Pieces of steel in cylinder??

Could it possibly be some thing like radiator allumiseal dumped in the crank case? For some evil reason? I once knew a fellow that poured K&W block seal in his crank case because well it was block seal! He didn't read the instructions. It locked that motor up tighter than a nuns cunt.

This is the kind of thing was thinking. Chemistry, as cool as it is, can be a real *****. See the posts about low melting temp alloys.

Still I think @George Jets is likely right.

Occam's (SP?) razor says that all things being equal, the solution is probably the simplest one.
Even if you put fishing weights into it...
The pick up screen would have to be missing, have a hole, to suck up weights.
How it didnt lock up is something...

Im saying this...
The seat falling out and the bearings being smeared are 2 separate issues. Imo.
The seat needs a way to get into the oil...it cant from the chamber side without a hole..it typically goes out the pipe...
George isn't wrong about the seat coming out. The rest is separated from that though.
That's my final word. Valued or not..it doesn't matter.

Yeah, you're right on this. I wasn't thinking about the screen. I was thinking just toss them in the breather but that makes no sense when the screen is there... I need to learn to let the thoughts catch up to my fingers before typing :) Doh!
BTW, if the theory of the chunks in the cylinder forcing the crank against the bearings is right, then there ought to be a much thinner bearing area on the main bearing and on the #3 rod bearing in particular, based on how much soft stuff junk there is..... not quite seeing that on the mains as shown. No pix of that rod bearing.... so it may be really melted. (The OP is lettin' us down LOL)
I’m tryin! Hang on a sec. Gonna post pics real soon...

Since it's at the machine shop now, you need to make DAMN SURE they remove every single plug, like I said. When you get it back, you need to double check that yourself. It's that important.
Pay attention here folks...

See the hole on the bearing and how small it is compared to the journals dark impression at the oil feed...it is in your interest to make sure this oil hole 5/16 and even slotted. They are not large enough for early blocks main feeds and are offset to boot..so it is more imperative on the early blocks..as said in another thread.
Also pay attention that a certain tech editor disagrees with this... that's some pretty bad judgement from a tech guy wouldn't ya think?
Total curb shitter imo.

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Since it's at the machine shop now, you need to make DAMN SURE they remove every single plug, like I said. When you get it back, you need to double check that yourself. It's that important.

Thanks Rusty, will do.

The bearings are stamped .040, and the pistons are stamped 40. I never got around to measuring the cylinders with a gauge, so that is unknown.
First two photos are from cylinder 3. Third photo is cylinder 5, and the last is the crap that fell out of the underside of piston #5. More junk.

Could it possibly be some thing like radiator allumiseal dumped in the crank case? For some evil reason? I once knew a fellow that poured K&W block seal in his crank case because well it was block seal! He didn't read the instructions. It locked that motor up tighter than a nuns cunt.

That would certainly lock it up. That's a big WTF???? Evidently he didn't read the LABEL.
Ima thinking this is not from the pounding on the rods. That rod bearing has not been pounded hard nor has material melted out of it..... it has had some bits of soft material pounded into it, probably coming in the oiling system. No wonder the crank looked decent, and no way all that soft stuff came out of the bearings. So coming down from the cam bearing area or head/rockers? Or coming in from the main gallery?

OP, when you get around to it, pull the plugs out of the rocker shafts, particularly the driver's side. If the cam bearings was involved, then some small bits might conceivably been pushed up there. They need to be cleaned out any way, just like the engine passages.

With .040 on the bearings in there already, this crank has been seriously turned down before. No wonder the mains looked so thick in the pix. If the crank is not perfect for diameters, I'd not expect to be able to find any bearings to use the crank. Rock Auto has .040" undersized bearings as their max size. Sorry 'bout that.....

What do you plan to do with this engine/car? Just trying to see how it may be stressed in your planned use.
Well hell. I forgot this was the engine that lost the seat. This thread has had so many twists and turns I ended up out in the parking lot.

Again, this engine has been a real **** storm.

Yeah but you know what? He's gonna get this thing dead right now. Cause he has the best for advice. Our opinions may vary on stuff, but we'll get him in the right direction. I bet since he's doing it all himself now, it's gonna turn out golden.