' reserve not met'

It's a sign of the times. People have less money to spend and the sellers are still thinking of values from 2 or 3 years ago.

They can't give the stuff away. Time you sell it, ship it, then pay e-bay and paypal not a whole lot of profit left over.
I think prices are set higher today to try and fill a void, As in no other income. I started gathering rallye instrument panels in 2007 Some complete assemblies and some bezel only. Payed from 30 to to 82 at most including the shipping.
Today sellers ask 100 to 200 for the same parts. That's just one example but I've noticed the similar price hikes on floor shift steering columns, consoles, you name it.
I agree with Jack. People still think that their car is worth what it was in 2006. Same as with houses. If they really want/need to sell it, they will lower their reserve.
Over 16% of us have no job.

Actually the reported percentage of unemployed is WAY low. The numbers published by the government only include those people who had a job where earnings were taxed and the employers paid into the unemployment insurance. There is a whole other category of people who are not counted in this.
people who get 1099's
those who went from full time to part time
those who hustled under the table
those people whose unemployment has run out
those who have given up looking for a job
self employed
those like myself who are "underemployed"
etc. etc. etc.
My guess is that the real figure is closer to 25 percent and here in FL it is probably higher as we are one of the top states for foreclosures

As far as what its worth...now that the gov. has said that we have had enough economic growth to be "out" of the recession a lot of people have jacked their prices to 2005-2006 levels. I took advantage of hard times and bought stuff anywhere from 30 to 60 cents on the dollar for my Dart. If I had been buying in 2005 I would have spent 10 grand but as it were I'm at about 5500.
bottom line is if they are priced right they sell. if too high they get a reserve not met. too many nice cars going for reasonable prices out there these days to price yourself too high. its about damn time prices came back to earth a bit.
My neighbor is trying to sell his house. He started off at $210k and has now dropped slowly to $185k and it's still for sale.
My neighbor is trying to sell his house. He started off at $210k and has now dropped slowly to $185k and it's still for sale.

Good luck for him. My mom had a house that appraised for 650k in 2005 and she had to let it go last year for 350K.
Actually the reported percentage of unemployed is WAY low. The numbers published by the government only include those people who had a job where earnings were taxed and the employers paid into the unemployment insurance. There is a whole other category of people who are not counted in this.
people who get 1099's
those who went from full time to part time
those who hustled under the table
those people whose unemployment has run out
those who have given up looking for a job
self employed
those like myself who are "underemployed"
etc. etc. etc.
My guess is that the real figure is closer to 25 percent and here in FL it is probably higher as we are one of the top states for foreclosures

GOOD GUESS but still a lil low more like 30 - 35%.....everyone MUST remember those published numbers ONLY reflect those that have recently applied for unemployment and those that are actively ON it NOW! the roll off's those that don't apply, the 1099'ers like you said THEY ARE NOT COUNTED or included in those published numbers!!!!! HENCE those published numbers do not reflect anything of value beyond "WHO'S ON IT NOW"
automobile repossessions are at a NEW VISTA!!! new companies are starting up just to handle the VOLUME!!!
250k homes in my neighborhood are short selling for 48k!!! I have not driven on one single city street in my tri county area that does not have at least ONE for sale sign on an empty home, often times more than one per block!!
want ads for jobs is down to two pages and most of them are min wage or commission based sales ....times re not good!!! and we have ZERO BUSINESS even thinkin of lending or sending ANYTHING that even looks like money or jobs offshore!!! ANYONE THAT PROMOTES THAT SILLINESS SHOULD BE SHOT AS A SUBVERSIVE TRAITOR!!!
GOOD GUESS but still a lil low more like 30 - 35%.....everyone MUST remember those published numbers ONLY reflect those that have recently applied for unemployment and those that are actively ON it NOW! the roll off's those that don't apply, the 1099'ers like you said THEY ARE NOT COUNTED or included in those published numbers!!!!! HENCE those published numbers do not reflect anything of value beyond "WHO'S ON IT NOW"
automobile repossessions are at a NEW VISTA!!! new companies are starting up just to handle the VOLUME!!!
250k homes in my neighborhood are short selling for 48k!!! I have not driven on one single city street in my tri county area that does not have at least ONE for sale sign on an empty home, often times more than one per block!!
want ads for jobs is down to two pages and most of them are min wage or commission based sales ....times re not good!!! and we have ZERO BUSINESS even thinkin of lending or sending ANYTHING that even looks like money or jobs offshore!!! ANYONE THAT PROMOTES THAT SILLINESS SHOULD BE SHOT AS A SUBVERSIVE TRAITOR!!!

