The tips are at 3/4 of the way to the back on the intake side and you want me to bring him back further?...From the picture it looks like the shafts need to up and back. No way should the rocker be that close to the springs and retainer, unless they are 1.625 diameter springs.
I’d send those pictures to Mike at B3 and let him see them. Now is the time to fix it.
Glad you found this thread.
If you can, just pick the shaft up and move it back and see if you can get a picture of what that looks like. I know some guys use washers under the shaft and just bolt the shafts down until it bends the washer fits the saddle, but that can break the saddle off the head. Any way you can safely raise the shafts and get a look will help.
The tips are at 3/4 of the way to the back on the intake side and you want me to bring him back further?...
I think I mentioned a couple posts ago that I have the Hughes shims that I never used when I put the rockers on my factory heads as they were exactly the same as my 273 rockers.
Did you read post 1374 the second to the last one on the last page?..If you can use the shims to raise the shafts and get a picture without busting a saddle you can do that. The issue with the shim like that is they only raise the shaft and they don’t move the shaft away from the valve. Using those shims will at least let you see which way you need to go, and you have them.
It's the total gap. block to blockHere's one that kind of lost me in the instructions for the Hughes rockers. Do they want .005 to .015 between each Gap or total between clamp down to clamp down for both rockers and accompanying spacers?...
Did you read post 1374 the second to the last one on the last page?..
so a couple hundred at least for B3 kit and almost a couple of hundred or more from new Smith Brothers pushrods correct?...Yeah, I read it before and just read it again to refresh my memory.
That’s the problem with the shims that Hughes sends out. They only raise the shaft, they don’t move it away from the valve.
Again, the math is WAY over my head, but you are working with an arc that the rocker works on, around a fulcrum. And it moves a valve that moves up and down (I hope Mike sees this and comes by and corrects me) while the rocker moves about its fulcrum.
If you take a straight edge and lay it against the valve or valve spring and then use another to simulate the shaft (fulcrum) you’ll see that as the get longer (move away from the head for the valve and like you are raising the shaft) you’ll see they not only get closer together the further away from the head you get, but they actually cross.
That’s why you can’t just add longer valves, or a roller tip or both without raising the shaft AND moving it away from the valve. Otherwise, the two will move closer together and the geometry is never correct.
And yes, you’ll need longer pushrods when you correct the geometry. You’ll be raising the shaft enough that the push rods you have will be way too short.
My problem isn't rolling off the tip on the exhaust side it's getting it closer to the exhaust side... You do see that in the picture correct?...
Honestly it seems like the last cap would make it better? As in bring the roller to the center.. which I'm also finding out isn't ultra critical with rollers.. it's looking like just leaving it alone it's going to create the smallest sweep pattern..A lash cap will make it worse .
No, shortening the valve and nosing the roller down with it would take it closer to center. not the best way. lolHonestly it seems like the last cap would make it better? As in bring the roller to the center.. which I'm also finding out isn't ultra critical with rollers.. it's looking like just leaving it alone it's going to create the smallest sweep pattern..
Anyways I'll head out to the garage turn on some possum face and work on it today...
Going to...I’d run it.
Going to...
For all the younger crowd, this is a very true statement.Just keep in mind many of us went pretty fast for a lot of year before we even heard of "rocker geometry" or knew what to look for. Like I said earlier we fixed weak links and moved on. Grind a rocker when needed, lash caps, thicker pushrods, rocker shaft shims, or whatever it took. finish it and have fun.