Making things difficult...



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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Why does she do it?? The wife that is. Every time we go shopping she does it at least 3-4 times. She wanted to make Tacos for dinner last night. We were in the store, she wanted to buy uncooked corn tortillas. They did not have any. She was grumbling about it while walking towards the aisle where they have all the bread/tortillas etc. There is 4 or so different brands. She asks me which one to I know anything about them...I say, don't know....which ever one you want. 30 seconds later, she asks again, which response the same....another few seconds we repeat it again.....I finally get a bit snappy and just tell her to grab one of them....This happens on a pretty regular basis. She asked me to divide up the 5 pounds of chop meat she got yesterday. Keep in mind she used a chunk of it last night for the above mentioned Tacos. But of course she did not use a evenly cut off portion, more like she scooped out some of it. Thanks to being ocd this is the sort of thing that freaks me out a bit... My response was no problem, just show me where you want it divided up at. Her response, how ever much you think we will eat at one serving. Now being the smart *** I am at times I just started to wrap the entire package up. She had some snide remark. I again asked her to divide it up, and got the same response. She told me to just leave it. She finally just came over and separated it into what she wanted for me to wrap. I love her with all my soul, but damn it stop making some things so frigging difficult....Rant off....
It's a woman's job!! On our trip to Florida, we all sat down to decide what to do on a particular day, everybody voted for Hollywood Studios. Everybody except the wife and Nella that is!! Nope, we're all going to Magic Kingdom and this is what were going to do when we get there!! Ok, we have a tour guide now, so we all shut up and just go along with it! About 1/2 way through our "tour" the wife says..."ok, what do you all wanna do now"? My response...."Hollywood Studios"!!! Not well received!!

It's a woman's job!!!
My wife does stuff like that also Ink.
The indecision drives me nuts, so when she asks which one I just grab one and toss it in the basket.
It's not like it really even matters that much, but to stand there for 5 min trying to decide is a total waste of time to me.
Same when we make dinner, "how much should we make?" she asks and then goes on to address all the possibilities. "Well what if Aaron brings his friend?" "What if they already ate before they came home?"
I say screw it, make what we would normally make, and if they want more to eat they can fix it themselves. (They are 21 and 24 afterall)
If it's too much, then they can have it for dinner or a snack tomorrow.

The one I can't understand is after doing the shopping at one store, she want's to go to another store 4-5 miles away for something that is cheaper or on sale for 50 cents less.
Hell it cost another gallon in gas just to get there and back, not to mention the time it takes.

I don't get it either. :)
Don't get me started on mine:banghead: because she's standing right behind me:violent1:
Yep, she's small but damn she's mean:D
first rule of thumb, never go shopping w/ the wife 2nd rule of thumb: never go to wall mart w/ the wfe. rule # 3 don`t ever never go shopping w/ the wife!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:protest:
first rule of thumb, never go shopping w/ the wife 2nd rule of thumb: never go to wall mart w/ the wfe. rule # 3 don`t ever never go shopping w/ the wife!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:protest:

I try to avoid shopping all together, unless it's for car parts:-D
lol Ink.... Seems like an possible opening to an argument that was really pointless.. I would have just picked one, divided the meat and went on with it.
I feel your pain, inkjunkie...My fiancee is like that as well. What makes it worse is she can't drive, so I pretty much have to go shopping with her.
I've said before, I'll say it again.
The only people who understand women, are other women, that's why they hate each other.
Brother, you show me a woman that makes sense, I'll show you a man in a dress.
I heard one a few years ago. Why do most husbands die before their wives, because they want to. Old guy told me that years ago.:D
Couldn't you have just went to your local taco bell and bought a bunch of tacos to avoid this charade?
I've said before, I'll say it again.
The only people who understand women, are other women, that's why they hate each other.
Brother, you show me a woman that makes sense, I'll show you a man in a dress.

Amen to that!!!
Indeed women's job is to drive us nuts.

The Scene: My then fiance's condo, Monday after Moparfest. I am reading the sports page.

C is in the kitchen, pans are crashing, she seems perturbed about something. I ask myself, "What have I done?" Nothing immediately sprang to mind.

Finally she huffs in and plants herself next to me on the couch, her arms crossed, steam practically coming out of her ears. I think to myself "This can't be good". I continue to read my paper, I wanted to finish the article I was reading so I did. I then took a breath, closed my paper and calmly asked her what the problem was.

Her:"You didn't ask me"
Me: "Ask you what?"
H: "To go with you"
M: "Go where?"
H: "The car show".
I think "Are you effin kidding me?"

At that time I rode shotgun with my friend Greig in his 70 GTX.

M: "Well it isn't my car. It is up to Greig, his wife doesn't come."
H: "You could have asked".
M: "You'd be bored silly. Its two days of looking at cars, talking about cars and drinking beer."
Anyway it went on like this for a while. Finally:

M: "Its Greig's car. You would be bored. And besides YOU HATE CARS. Why on earth would I ever ask you to go to a car show?"

H: "Well, you could have asked"

ay chihuahua.
Mine dont ask me to do **** anymore. When she does I ignore her and play on the computer. I,m gonna get bitched at anyway so why delay it. Married over 30 years. I do keep her in new cars and buy her nice stuff. Thats what I do. Not shopping not housework not bullshit.I supply her her means.If she wants something else she needs to find a boyfriend.
Mine dont ask me to do **** anymore. When she does I ignore her and play on the computer. I,m gonna get bitched at anyway so why delay it. Married over 30 years. I do keep her in new cars and buy her nice stuff. Thats what I do. Not shopping not housework not bullshit.I supply her her means.If she wants something else she needs to find a boyfriend

Just spit a mouthful of water all over my lap top....thanks....

Problem with not going shopping with her is we live 30 miles or so from the nearest stores. We pretty much only go to town when we have doctor visits. So I pretty much either go in the store with her or sit in the truck waiting. I normally go in and get a kick out of looking at the other people walking around. Most days she is in just as much of a rush as I am to get out of the stores so this kind of stuff does not happen....
Just spit a mouthful of water all over my lap top....thanks....

Problem with not going shopping with her is we live 30 miles or so from the nearest stores. We pretty much only go to town when we have doctor visits. So I pretty much either go in the store with her or sit in the truck waiting. I normally go in and get a kick out of looking at the other people walking around. Most days she is in just as much of a rush as I am to get out of the stores so this kind of stuff does not happen....

How about splitting the list? Give her what she's good at getting and you get the other stuff! I usually take off towards the meat/fish counter and do the main bulk of the meals, the bride usually covers the stuff she knows like kid lunch stuff, laundry and household stuff and the like!! No fighting and the job gets done quicker!!! Just thinkin' out loud!!....