my 20k post, making memories



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FABO Gold Member
Jan 8, 2006
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on the hill
I truly don't think all of you know how much this site and the members in it has changed my life, I can read and write better and my day's are filled with so much love and friendship because of this great bunch of folk's Joey has gathered here :happy10: My wife and two son's and brother Ken are active member's here now :cheers:

Some of you don't know this but Sid OldVart helped me along with staying here when I could not spell good and was scared of my own shadow, Thank you my Canadian friend :happy10: so I stayed and onehellofadart Tony sent me info on a spell check I depend on, Thank you Tony 8) Tinyspell has helped me so much sir.
Then there is a multitude of folks here that are way way to large to add :read2:
Small Block "Bill Stone" has made it possible for me to see the country and get out more then I ever have it seem's and made things in life so easy for me to enjoy, my first time to ever go to Monster Mopar Week End and let Treva and I in there home and life :happy10:
I remember the day that I got to see my part's on another site :happy10:
It may sound childish but PHOENIX SPECIALTY COATINGS has a web site and it was so cool to see something of mine there shinning with new life.
I am trying to make this short but I have many great friends here :happy10:
Joe "ramcharger" one of many folks here has made me feel like a real person that is doing more then asking for help tec wise or just shooting the $h!! with and enjoy a few songs and cold one's with Thank you Joe :happy10:
And I know have friends from all around the world Hawaii, Finland, Germany all the way to Australia and many friend's in Canada :cheers:
Grumpuscreature and his wife Mary has been so cool to spend time with here and on the phone and he has kept me in line on my /6 build along with Frank known here as 66aCUDA and Charley_S and Dan.
Sister C 6pak C is what she lets me call her has been so much fun learning things here together :happy10:
I can't stop with out saying thanks to all the folk's that sent Victoria to me and Tony Fields and his wall of Victoria and DRENO :toothy10: You are such a cool and fun new member here. I am blest with so many great new friends I can't believe how many I have here.
dardevil you are such a hoot for me bud and inkjunkie and like I said why to many to applaud here for there fellow ship and support :happy10:

My fingers and neck is on fire!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so humbled by my friend Nella :happy10::hello2::hello2::blob:
to all the folks I did not name here I am sure you understand that you are all in this list of great folks that has filled my life, and I want to thank brother Ken for turning me on to this computer thing that made it possible for me to have a new way of life, They say your life is 10% better by having one and using it.
How about some memory lane pictures for this 20.000 post
Here is the one I sold to help get my new home built on the hill, Then before the old home was sold I took pictures of Victoria there at the same place.
The pile of letters and donations from the great folks here.
If you like you can add a story of your own and poke me all you like 8)
The more the better, Yall are the greatest, and please forgive me because I know I did not mention all my friends here, It would be like counting straws of hay in a hay bail. Last but not least picture is for my friend Noel , I have enjoyed a few :drinkers: with

I better get this thread up before Joey does a update after all this typing :happy10:








Excellent! You've come a long way! Keep growing and sharing, and keep this place real!
Congradulations MeMike,on your 20,000 post.I to have made many friends here on FABO.To me your the FABO mascot(not meant in a bad way)but if your here on FABO and don,t know MeMike,well you must be a brand X,er.LOLKeep posting and smiling up on the hill Mike and I look forward to many more posts from you!:cheers:

P.S Is your BBQ broken?LOL
Good job Brother! I couldn't imagine this place without you. It would be snore city, lol.
Congrats Mike on the BIG 20,000:cheers:. You do make this site a better place. It is the folks like you that make this such a great site. I can look at many of your post and get the idea of what I need to do next or how I want to see my /6. And maybe share a little of my own. Your words may not be spelled correctly, nor am I an English teacher:read2:, but we know YOU ARE HELPING ALL OF US. For that I think you for being a part of FABO.
Now enough of the mushy stuff get to work on Victoria so I know what I need to do this weekend:toothy10:
Congrats Mike! What an accomplishment on 20K posts! It's sure good to have you here on this site!
Mike you truely an asset to the site. The help you give to those in need and empathy that you show are great character traits. Your posts and threads were some of the ones that really stood out while I was lurking around here.
Here is to many more my friend.:cheers:

[ame=""]YouTube- Andrew Gold - Thank You For Being A Friend[/ame]
Mike, simply put, you are the true essence of FABO. You represent everything good this site can and ever will be. It wouldn't be the same without you.

Here's raising a big glass of chocolate milk in a toast to my Arkansas brother!!! Whatever we're all drinkin' tonight, it'll be in your honor my friend. Keep up the good work.
Cheers to a FABO LEGEND!!!

I can totally see the change in your language and writing skills Mike. This site has truly made a difference in so many ways. Helping with Victoria inspired me and Johnny on a recent Duster donation. This site rocks and you are a big part of it. Thanks.
:drinkers:Congrats, memike!
We all are happy that you are here.
You are like the ambassador for this site!
Here's to 20,000 more :drinkers:
Wow 20,000 posts!!:cheers:
Next Milestone only 5000 posts away. You should be able to hit that one with your both hands tied behind your back.
Know what that means, don't you.
5000 posts keyed with your toes. LOL:toothy10::toothy10:
Memike sorry I missed it! Of course after all the cleaning and removing of trojans etc,my modem decides to crash so I missed this,lol...

Fate is a fickle *****.
Congratulations Mike, you never look down on anybody but everybody looks up to you :cheers:
Mike....I am honored to have got the chance to become friends with you since I became a member of fabo.

I remember when I first came to the site ...It seemed liek every post I clicked on you had commented on and I thought to myself....."what a post *****" and I am proud to say I still feel the same HAHAHAHAHAHA:toothy10: Im just messing with ya buddy:cheers:

But honestly....I consider you one of my greatest fabo friends and i will NEVER forget that you gave me the gift of music and introduced me to the rockin sounds of ZWR....I have an easier time remembering moments in time by associating those moments with music I was listening to at the time and I have listened to alot of ZWR so I would like to thank you for helping me hold onto moments in time!

You truley are a heck of a guy and I can't believe you made it to 20,000 post.......its a shame.....did you get the memo? ......Joey put a 20,000 post limit out before a fabo member has to be retired to the field and have some lead put in there diet LOL :toothy10:

Keep on posting brotha ....hope to see you make it to 100,000 posts and beyond!

from me and all your fabo friends and family....we love ya and were glad to have ya!
not to mention...Mike is the king of the smileys!!!! :happy10::bootysha::read2::jocolor::toothy7::poke::coffee2::burnout: But we all know this is his most used and favorite of all smileys :drinkers: LOL
A giant Congrats' to you Mike. You are a true Icon of this site. I hope to meet you in person someday. Toolmanmike