Puke!!! Glued together meat being sold to us

If you eat meat with glue in it, it "sticks to your ribs" longer and you won't be as hungry later....
something has to hold chicken nuggets together!
I live in the sticks of s w Missouri. Most Americans would LAUGH at my little place. pasture, house, garage (shed). we burn wood for heat, eat venison, raise our our eggs, poultry, meat, vegetables. if price of gas gets more than I can afford I got 3 well broke horses that CAN get me somewhere. NO i'm not a survivalist, just raised the the sticks of s w Georgia, and like the Hank Williams, Jr. old song said, " a countryboy WILL survive" !!????? LOL no really!
i'm 66 and have bout run my race, BUT maybe the younger generation should consider buying a big chest freeze and buying meat from a producer you can trust and have it butchered. they would know what meat their kids are eating, a whole hog, qtr beed, and a few dozens fryers go a long way!! buy ya veggies from a REAL producer, local farmers market???........ enough RANT....
if it looks like poop, smells like poop, tastes like poop, maybe its poop! ( or meat gLUE?!)
boneless chicken breasts????? ( 15% thigh meat) wad up some breat meat, add in some thigh meat, some meat glue, there ya go.... you can have my share!!
This may not make sense, but why would they add thigh meat to breast meat, when the market on boneless thigh meat is higher than boneless breast.
We need to go back to pre WWII and start over. Our grandparents had cellars full of canned food in mason jars that they or their neighbors grew. We need to NOT depend on multinational corporations, that only care about the bottom line, for our food. :wack:
I try and stay away from most meat now unless I kill it or raise it. In the great state of ohio I can harvest somewhere around 5 deer a year. That's more then enough for me over a year, also try and eat a lot of fish.

Also if you do not have the time or desire to hunt then contact your police and get on a call list for deer hit by cars. This sounds bad but usually the cop doesn't bother unless the deer is in good shape.

The crap at fast food places and the meet that comes frozen in a bag is awful. Couldn't pay me to eat that.
something has to hold chicken nuggets together!
I live in the sticks of s w Missouri. Most Americans would LAUGH at my little place. pasture, house, garage (shed). we burn wood for heat, eat venison, raise our our eggs, poultry, meat, vegetables. if price of gas gets more than I can afford I got 3 well broke horses that CAN get me somewhere. NO i'm not a survivalist, just raised the the sticks of s w Georgia, and like the Hank Williams, Jr. old song said, " a countryboy WILL survive" !!????? LOL no really!
i'm 66 and have bout run my race, BUT maybe the younger generation should consider buying a big chest freeze and buying meat from a producer you can trust and have it butchered. they would know what meat their kids are eating, a whole hog, qtr beed, and a few dozens fryers go a long way!! buy ya veggies from a REAL producer, local farmers market???........ enough RANT....

I'm merely half your age and was told to slow down and you know what, I agree with everything you said! RAISE yer own if you can, and if not, learn to butcher (it really isn't that difficult) and buy from someone you know and trust.....Then you know, what yer eatin'....I grew up on a Farm, on my Dad's side of the family, My uncles Dad's sisters husband owned a butcher shop that I also spent time in, and on Mom's side, I learned about the world and how it worked, but Dad's side taught me how to survive in a real world, thats in a real mess, HEY thats exactly what we're in now!

Yeah its a RANT but, shouldn't we all know what they tell us we can eat? OR shove down our throats cuz THEY'RE too poor to feed us as they starve in cash flow. AKA our government, so they fill up our food with "fillers" to make up the lack there of?

Seriously people, something is really wrong with this picture!
actually in the stores here, thigh meat ( and drumsticks) with the bone IN in cheap ( if anything is cheap!?). look at frozen boneless chicken breat at Walleyworld, or BestChoice brand, the label will tell ya right there on the front about the thigh meat added, I just assume its held together with meat glue, maybe superglue?
it took my daughter YEARS to learn not to feed the kids at Mcdonalds!! when her daughter turned about 13, SHE had become smart enough to realize there is healthy food and there is the other crap! LOL
We have an extra stand up freezer in the house garage. Every year I buy a 1/4 of a grain/corn fed beef from a local farmer I know. He even takes them to the same butcher I use for the deer I hunt. I pay $2.95 a lb hanging weight at the butcher after its been dressed. Then pay the butcher around $120 to cut and grind it for me. No comparison to store bought whatsoever. I also notice, when we fry the ground, the grease is clear, not PINK or RED.
We have an extra stand up freezer in the house garage. Every year I buy a 1/4 of a grain/corn fed beef from a local farmer I know. He even takes them to the same butcher I use for the deer I hunt. I pay $2.95 a lb hanging weight at the butcher after its been dressed. Then pay the butcher around $120 to cut and grind it for me. No comparison to store bought whatsoever. I also notice, when we fry the ground, the grease is clear, not PINK or RED.

That's what I'm working towards. I need a bigger freezer (and more money). Local farmer here advertises $2.50 a lb for a swinging side of beef, cut the way you want it. $1.50 a lb for a swinging side of pork, cut the way you want it.
as people get educated bout what is and is not FOOD, there will be more people buying freezers!.
made good trade other day, swaped yellow squash and zucchini for ground beef. I sell them also enough eggs to pay for my feed. buy whole milk from Mininite friend, $1.50/ gal.
ya raccon tastes just like chipped beef! ( watch out for the rabid coons). rabbit like fried chicken. wild turkey tastes like.... well turkey!???? LOL
yea Vt!! if anyone tastes " backstrap" deer steak cooked right, they will never want beef staek again!!!!
and that syrup is makin me drool!!!!!!