Obama owned a gas guzzling Chrysler 300C ???

A scoundrel, hypocrite, and liar, eh? Sounds like a politician to me, what did they expect? Gotta give him style points for not driving a Phord or GM.....

^ Is the only 300C I'd give style points for.... However........


^ I would vote STALIN/HITLER in the next election, if they cruised around in one of those!!!! :O

As for the current 300c:

The only reason people buy them is because they sort of look like Bentleys, and said people cannot afford Bentleys. THE ONLY REASON!!! These things are awful looking.

- CK
I hear he still has it. It now rides on 25" chrome wheels with a hydraulic suspension and shag leopard skin interior, with lime green and red two tone paint......
My wife and I own 2006 and love it. We did not vote for Obama. All the people in Washington are liars get used to it. Still love the car and it was built in the USA.
I voted for that gay loving dude...I couldn't believe I did but I didn't want minimum wages cut and more tax breaks for the filthy rich. He was the lesser of two evils, IMO

That other guy was one big lier :protest:
I voted for that gay loving dude...I couldn't believe I did but I didn't want minimum wages cut and more tax breaks for the filthy rich. He was the lesser of two evils, IMO

That other guy was one big lier :protest:

and Obama is not a liar...LOL...LOL


the page never ends.........
My wife and I own 2006 and love it. We did not vote for Obama. All the people in Washington are liars get used to it. Still love the car and it was built in the USA.

Assembled* in the USA. ;)

- CK
I voted for that gay loving dude...I couldn't believe I did but I didn't want minimum wages cut and more tax breaks for the filthy rich. He was the lesser of two evils, IMO

That other guy was one big lier :protest:

way too funny :toothy10:
My wife has a 2005 300C.
14.30's, 25MPG. Great Car.
I love driving that car. I love driving it on long road trips.
Its real nice to be able to drive @ 80MPH & carry on a conservation with out raising your voice.
The Presidents car showed up on EBAY a couple of years ago. I don't know what it brought.
My wife has a 2005 300C.
14.30's, 25MPG. Great Car.
Sweet, but is your wife attempting to push premature grren technology onto the American public? Probably not. Obama's ride probably never saw double digits (if it did it wasn't more than about 13 or 14) and his present ride is even worse. Yet he's forcing electric cars down our throats.

I'd like to see a little leadership by example. Al Gore is even a bigger hypocrite.
Yeah there is lot of his policies I don't like but that other guy seemed worst, IMO

Driving isn't the most important thing in my life..i had my fun behind the wheel. Health care, wages, taxes mater more to me. I'm a low wage earner so higher taxes for the rich are fine with me. Maybe one day the USA will have decent public transit and I would not need a car as much. If I lived in downtown Toronto I sure would not own a car--its quicker to get around on the buses, subways and streetcars. I could always rent a car now and then. Less worries.

Again I vote for him cause I hated the other guy...now if that Rick Santorum would had been in the running, well goodbye Obama
I'm a low wage earner so higher taxes for the rich are fine with me.

Not the place and I'm about to walk out of work so not the time. This is how he got elected.

I'll leave you with a quote from Margaret Thatcher.
"The Problem with Socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people's money."
Don't like Obama? Blame the right, the right refuses to come up with a decent candidate that a rational person could like. And please for the love of whatever god you want to pray to stop crying the idiotic socialism nonsense. Its makes a person look like such an ignorant follower.

A health care bill does not mean socialism.

As for the OP, really, who cares? Every politician drives a gas guzzler. and 300c isnt the worst of them. Imagine what kind of mpg those old 70s pos's got.
Nixon's presidential limo got 4 mpg on a good day

GWB did not improve my life one little bit, I blame his lack of oversight for the banking problems that led to the housing price crash. Don't say it was going to happen cause in Canada it did not, they have strict regulations for banks, in the US the banks were just giving money away to anybody who ask for a loan. You could put down you earn $75,000 a year and only making $25,000 and the banks were not even checking i f the info was true. They were just stamping appovals on their loans and then when everything crashed, they were too big to fail and GWB--not Obama but he would had too--GWB gave out bailout payments-I don't call them loans cause the money hasn't been paid back in full.

The rich are getting richer and the middle class is shrinking. Romney idea of middle class was people who earn $250,000 a year..that is upper class in my book. Romney in company cost us many jobs. I'm glad Ohio didn't vote for him.Plus Romney was so cocky, he thought for sure he be elected..he forgot young people and minorities can and do vote, even if they gotta stand in line for hours.