Is it true that entire blocks of homes in Detroit area were selling for $1 a home a while back???
people that have to work are taking jobs just to get by.like my self. we have down sized and puting off any new things.and bying use stuff.like washer and frig.i,m hoping the work stuff will pick up as far as pay wise cause there jobs out there but you can,t afford to live off the money they pay you let along have heathcare.i.ve went back to my old car hobby turbo mopars cause i just don,t have the cash for my demon right now.and i can drive the daytona to work after it,s running.it kind of sucks to live week to week but right now thats the way it has to be.here to a new year and things getting better for everyone.cause my gold parachute has not came in.lol
Good luck for him. My mom had a house that appraised for 650k in 2005 and she had to let it go last year for 350K.


What I can't understand with my neighbor is why is he selling in such bad economy? He told me that he needs a bigger house. I guess if he needs a bigger house that bad then sell his house now put that money towards the bigger house. But he will lose or break even right now (if he sold today). I think he paid between $170-$180 for it in 2005.
I think with people buying so many foriegn cars,it,s really hurt many jobs branching off the Big 3 auto plants.This has really opened the eyes of the Big 3.Sure you might get better gas mileage,but you can,t live in it.LOL.This has a major effect on the economy.My unions logo is..

Out of a job yet?
Keep buying foriegn!
if the big three didn't let americans down for so many years then americans would not be buying foreign now. and some of those so called foreign cars are a lot more american then the american cars from the big three that are built in mexico and canada.. big three have no one but themselves to blame.
if the big three didn't let americans down for so many years then americans would not be buying foreign now. and some of those so called foreign cars are a lot more american then the american cars from the big three.. big three have no one but themselves to blame.

I wish it was JUST THAT simple, THAT would be EASY to fix!!!........just to give you something to think about....when the foreigns convinced OUR govt to open the doors on trade is when the workers & the unions went a lil sideways and so did the quality of domestic vehicles..... prior to that "American made" was the "standard" for the world!!!..... I have to believe they did not wring their hands say MUUUHHAAAAAAAA and deliberatley start making ****, just to disappoint America and lose market share like a bucket with no bottom....do they have some fault...YES!! do they have it all.... absolutely NOT! do they share fault with our govt, our media, oil cartels, foreign interests living in this country that REFUSE to buy american, etc etc etc.....our government/politicians have created quite
an "auto trade trick box " and it is going to take some significant "UN FKIN" to fix it. Presently the domestic quality is back where it was & should stay and there is not one single avg bracket foreign made vehicle that surpasses them. Additionally auto companies that are NOT domestically owned, (meaning owned BY a US citizen/s and registered in the US AS a US company where the profits are NOT shipped to the fatherland or motherland or offshore in anyway) are NOT ever to be MISTAKENLY CONSIDERED A US COMPANY or a DOMESTIC company...those profits still GO BACK to the country of origin!!! they are however tryin REAL hard to present themselves as AMERICA COMPANIES.....and they have some people BELIEVING THAT THEY ARE!!! THEY ARE NOT!!! AND THEY ARE NOT HELPING THE US ECONOMY ONE IOTA!!! They are leaches on our market, they pay a pittance in wages and salaries and for that investment they reap HUGE PROFITS THAT DEPART THE US AS SOON AS THE BANK CAN MAKE THE TRANSFER!!!!
if the big three didn't let americans down for so many years then americans would not be buying foreign now. and some of those so called foreign cars are a lot more american then the american cars from the big three.. big three have no one but themselves to blame.

