.
Looks like more cabbage roll casserole again for supper.
May have to tie the blankets down tonight haha
Have a good one
Just put another chicken with my personally concocted super secret rub on it in the smoker. Mouth is watering as I type, pulling 200 degrees heading for 225. Then 1.5 hr maple smoke. Should be ready 6:30- 7. If you leave now Fred and get right on the pipe you could make it.
Just put another chicken with my personally concocted super secret rub on it in the smoker. Mouth is watering as I type, pulling 200 degrees heading for 225. Then 1.5 hr maple smoke. Should be ready 6:30- 7. If you leave now Fred and get right on the pipe you could make it.
make sure ya bring the crown royal :)
Just put another chicken with my personally concocted super secret rub on it in the smoker. Mouth is watering as I type, pulling 200 degrees heading for 225. Then 1.5 hr maple smoke. Should be ready 6:30- 7. If you leave now Fred and get right on the pipe you could make it.
Damn that sounds good Murray someday we need to meet up.
Good morning butt chicken with a mixture of honey and a light brown sugar glaze is how i usually Q our chicken. The fam loves it. All three burners on low, a single beer in hand and a comfortable chair is how i like my bird.
Good morning butt chicken with a mixture of honey and a light brown sugar glaze is how i usually Q our chicken. The fam loves it. All three burners on low, a single beer in hand and a comfortable chair is how i like my bird.
That method is amazing as well, my smoker bird turned out great. Low and slow is the way to go.