Man I do NOT have the suds, anymore



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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Last few days I decided to mod the trailer for a quasi tilting bed. Gonna torch the tongue outta there and build a tilting deal. I can only work a few minutes at a time. I don't think I'm EVER going to get that thing dropped outta there!!!


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I feel your pain. I bit the bullet and had it done.
Thank the lord I decided to spend some coin on that hoist a few years ago. I could do nothing without it. I use that thing for all sorts of work, hoisting the tractor and so on. My neighbor is planning to get one in his shop, make a flat table, and use it to work on his sleds as well

The new Doc got a hit on gout (Uric acid) New meds, have not had the time to indicate affect one way or the other. The thing is, I've probably wasted 5, 10 years going down the wrong road with other doctors about this.

Here is a photo of a tilting hitch that I use. Crank down the trailer stand until pressure is removed from the pin, remove the pin and continue cranking until you achieve the desired tilt or run out of stand travel.

You can Google "tilting hitch" to find multiple vendors. I got mine for about $125. The great thing is you can use it on all your trailers! Works great for the boat trailers.
I hear ya Del, I spent a good chunk of time under the hood of my Prospector and my back killed me the whole time and still is.


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I can feel your pain...I need a 2nd surgery on my cervical spine but now the Comp. board and insurance company are say there will be no benefit from it...So here I sit in severe pain and I get so pissed off that I cant do the things that I love to do while they dictate what they will approve...Then to top it all off they want me to go back to work...I sleep for about 2 hours a night because of the pain...It is a accident looking for a place to happen....(which they wont let me go back as a Technician/mechanic because of the injury)..They are just trying to get out of paying me what is due... And they want me to be a greeter at Walmart or something similar...If I go back to work it will prove that I don't need comp anymore, it is one big game...And not to mention that my right hand doesn't work anymore due to the nerve damage...It sucks...Bill
I know what you are talking about.Around 3 in afternoon I am just about toast.My 61 years have caught up with me,Kevin.
I was in a sling for mopars in the park in Tulsa last fall from surgery on my right shoulder. Still not healed up (6.5 mos) and have a torn rotator cuff on the left that needs surgery. The doctor freaks out when I refuse the damn pills they (and the drug companys) want me to get hooked on. F#$k em.....a day without pain is like a day without sunshine.
I have a shoulder all effed up myself. I'm "putting it off" because my knees are so bad. I've recently changed doctors, and they got a hit on gout (uric acid) The "might be" good news is that after two weeks they say the meds are bringing down the acid levels.

I used to ride the living crap out of recumbent bikes

This is a two wheeler I built out of junkers about 2000 after my "big crash" This bike is built out of parts that I had when I was a kid in the '60's and some of those parts were around when my DAD was a kid. The crank and bearing, for one!!!



Rode it about 3-4 years, but my knees started going downhill. Bought this Sun trike new


and it had a multi - morph over several years. I added a 2 stroke..........swing arm off one of them kids scooters, only used that a couple of times, then put an electric on, didn't use that much, tried to save it for when my legs got cramped. Tore the front end off and built the horrid mess you see here........hand cranks. It did work OK, but no good way to mount shifters n' brakes.

Then several years ago I bought the newer underseat steering rig. I intended to make it into a "rowing" setup but never have. But the last two years I've needed more and more electric and have been able to pedal less and less. This spring about all I can do is pedal round and round without exerting much pressure at all. It just plain HURTS

The "new doc" Xrayed my knees and says it's not osteo arthritis. My joints "look" OK. "It's something else." I hope he finds it.

Just a suggestion: My wife had gout and she had to cut a lot of protein out of her diet. Cut down on meat, cheese, eggs, and nuts. Go to small portions of protein foods. The doctor gave her prescription Indocin for pain and swelling.
You need to permanently cut back a little, cause it can come back.
Your body is trying to tell you something.

My knees use to hurt, but now they don't. The best thing I did was not getting hooked on medicine. Get away from advil, it eats up your cartilage.
Drink a lot more water.
I think taking Magnesium Serene powder, from the health food store, with water helped me the most. I originally took it for my muscle pain, but now my knees are fine. You just need a 1/5 of a teaspoon in water, to start, or you'll be running for the bath room. Only get the powder, the pills are junk and no combination of ingredients.
Take Some type of fish oil capsule.
Everybody needs magnesium, but you won't hear it from a doctor.

If your serious about your body, do a little PH test on it. Get a cheap roll of Hydrion paper or some PH strips from the pharmacy or swimming pool supply. Follow the directions.
Test your water and your body.
If your body's PH is under normal PH @ 7.2-7.5 your body is acidic.
You don't want low 6's.
Stay on this road and you're headed for cancer.
Your doctor won't tell you this cause that's how they make their money and they don't treat it this way, that's why it doesn't work. It seems that they actually do the opposite.
Listen and live, or be dumb and die is hard to say to some one, but everybody thinks their doctor has all the answers.
Why would you take your car to a mechanic with a 3% success rate?
I didn't mean to get on that subject, but it all fits.

Look up alkaline diet foods and juice them to make it easy, and drink a bottle of high PH water once in a while. ( 9.2 PH water at Krogers Foods )
Start drinking more water right now.
Try different types of alkaseltzer for pain, and it's alkaline, which is the direction you want to go.
Cut back on the listed acidic foods and drink, like pop.
Get your PH back to normal. To alkalize, helps everything.

When you start feeling better from an" Alkaline Diet ", you'll know why. Just start a little at a time. Don't be dumb.

Hope this helps.

Here is a photo of a tilting hitch that I use. Crank down the trailer stand until pressure is removed from the pin, remove the pin and continue cranking until you achieve the desired tilt or run out of stand travel.

You can Google "tilting hitch" to find multiple vendors. I got mine for about $125. The great thing is you can use it on all your trailers! Works great for the boat trailers.

First hit on a search I found this... might have to get one for my small trailer. I use it to have the wife come and pick me & the bike up when it decides it does not to run anymore. Even with a 10' long ramp the bike still bottoms out when I load it on the trailer...Lot of fun having to lean the bike over a bit to get it the rest of the way on the trailer...Thanks for the info....
You're welcome! I forgot to say that I place a wood block under the trailer stand before cranking it down, so I get more travel out of it. Use as many as you can fit under it to shorten your crank time.
Well past the point of return now, LOL. Got the tongue cut out this morning. Joked to the neighbor that when I get the tools out, the FIRST thing I do is find a place for the lawn chair!!!


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Finally have gotten some more done on this project

This is the finished "idea"

Top photo is the rear of one of the new tongue extensions, this will go back under the outer edge frame, parallel, and pivot the tongue. Used some 1" pipe for a bushing. I tapered it to leave room for it to pivot

Middle bracket (there are two) will weld to outside of edge frame.

Bottom bracket (there are two) is cut down channel, will "EL" over inside edge of channel frame and form inner pivot.

Middle photo shows relative layout of pivot. Big honkin 1" bolts for pivots. When down and locked, there will be two hitch pins...........same as hitch lock front of tongue down

Bottom closeup of assembled pivot. "L" bracket will sit over inside lip of edge channel. Outer brackets are 3/8" thick for scale, tongue is 1/4 X 4" channel


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I feel some better, finally. I either just plain got ill, or had a reaction to some meds. I've quit two, and they have me on one alternative. So far, so good. Tomorrow, I hope to start assembling the tongue. I won't brace it up until I get the pivots positioned. Still have not come up with a jack. I was hoping to use a HF porta power, but not sure the pump has enough volume for a longer stroke cylinder. So far I've found a couple on the Spokane CL for a fairly attractive price. Might pick one up just for the gamble.