Very true, My Subaru Outback has a window sticker proudly claiming to be made in Indiana.

im part of the big three, we get very little credit for what we do, yes we have had some disasters, but for the most part, hell no, my 2010 Dodge Ram 1500 demo gets me 21 mpg without trying, its loaded, the reliability of our hemis, our 4 cylinder world engine is unsurpassed, most of our transmissions are bulletproof, and then there is the lack of maintenance, try selling a 30 or 60k maintenance on a Dodge, good luck, yet a Honda or Toyota owner will walk into the dealership demanding it to be performed, the domestic owner thinks that they dont have to do anything to keep them running, I speak of experience and plenty of it, we are a large internet base dealer, we have 4 rigs delivering vehicles literally all over the US, all 4 are Ram 3500 or 4500 Cummins equipped, our trucks averaged 150k a year, well maintained, we retired them at 300 to 350k, approx every 18 to 24 months, virtually problem free......the difference we maintained them....maintained your Dodge or Chevy, like a Honda owner and lets see where they both end up......

keep buying foreign and see how long before your job is affected, by the way i live in what use to be the heart of furniture manufacturing, Hickory and Lenoir NC, literally hundreds of shut down factories every where around us, please keep buying that Chinese furniture, its keeping a lot of your neighbors out of work, but just wait the toxic crap found in most Chinese products will get you sooner or later....

look at our new Grand Cherokee and take a good look at our new Charger and Durango, world class engineering and quality


aka parts & service director in a Chrysler, Jeep & Dodge dealer

my 2 cents, i get really excited when people put us down....
OK we are hijacking the living BEJESUS out of this ebay thread.....gonna open a new one called " is it REALLY AMERICAN?" lets take this debate there
if the big three didn't let americans down for so many years then americans would not be buying foreign now. and some of those so called foreign cars are a lot more american then the american cars from the big three.. big three have no one but themselves to blame.
Well this is your opinion which your intitled too.If foriegn cars were NOT allowed to be shipped or built here,I think the U.S economy would be in a little better shape.That,s all I,m saying.Many people lost jobs/homes/lives do to imports.JMO.:read2:
the big three was putting garbage out before the foreign cars came thats for sure. that and the fact that detroit thought they could dictate what americans wanted instead of giving americans what they wanted. the big three did it to themselves. the foreign cars just happened to come along at the right time and gave the american public what it wanted. they won over buyers for whatever reason and now ya have generations of families that buy foreign. and i'll bet they will continue to buy foreign until they have a reason not to.

yes i agree big three cars or should i say big two (because chrysler isn't american yet again) cars are better then they have been in many many years. on par with the foreign cars? i don't know. guess that could be debated forever. i do know in my experience with american car delerships in my area that they suck compared to the toyota and honda dealerships in the area. the local chrysler dealers suck big time. they have the same bad attitude that have caused people go foreign for years. just got rid of that pile of crap magnum we had for a couple of years for another toyota. sorry but toyota treats me a ton better then chrysler ever did. and i have had no issues with the yota yet unlike that damn magnum which started its crap the first week we had it. chrysler lost my business most likely for life with the crap i had to go through just about every time i needed something done with the car. chrysler had the same garbage attitude when i bought a new shadow in 92, and a new dakota in 93. think they would have improved by 08. hell no. just as bad if not worse. like i said, i'm talking from my personal experience if others have had good experience with them thats cool i'm glad for ya.

oh brother.. don't give me the american registered company bull ****. so all those workers building cars in mexico and canada are helping the american ecomomy? i know the foreign cars being built in america are putting food on the plates of a lot of american families. those foreign car dealerships in america pay american families do they not?