R.I.P. to my sister in law. F*** cancer.


Mopar to ya

Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
Reaction score
Rock Creek, Minnesota
My sister in law died this morning from cancer. It was caught early, but it was pancreatic cancer, and that is nearly 100% terminal. They caught it extremely early and were optimistic. Usually you don't catch it until stage four, but they found it at stage two. Chemo and radiation, then surgery and they had high hopes. One month later they found cancer in her liver. Chemo this time didn't slow it down, and it kept growing, so they took her off chemo and told her to prepare for the inevitable. She made it a month and died at her home this morning surrounded by her family. She was 42 years old. Let me tell you friends, cancer sucks. I have seen way too much of it lately and I hate this ****. R.I.P. Karri. I'm sure God will let you into heaven even if you are a Red Sox fan. He is all about forgiveness.

View attachment Wendy and Karri at baseball game (640x480).jpg
I am sorry to hear about your sister in law. I am going through something similar with my father and no preparation can brace you for the impact thats for sure. You and your family are in my prayers.

I realize much cant be said to comfort right now but time, memories and knowing they went to heaven can do amazing things.
.................My condolences........I lost my mother in 2008 and a sister in 2001 from cancer also...still hurts to this day....kim.......
My condolences to you, your family and friends. Prayers for you all.

My mother died of pancreatic cancer, too. I'm very sorry for your loss.
Sad to read... my condolences to you and your family.
Condolences from here as well. We just lost a member of our community to the same thing.
Sorry to hear. Prayers sent! tmm
My prayers go out to you. 42 is much too young.

I lost both parents to cancer. I was so glad when their suffering was over. it was terrible to watch they fought long and hard. I think they fought to out do the other by not being the first to go. Not a day goes by that I don't think if them. He was a Red Sox fan too so I also hope heaven is forgiving.
My condolences, this hits close to home, my sister in law is experiencing the exact thing. Caught it very early, surgery last May, clean bill of health in Nov., Now terminal, 6 months without treatment, 2yrs with treatment, went for treatment last week, too sick for treatment. Prayers sent
Very upsetting news... Breast cancer took my grandmother from us when I was a very young lad. Prayers to you and yours as well as others affected by this tragic loss
My sympathies. Cancer is without a doubt one of those truly devastating diseases. I've lost two cousins and a sister to various forms, none of it from "lifestyle" causes.
Sure sorry to read this Mopartoya. Cancer sure does suck. I've lost my Dad and 3 uncles to it already and my eldest aunt is fighting it now.