@pittsburghracer gone.

Donated as well. The very least I can do but I find comfort knowing that he was a God fearing man. And, my daughter found a tiny scrawny kitten in our chicken coop this morning so we are tending to it. Hoping it will be an outdoor cat for us ( we already have a dog and cat in the house). If it was a male, I’d name it John!

damm , he'll be missed greatly ! everytime time he posted anything i made it a point to read up on it , yes we sheared the love of those cute kiddies , i would shear my cat pics on his kitty posts . man i hope someone takes care of his two little ones . he very a wonderful man in all his life , wealth of years he sheared with all . he will be miss ! rip john .
here is some of my lov'd ones , most are recue kiddies . and yes where so young they had to be bottle fed every few hours . and our big louie , made some babies before we thought he could . but we love them all .










I really, genuinely appreciate when those with more experience than myself are willing to share some of the knowledge they have accumulated through the years during their travels, exploits, racing, and hands-on tinkering through trial and error. It definitely shortens the learning curve for someone like myself that has not been there or done that. I did not have the opportunity to meet Pittsburgracer but without knowing me in person he took time out of his day on a few occasions to answers some questions I posted on things I have no experience with. His absence will leave a void in this forum and the others he frequented. He will be missed by his Mopar brothers and sisters.

Rest in peace John Cadamore.

Condolences to his family and friends.
What a strange and wonderful thing, this internet. A large group of literal strangers are genuinely lamenting the passing of a man most never met, but considered a friend through nothing but the text he left us. He was just being John and having fun, and I doubt he was aware of the impact he made around this place. He was a treasure, and while we'll soldier on without him we'll always be aware of that hole. Goodbye, John. I wish I'd have known you.

For those of you who have not been checked out, please go to the doctor for a heart health check up! Heart disease is the leading cause of death in males and I truly believe a majority of heart attacks could have been thwarted. We keep losing folks we cant afford to lose!
I second this, but not just for heart health and not just for the older members. See your doctor and stay after your health, period. I lost a good friend to a freak heart attack when he was 21 and another to diagnosed heart issues--that could've been treated--at 38. It was his third one but "Hey, the first two didn't kill me!" The invincibility of youth is fleeting.
This news hurts and after reading through all the posts I find myself holding back tears.
John touched all of us here whether we met him or not, he was a genuine great human being.
I always read his posts - they were always entertaining and informative.
I guess I don’t need to tell anyone here how great of a guy he is.
Definitely someone I wish I could’ve met and been at the racetrack with.
When I get to the track next season, I’ll try to emulate his posts with the care and detail he put into his.
Rest In Peace Racer.
here is some of my lov'd ones , most are recue kiddies . and yes where so young they had to be bottle fed every few hours . and our big louie , made some babies before we thought he could . but we love them all .

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Well done sir, in true PBR style!
John was a great guy. Always treated me well as long as I’ve known him. I was sad and stunned when I heard this news which was passed onto me by John’s very close friend and my mentor. They spoke every day on the phone, including the evening before John passed.

John was a very funny guy, very helpful, very nice, loved racing and the Mopar community. Mutual friends are how I met John at our local track. I got to race with John in the box class for years. I’ll never forget the day John stayed and took photos of me and my team in our pit area after I picked up my first win. John was very excited for me and he took those photos and posted them online before I ever joined FABO. He will be missed by many. I’m very happy to see how many people he has grown close to through the use of Internet forums.

RIP John
Is anyone checking on his cats?

Frankie's Friends says they don't take in cats, but I bet, if someone explained how much John advocated for their rescue efforts and they tallied how much has been donated in his memory, they might consider helping to rehome them.
Wow! RIP John, never got to meet him. Was hoping to run into him at Keystone a year ago. Sad news.
Like most here, never met him, but always appreciated his posts. He seemed so full of knowledge, yet humble. Never raised his font (voice) in discussions, and always offered sage advice.
I am not sure who said this, but " don't be sad because it is over, be happy that it ever happened" that is my take on having discovering PBR on FABO.
He did mention in a post with me one time that he had a sister in Sebring florida.
Is anyone checking on his cats?

Frankie's Friends says they don't take in cats, but I bet, if someone explained how much John advocated for their rescue efforts and they tallied how much has been donated in his memory, they might consider helping to rehome them.
Not certain, I've been wondering the same thing, I'm not in a position to take any of them....Mr. Hemi's been on My mind in particular.....
I haven’t been on here in a week. I can’t frickin believe it. Dammit. We’re loosing a lot of good guys here. This ain’t supposed to happen until you’re 100.
RIP John! I always enjoyed his posts and the knowledge that he shared with all of us. This reminds us though that each of us only have so many trips around the sun, and we don't know how many that will be. Let's all try a little harder to be a better person........like John!
RIP John, enjoyed all his posts and information get pasted on, helped me learn a lot, thoughts and prayer with his family, he will be missed here by his Mopar family.