I hope the supreme court puts an end to gay marriages this summer, Obama can buzz off. I would have rather voted for the Pope but he wasn't running. It was either him or some fat cat who cared less about those earning under $250,000, IMO

Now lets talk about something else, I'm moving on...I tune back in, come 2016..that New Jersey governor seems OK, so what he is fat, half the people in the USA are fat. There's no way I'm going for Mrs Clinton...unless another Bushie is running, ugh
I hope the supreme court puts an end to gay marriages this summer,

You do realize that's never going to happen right? This is one of those civil rights/morality things where the archaic minded are going to be dragged into the future kicking and screaming.

Its basically the issue of interracial marriage all over again. And look today how insane those anti-interracial marriage people seem.
Romney, a successful business man that made million investing and risking his and shareholders money...

Obama, a successful community organizer that has spend trillions of taxpayer money and has nothing to show for it....


Hope you job is really secure, dodge freak, cause your president is going to add 11 million new citizens that are mostly low paying wage earners...and then they will sponsor in their brothers...sisters...aunts..uncles...grandma...and then we have 30 million new low paying wage earners....

It is estimated that the 11 million will cost the taxpayers...you being one of them...29 billion dollars in benefits for just the 11 million new legals citizens.....at some point there is not enough rich people to tax...so the govt starts taxing the middle class....

the new tax on the wealthy generates 80 billion a year..that runs the govt for about a week or so...i guess the govt knows how to spend taxpayers money the best....

ok..done with rant..
Romney, a successful business man that made million investing and risking his and shareholders money...

Obama, a successful community organizer that has spend trillions of taxpayer money and has nothing to show for it....


Hope you job is really secure, dodge freak, cause your president is going to add 11 million new citizens that are mostly low paying wage earners...and then they will sponsor in their brothers...sisters...aunts..uncles...grandma...and then we have 30 million new low paying wage earners....

It is estimated that the 11 million will cost the taxpayers...you being one of them...29 billion dollars in benefits for just the 11 million new legals citizens.....at some point there is not enough rich people to tax...so the govt starts taxing the middle class....

Billions of dollars made by buying small companies, putting them out of business(putting people out of work) and selling off the assets. A slimy pos...even most of my right leaning friends recognize, he is a bad person and a crap candidate...blame your party.
Obama had doled out $90 billion to green energy companies, half of which he said had failed,

Quite the Successful Community organizer we have...loses 45 billion in taxpayers money...hey..it ok..it only taxpayer money...and how many jobs went down the tubes with the 45 billion...and where could that money been better spend?...school teachers...police officers..


According to the WSj...their success rate was near 70%...but please...don’t hit me with the facts....the media does not like the facts..

Obama was and is protected by the Media.....that is who got obama elected and re-elected...and of course the people who want stuff for free....
Obama, Diane Feinstien, and Mikey Bloomberg were in a meeting to try to ban guns, and Al Kyda terrorists busted in and took them hostage. They were demanding a huge ransom, or they were gonna throw gas on them, set them on fire and burn them. I was stuck in traffic at an intersection, and a dude in a traffic vest, carrying a bucket came up to my window. I rolled down the window and ask him what was up. He tells me the above story, and says he's helping take up donations in order to help our country. I said "Sure....how much have y'all got so far?" He says "Oh.......about 20 or 30 gallons!" :D :finga: :snakeman:
Obama had doled out $90 billion to green energy companies, half of which he said had failed,

Quite the Successful Community organizer we have...loses 45 billion in taxpayers money...hey..it ok..it only taxpayer money...and how many jobs went down the tubes with the 45 billion...and where could that money been better spend?...school teachers...police officers..


According to the WSj...their success rate was near 70%...but please...don’t hit me with the facts....the media does not like the facts..

Obama was and is protected by the Media.....that is who got obama elected and re-elected...and of course the people who want stuff for free....

Well until you fix the issues with teachers and their union nonsense, 45billion is just as much of a waste to them.

And you show your irrational bias. Its now the presidents fault that those green energy companies failed? Is it a bad thing to invest in american technologies that may eventually help us lose our dependence on oil from middle east?

Again, cry media cry this cry that, but in the end, the true culprit is your own party. Surely if they believed all the Faux news style gibberish, they would've come to the table with a better candidate.

Remember, same candidate that chose a teaparty nutjob for VP(will your party learn not to that in 2016? i kind of doubt it)...you know, the group that's been in existence for a short time, but polls show they are more hated than Muslim's and Atheists. Shocking to get so low so quickly especially when those two bottom groups got there from campaigns of hate& misinformation. Also the same group that previously produced a mindnumbingly stupid VP who clearly caused the right losing the 08' election.