Route 66 map/book recomendations

Sweet! I'm also signed up for Sick 66 and will be taking my 1970 Dart. I'm coming from AZ and plan to initially travel northwest and get on Route 66 in Topock at the CA/AZ border and then drive it all the way to Springfield, MO. My father and my father-in-law are my co-pilots. We're going to try to get as much of the Route 66 experience as we can on the trip from AZ to MO. I'm signed up to race so I figured it would be a good idea to take some time on the way there to see as much of the Route 66 sites as we can.

i'll be driving from NJ. i'll follow the route to new mexico. would love to follow 66 all the way but i just won't have the time to do it..
i'll be driving from NJ. i'll follow the route to new mexico. would love to follow 66 all the way but i just won't have the time to do it..
Same. I thought about driving out to CA and starting at the Santa Monica Pier, but we've already got nearly 1,400 miles of road to cover following Route 66 from Topock, AZ to Springfield, MO. Right now we're planning 4 days for the trip out, which is way over the 200 mile per day recommendation from @str12-340. But, given that the event itself is 9 days long, that's about the best we can do. We'll go exploring as much as we can during the event too. Thirteen days of me and two 70 year old dudes lumbering around in a 54 year old car should be interesting lol.
Same. I thought about driving out to CA and starting at the Santa Monica Pier, but we've already got nearly 1,400 miles of road to cover following Route 66 from Topock, AZ to Springfield, MO. Right now we're planning 4 days for the trip out, which is way over the 200 mile per day recommendation from @str12-340. But, given that the event itself is 9 days long, that's about the best we can do. We'll go exploring as much as we can during the event too. Thirteen days of me and two 70 year old dudes lumbering around in a 54 year old car should be interesting lol.

lol.. thats one thing about being is sickward is i should be able to get out of the track at noonish and go explore. i did sickweek with a friend. his chevelle is a 12 second car so he was in "D" class. man, all but one day we were last to run. had to sit around the track all day and the travel from track to track was all done with very little daylite so no real scernery during the drive. it looks to be about a 4000 mile trip for me.. looks to be about 1100 miles (17.5 hours) to ozark raceway for us. i'm off all that week so i can take my time getting there. could easily do it in 2 days buyt may just nake it a 3 day trip. new mexico is 1900 miles (30 hours), don't have to back to work until oct 23rd so we should be able to take our time on that leg.
lol.. thats one thing about being is sickward is i should be able to get out of the track at noonish and go explore. i did sickweek with a friend. his chevelle is a 12 second car so he was in "D" class. man, all but one day we were last to run. had to sit around the track all day and the travel from track to track was all done with very little daylite so no real scernery during the drive. it looks to be about a 4000 mile trip for me.. looks to be about 1100 miles (17.5 hours) to ozark raceway for us. i'm off all that week so i can take my time getting there. could easily do it in 2 days buyt may just nake it a 3 day trip. new mexico is 1900 miles (30 hours), don't have to back to work until oct 23rd so we should be able to take our time on that leg.
Yep, definitely a bit concerned about spending all day at the track and having to drive at night. It sold out too and from what I've heard there were 350 spots for racers, so each track is probably going to be pretty busy. My hope is that I can avoid having to run last every day since there are no classes for this one and the spirit of the event is supposed to be more about the "adventure" as opposed to being focused on the racing like some of the larger events. It sounds like Tom is envisioning this to be similar to Death Week, which was much more chill from what I've heard. The one major difference is that there were only like ~100 cars at Death Week where as here there will be ~350 or more. I guess we'll see how that goes.

I'm still kind of salty about missing Death Week, especially considering it started and ended at Firebird, which is 15 minutes from my house. Ended up being bad timing with work though and the car just wasn't ready for a trip like that unfortunately. Such is life.
oh cool no classes.. hopefully you can get in and out. definatley sounds like its more about the adventure.. sounds liek there will be a lot more stops along the way which is cool... also sounds like ont he "drive" days they will stop like half way or so for the night. i'll bet it sold out in a matter of minutes.
oh cool no classes.. hopefully you can get in and out. definatley sounds like its more about the adventure.. sounds liek there will be a lot more stops along the way which is cool... also sounds like ont he "drive" days they will stop like half way or so for the night. i'll bet it sold out in a matter of minutes.
I signed up about 30 seconds after early registration opened due to being paranoid that it would sell out super fast. I set an alarm and used - exact time, any time zone to track time right before registration opened. Despite having nearly 2,000 expression of interest forms submitted it still took nearly 3 hours to sell out.

