OMG what a Hamburger

WOW girl what holds you to the ground when the wind blows. Velcro….

rani: throw in a small malt w/ that burger it will put the weight on you if you drink one every day.

ps. u r a very pretty lady from what little of the pic I can see, hang in there!----------------------------------------------------bob:coffee2:
If you happen to be around a place that has Bison Burgers, I'd suggest that.
I eat those when I have the opportunity.
Domestic cattle concern me.

Places for bison burgers near Colorado

Ted's Montana Grill
Zagat: 19 / 30 - 77 Google reviews

1401 Larimer Street
Denver, CO
(303) 893-0654

Ted's Montana Grill
Zagat: 19 / 30 - 25 Google reviews

16495 East 40th Circle
Aurora, CO
(720) 374-7220

Ted's Montana Grill
Zagat: 19 / 30 - 24 Google reviews

1685 Briargate Parkway
Colorado Springs, CO
(719) 598-6195
I just wanted to express my concern for you Rani. There is nothing better for you than having a good, healthy, balanced diet. Make sure to eat a good variety of healthy foods to help you gain weight. I'm very glad you are receiving good advise and proper care to help you improve your eating habits. This place wouldn't be the same without you here, so please take this matter very seriously and always make your health your first priority! We all care about you, and want to see you get better!
Rani I am so proud of you. This is so awesome. I second that you try Fuddruckers. They also have Buffalo burgers that are AMAZING.
There is a place in Idaho called Bigg Judds that has some amazing burgers.

Here is a picture of my best buddy/cousin getting ready to try his luck on one.

...He didn't even get close!!!
If you're ever in the area, hit up Jack's Steakhouse in Bismarck, North Dakota, and get yourself a Ribeye, plain (no marinade, seasonings, or other bulls**t). You'll thank yourself, but then you'll hate me because no other steak can compare to Jack's. Also, I know the guy who raises their steaks from little baby veals... ;)

But then again, I dunno if you're ready for Jack's just yet... Might put yourself into a meat-induced coma over such a wonderful hunk of cow. Give it a few more burgers and s**tty non-Jack's steaks, then step up and devour the greatest piece of bovine you'll ever stick between your mandibles. :)

Also, Streeter, ND has a Buffalo supper every year, where hundreds of people get together and eat buffalo!! If you think beef is great, try BUFFALO!!! Buffalo, elk, and speedgoat (antelope, specifically pronghorns) are delicious; probably my three top-favorite cloven-hoof meals. As for birds, F- the KFC, and get yourself a shotgun and go get a few pheasants or grouse. Further, since you're out in Colorado, you could try fishing! Walleye, perch, trout, salmon, etc. are VERY good eating, even though you gotta pick out the bones... Catfish are great for a garbage fish (their diet consists of garbage until a certain size, at which point they turn to a more meat-based diet), but there's a trick to cooking them; Bigger cats, you have to cut off the "red meat" bits, or you get a very fishy taste. Also, cleaning them is more like butchering a hog because catfish have ribs like damn cattle, and you can't simply cut through them like most other fish. Cats make GREAT bite-sized portions when deep-fried, whereas the more respectable fish (the predators, such as walleye) should be filleted and roasted, possibly with some lemon-pepper seasonings. I got a GREAT Walleye grill-roast recipe that makes a wonderful cut of fish!

Avoid other garbage fish such as drums/skipjacks/yellow-eyes, white suckerfish, rock bass, and carp. Carp especially are dis-gusting (stupid smiley) fish, no idea how the Asian cultures see them as Gods/spirits and medicine. Really any sort of bottom-feeder or filter-feeder, with the only exception on bottom-feeders being sturgeon, and check local legality because some sturgeon are endangered species and others aren't.

Also also, if you have no religious qualms about it, BACON! Bacon is the candy of meat; you can put bacon on literally ANYTHING, and it will make it better... I'm tempted to bolt some strips up to my Duster.... Instant +650rwhp! And speaking of the candy of meat, you can make candied bacon simply by cooking it with tons of brown sugar over it.... It's AMAZING what you can do with bacon!!

But ya, meat is the best thing in the world; no vegan/vegetarian/herbivore can convince me otherwise. I'll be eating red meat until I die (probably of meat shock for eating too much red meat in one sitting)...

Yup McDonalds is what I eat when I need a good cleaning, never waited more than 30 minutes for the event.
I can't bring myself to eat that pink paste they call "meat." Hell, even a gas station hot dog has more actual meat in it than McD's... Honestly, I'd not be surprised to find out McD's "meat" caused cancer...

- CK
P.s. Have you had TACOS yet!? Try to find a Taco John's and get some TACOS!

P.p.s. As for weight gain, burgers and fries and malts and such will put a good bit of FAT on... If you want to have weight and retain a figure, you gotta work it off. Join a gym or something and exercise. It'll help put lean muscle on and keep the body fat ratio down. The best part, though, is that meat (high in protein) is like rocket fuel for muscle and strength gain! :)