Nicks Garage, 572 HEMI, Here we go....

You’re not paying attention.
There is an ignition advance curve programmed into the box.

If you can’t access the curve in the box to see what it is(need a laptop), then the only way you’ll really know what the timing is doing at high rpm is to put a light on it…….. and run it up to the upper limit of the test.
you are correct, I skimmed through the video and heard them say the dizzy was locked. Thanks :)
You’re not paying attention.
There is an ignition advance curve programmed into the box.

If you can’t access the curve in the box to see what it is(need a laptop), then the only way you’ll really know what the timing is doing at high rpm is to put a light on it…….. and run it up to the upper limit of the test.
Even then I think it might be extra confusing to them. Apparently it ran best @ 30 total ( I actually don't remember that, and will look it up as soon as I can). They would have to hold it at 6000rpm for a longtime I bet. J.Rob
Guaranteed this was all planned/scripted from the get go.
That's what I'm thinkin. Nick has always come off like a right smart feller now all of a sudden he's a skatter brained idiot? I don't think so. I think some producers and writers are afoot.
That's what I'm thinkin. Nick has always come off like a right smart feller now all of a sudden he's a skatter brained idiot? I don't think so. I think some producers and writers are afoot.
Just noticed on the last pull, he points out the oil leak at the back of the manifold, and on the dyno screen it looks like his fuel pump can't keep up as it drops from 313.7 lbs/hrs @5900rpm to 303.7 @ 303.7 oh and on the screen he's 4.9psi/5.5psi. I'd guess it's a touch lean, as I run all Holleys @ 6.5psi. I also don't like the massive jump in temp from 151 to 168 degrees- most of his engine videos seem to show this---I think it's his water setup as the cooling tower shares its water with the absorber. Looks like a flow issue or not enough waterpump supply to the dyno. J.Rob
Oh and I just remembered, if he's wondering if it's valvefloat or not....put the f'kn air turbine that he HAS sitting right there and use it. That will answer your question. Simple. J.Rob
I don't think anyone has been overly hard on Nick.
Distributor position and overall ignition system is thee very first thing to get verified in my dyno sessions. The second thing is carb float level/leaks are looked at. Third is valvetrain.

I've had troubles but never to the degree we all just witnessed. I am very interested in the upcoming videos and I AM invested in this as I am the the engine builder that un-F!@#$% it from the original builder. When I finished with that engine it ran SO DAMN good it hurts to see it not given a fair shake. I am sure it will be portrayed as a piece of junk that is need of Nick's help. J.Rob
I just knew you were cringing when someone was having troubles reworking something you put good energy into and got great results to boot. Hindsight should be 20/20 for the new owner if not already, soon.
RAMM noone competent is questioning your work, I'd have peace knowing you did another good job. Then sit back and watch the Sxxxshow laughing. Like someone has mentioned here, you have no control over what people do with your stuff after it leaves you. You have data from the build and dyno details to back it up. Yes, it's troubling that the Ytuber guy suggests this or that may be wrong with aspects of its design or execution. Especially that he apparently knows you and your work!!! The reality anymore is most good engine shops only use word-of-mouth advertisement which is probably best at this point because most shops I know of are still turning away work from being busy (selecting good customers!!!). The Ytuber might be able to do milder/easier builds fair but, !!!it's obvious!!! some things are over his head.
Even then I think it might be extra confusing to them. Apparently it ran best @ 30 total ( I actually don't remember that, and will look it up as soon as I can). They would have to hold it at 6000rpm for a longtime I bet. J.Rob
He could just keep checking it like he was……at like 2k……and keep retarding it 1-2deg at a time…….and then after zeroing in on what setting yielded the best power……..zing it up to 6k and make note of what the true total timing was.

I thought on the last pull he was at 26*, at whatever rpm he was checking it at.
He could just keep checking it like he was……at like 2k……and keep retarding it 1-2deg at a time…….and then after zeroing in on what setting yielded the best power……..zing it up to 6k and make note of what the true total timing was.

