Opinions on chroming



Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2008
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I'm throwing around the idea of investing in a chroming system as a home business. I would be able to refinish Instrument clusters, chrome plate plastics and most metals. Its not a cheap venture but I think there is a demand for it with all the restorations going on. I know there are a few places doing this but with some of the prices being charged I think there is room for competition. I’d like to hear some opinions. Have some of you had a hard time finding someone to do this or can’t justify the quotes you have been given for refinishing the parts? What are your thoughts?

Thanks in advance
Well - I don;t know how far you've researched it, but one of the reasons for the scarcity of platers is environmental issues w/ all the acids and chemicals. I don't know how it is up in Canada, but the EPA has a short lease on any business like that in the States.

As far as the idea - i think it's great. But remember, there is an equal or greater amount of restoration and repairs to parts as there is the actual plating of the part. If you have experience or skill working w/ metal repairs and restoration of trim parts, I'd say that's the most important part. the actual plating process is pretty basic.
I'm throwing around the idea of investing in a chroming system as a home business. I would be able to refinish Instrument clusters, chrome plate plastics and most metals. Its not a cheap venture but I think there is a demand for it with all the restorations going on. I know there are a few places doing this but with some of the prices being charged I think there is room for competition. I’d like to hear some opinions. Have some of you had a hard time finding someone to do this or can’t justify the quotes you have been given for refinishing the parts? What are your thoughts?

Thanks in advance
Here in Sweden it´s impossible to find anyone who´ll do the plating, ask me
I´ve been looking.
I was tossing with the same idea over here in Sweden until I got the price of the equipment to use, the price for it would cost me $150K.
(vacuum plating)

Sorry,I don´t mean to discourage you with my post.
I´m sure of that there is a demand for plastic chrome plating.
I've looked into it myself a few years ago (7-8 years), I had actually purchased a system, as I had lined-up some work to pay it off.

The system, due to some of the chemicals, got brick walled at the border.
It took a very long time for me to get my refund from the company, as they were looking for loop holes to keep the sale of the system.

Long story short, plastic chroming is best done via vacuum plating, and these home plating kits do not use this process.

My .02, and no doubt the disposal of some of these materials will be costly also.

Wishing you all the best in your venture.

Good point on the border. I didn't consider the mile of red tape there. I have some research to do I guess. I'll see what a pain it will be.

we are setting up a cad plating room here on the island , but the start -up for chrome and the overhead are just too much I'm told but we have several platers here in the victoria area and I had thought of doing the same , as what you seem to be describing ie. a small personal set-up and if your serious I would suggest you check the classifieds from some of the eastern cities where cars are built I've heard of bankrupt third party producers being liquidated for pennies on the dollar including one where a 5 axis flow table and the polishing set-up went for 35k {I was told it was worth 10times that or more } theres a lot of deals out there and you might just find a bankrupt plater in oakville ont or some place like that where you can walk in to an auction and buy everything you could possibly want or need for next to nothing eh!
My family owns a plating buisness here in mass. The epa are very strict when it comes to all of the chemicals and the acids. Even having a certain place just to store your chemical waste, and paying to have it picked up and dispoased properly.The other part of chroming is the prep work. Sanding, filling pits, buffing all goes along with it and that can sometimes take longer than the plating process its self(very very time consuming). If you do this i would suggest seeing every part you do before someone sends it to you so you know what your getting in to. (example)People come in all the time with stuff that looks like its been under water for 30 years and want it to come out perfect for under $200. It just doesnt happen like that, theres a lot of work to it. just some info for you, but good luck and hope everything works out for you.
Much more to think about. Thanks for all the input.
There was a big story on our local news not long ago. Someone had dumped hazardous chemical on neighborhood streets. Actually went down a dead end street, through the turnaround, and up the other side.
Guess what they found ?... A guy and his wife had a home plating business and he was hauling a tank of chemical to disposal facility. He discovered a leaking valve on the tank and turned around to return home.
The EPA will try to recoup every dime they spent on cleaning up the mess from him. Plus fines. He is also liable for damage to other peoples vehicles who unknowingly drove threw the stuff. There was even talk of repaving some streets at his expense.