Little $250 69 Valiant

Well this is the latest among a few other patches I did last week. Going over to fix the passenger side tomorrow night. Its in worse shape as you can see from the pics in the previous posts.
Still have some detail grinding to do on the drivers side. I didnt like the "trap" that was created for water in the upper corners so I made a template and smoothed it out as well as water running from the read window and into the trunk drip edge will be forced toward the rear of the car and not just sit there.
I plan to smooth it all out with seam sealer as well. There was some seam sealer in the area but I removed it all to weld.

Aint' no :newb:! Sorry had to use it somehow... :iconbigg:


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Rust removal is the name of the game here.
Here are some progress pics. Still have some detail grinding to do, but this will look great when I have seam sealed all the edge and have it smoothed out and ready for paint.


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LOVE this 68 .. white color and black stripes are really a nice combo.

i like post cars. you like post cars. what a small world. lookin' good! taking off old body work is like a box of choclats, you never know what youre gonna get.
Managed to get two steps closer to nothing but body work. Have to cut and patch the drivers side fender at the bottom (typical area). Then its all Bondo baby! Never been this close to paint before. Had this car since 1996 and have never been this close! Ugh thats depressing! LOL
Well I have banished more rust from my poor little valiant and Ill be back at it tonight as well.
Here I fixed the door rust. Ill be flooding the inside of the door with Ospho after I am done repairing all the rust.
I plan to flood the quarter panels and everywhere else I can get the Ospho to go as well.

The patch panel isnt my best work but it will be better than the rust! It didnt warp and Ill be able to make her look good with filler so....
Mission accomplished!:headbang:


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I knew I kept thos old fenders around for a reason! They will now become doners! I dug the drivers side fender out of the attic last night and threw it in the back of the truck so I can cut the bottom off of it tonight.
I was contemplating making a patch out of new sheet metal like everything else but there is just too much surface area to warp. Much better to start with a piece with the correct contours already.
Ill be sure to post up pics of tonights success! :lol:


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I have posted in your gas cap adapter thread and sent you PM's with no response? I need a gas cap adapter. Thought I would try this thread as a last efort?
Hey, Donnie did you get the Valiant painted? I havn't seen an update lately. I'm trying to get back to mine now that weather is getting nice again down here. Keep it going man.

Hey guys! Well I wish I could say Im farther along but life has gotten in the way lately! I have some side work Im doing right now (sheet metal work on an FJ Cruiser) and that will hopefully fund more of the body and paint work. I def. need to get moving, this is rediculous! LOL
Well.... Im taking her back to the house from the shop she was at. All of my "spare funds" have been directed elsewhere for a while and I cant afford to get any work finished at the shop. Its been sitting for a good while with minimal progress due to a lack of funds.
SO I went over and started getting her ready for the trip home from the shop. Its street legal again, and runs so damn good! I couldnt be happier with the little bit of work I had to do in order to make it road worthy again.

I leave you with my "one tire fryer" picture... Ugh I never should have sold my sure grip carrier!


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So I was fortunate enough to stumble across Dennday67's build thread. He has done paint and body work and painted his little 67 Valiant the same color I was planning to! Its awesome to see the paint on the car before taking the plunge!
I did a bit of editing to get my full plan to an image. What do you guys think?
The circle in the middle of the stripe would be a "Formula S" badge. I already have them on the car, and like the looks. SO I figured Id break up the tail of the car with some matte black stripes since the hood and scoop will be matte black anyhow.


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Life happens right?
I am very fortunate to say that no life changing events have kept me from progress, as much as funding and enjoying my family which is far more important than my little Valiant..

SO... Here is the basic rundown.
As the above pictures show, I had my car at a local rod and custom shop owned by a friend. I was initially going to do the body work myself inside his shop. Just as I was going to tell all the people that feed me side work, that I was taking a break to work on my own project...the work flooded in. So I struck a deal with my friend to begin the body work and Id pay them from my side work.
All in all it went well... that is until my side work became a little sparse.
So after running low on a car budget, I brought the car back home.

Here is where the story pics up more recently. I was introduced to a guy (now a good friend) via facebook for his mutual interest in cars bikes, etc. He has been a body man for many years, and via facebook we got to know each other but had never met over the course of two years. He is in Hagerstown Md. I am down south in Virginia Beach, Va.

So, he recently decided to go off on his own venture to start his own shop for his paint and body skills. He had mentioned to me over the course of two years to bring the car to him and he would gladly do the work. Once he found I had the car back due to lack of funds, he began questioning me about bringing the car to him.
Because funds have always been an issue with the car I quickly dismissed the request and politely let him know, Id love to, but I don't have the cash for his quality of work.

Long story short I have been given an offer I couldn't refuse and I dragged the car up to Hagerstown last Saturday!

This leads me to the pictures I have included below. I realized very abruptly, that I needed to get a handful of items finished before I could rightly ask him to make the car look good.

So I began this mod to the bumper some time ago, and it then hung on the wall until last Thursday. I needed to make housings for the lights, and while I was at it... I shaved the bumper bolts to clean it up a bit further.

Here is to some progress!


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