I thought on the last pull he was at 26*, at whatever rpm he was checking it at.
No he was saying it ran best @ 30 degrees based off either my dyno sheet or info the customer told his buyer. I don't remember it being that low so I hope I have it recorded in the dyno data, but it might have been handwritten. J.Rob
No he was saying it ran best @ 30 degrees based off either my dyno sheet or info the customer told his buyer. I don't remember it being that low so I hope I have it recorded in the dyno data, but it might have been handwritten. J.Rob

I was watching the newest video to catch up .
In reading the comments I saw one that said the head gaskets were leaking .
Did I miss that in the video ?

I read comments from the carb builder I think,,,,he clearly was telling them to call him about the carbs . And I was hoping RAMM had been on there to rebut the data they are showing about the engine ?

Any possibility that will happen ?

I was watching the newest video to catch up .
In reading the comments I saw one that said the head gaskets were leaking .
Did I miss that in the video ?

I read comments from the carb builder I think,,,,he clearly was telling them to call him about the carbs . And I was hoping RAMM had been on there to rebut the data they are showing about the engine ?

Any possibility that will happen ?

Oh you will have to watch the video in its entirety. Yes my carb guy and friend is expecting a call from Nick as Nick commented that he will call him soon. J.Rob
I was once associated with a reality TV show. This is all fabricated drama BS. I'd lay even money the reason the distributor was 180 out is because they set it that way. This is all kayfabe for the eyeholes of the rubes. S/F...Ken M
I was once associated with a reality TV show. This is all fabricated drama BS. I'd lay even money the reason the distributor was 180 out is because they set it that way. This is all kayfabe for the eyeholes of the rubes. S/F...Ken M
It's startin to remind me of the Counting Cars stupidness.
How long til he starts **** like "If we don't dyno this motor we are gonna lose the shop!!"
i stopped watching Nick's garage long time ago. in the beginning it was a decent show but got to scripted for me. there is no chance i would bring him anything when RAMM is just as close. RAMM has done work for me in the past with great results.
i stopped watching Nick's garage long time ago. in the beginning it was a decent show but got to scripted for me. there is no chance i would bring him anything when RAMM is just as close. RAMM has done work for me in the past with great results.
I dunno... i trusted RAMM til i saw nick show what his work is like :) (a joke...)
i stopped watching Nick's garage long time ago. in the beginning it was a decent show but got to scripted for me. there is no chance i would bring him anything when RAMM is just as close. RAMM has done work for me in the past with great results.
Agreed , Ram has done work for me also and hopefully more this winter if he has the time i couldn't be happier and his carb guy Gill i dont know how to spell his name done my Holley 950 hp and it is now the best carb i have ever owned .
That's what I'm thinkin. Nick has always come off like a right smart feller now all of a sudden he's a skatter brained idiot? I don't think so. I think some producers and writers are call Dementia setting in
i'm kinda surprised he wasn't upset that it didn't have a stock cam or heads
To me it don't look like Nick is a serious builder, from what I've seen mostly resto type builds stock muscle car may be slightly modified ones seems to be his niche and breaks it on the dyno gives it a little tune and you get a little dyno sheet to go with your probably big bill.
To be honest, I think more $$ than brains and some of his customers are attn seekers hoping for some "airtime" recognition.
As mentioned by several in this thread, I haven't seen Nick do much more than play with his "toy"
To me it don't look like Nick is a serious builder, from what I've seen mostly resto type builds stock muscle car may be slightly modified ones seems to be his niche and breaks it on the dyno gives it a little tune and you get a little dyno sheet to go with your probably big bill.
To me it don't look like Nick is a serious builder, from what I've seen mostly resto type builds stock muscle car may be slightly modified ones seems to be his niche and breaks it on the dyno gives it a little tune and you get a little dyno sheet to go with your probably big bill.
Glad that air time ain’t coming out of my pocket to rebuilt it again
Agreed , Ram has done work for me also and hopefully more this winter if he has the time i couldn't be happier and his carb guy Gill i dont know how to spell his name done my Holley 950 hp and it is now the best carb i have ever owned .

There are talented people out there .
But all this crap makes the real talented guys look like no body special,,,,,,and then the real paying customers don’t know who to trust .
Hurts the real good guys business ,,,potentially .

Sometimes it seems like the internet just wants to put out crap,,,,,fake drama I guess .
I guess that’s how you make money on YouTube ?