Based on what I've read in various Facebook groups, I think the hang up for a lot of the typical drag and drive crowd is that this one doesn't start and end at the same track. For us regular people with slow cars that's probably going to end up being a good thing as I get the feeling this event is going to attract more of the "D Class" cars and less insanely fast cars than the typical event. That's one of the reasons I picked this one for my first event.

Anyways, don't want to further hijack the thread! Going back to the mobile app idea, I downloaded and plan on using the Ultimate Route 66 Guide:

It has a companion passport that I'm going to get and try to get as many stamps as I can as a fun side quest. Also there is built in navigation similar to the other app mentioned that apparently leverages the standard maps functionality in the background but is designed to specifically route you down Route 66. It has overall positive (4.6 out of 5) reviews in the Apple app store. Still going to supplement it with a physical map, atlas, research, etc.

Sweet! I'm also signed up for Sick 66 and will be taking my 1970 Dart. I'm coming from AZ and plan to initially travel northwest and get on Route 66 in Topock at the CA/AZ border and then drive it all the way to Springfield, MO. My father and my father-in-law are my co-pilots. We're going to try to get as much of the Route 66 experience as we can on the trip from AZ to MO. I'm signed up to race so I figured it would be a good idea to take some time on the way there to see as much of the Route 66 sites as we can.
Be sure to go thru Oatman, AZ. The sight of wild burros wandering up and down the streets and in and out of the stores is a hoot and a half.
signed up about 30 seconds after early registration opened due to being paranoid that it would sell out super fast. I set an alarm and used - exact time, any time zone to track time right before registration opened. Despite having nearly 2,000 expression of interest forms submitted it still took nearly 3 hours to sell out.

Based on what I've read in various Facebook groups, I think the hang up for a lot of the typical drag and drive crowd is that this one doesn't start and end at the same track. For us regular people with slow cars that's probably going to end up being a good thing as I get the feeling this event is going to attract more of the "D Class" cars and less insanely fast cars than the typical event. That's one of the reasons I picked this one for my first event.

didn't realize it took so long to sell out. i have seen a lot of people asking about where to leave a trailer. hell i;d trailer mine to ozark but not sure i trust my motorhome there for a week unattended. would make the drother and back easier and more comfortable though..:)
didn't realize it took so long to sell out. i have seen a lot of people asking about where to leave a trailer. hell i;d trailer mine to ozark but not sure i trust my motorhome there for a week unattended. would make the drother and back easier and more comfortable though..:)

Definitely don't blame you there. You can't leave anything, anywhere these days. I'm contemplating sleeping in the back seat of my Dart during this trip, to be honest.
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oh cool no classes.. hopefully you can get in and out. definatley sounds like its more about the adventure.. sounds liek there will be a lot more stops along the way which is cool... also sounds like ont he "drive" days they will stop like half way or so for the night. i'll bet it sold out in a matter of minutes.
I may have spoke too soon. Looks like we might still be stuck with the A,B,C,D groupings like some of the other events despite not having classes for this event. Found this while reviewing the Sick 66 rules:

Screenshot 2024-03-11 at 10.44.54 AM.png

It won't surprise me if this ends up being a thing since the event sold out. I know they didn't do this at Death Week, but that event only had like ~100 cars, so they didn't need to. They probably will here since it seems like Sick 66 will have a much larger car count. I guess we'll have to see.
Great!! Looking forward to your pics of your journey!!

hope to take a ton.

big decesion now for us is, do we go to chicago for a picture of the start of 66 sign and to hang a day or so. that was my first thought since we have a few extra days to get to ozark race track or do i go to st.louis and check out a muesum (A Historic Kansas City Attraction | The Arabia Steamboat Museum) i've wanted to go to for a few years now and just hand there for a day or two. just afraid of drive to chicago and only being able to spend a real limited amout of time there for just a picture of a sign. i'd live to check out the muesum in st.louis and thats only like 3 hours from the strip we have to be at on the 10th. i'm sure we can be tourists in st.louis for two days or so...
i'll be driving from NJ. i'll follow the route to new mexico. would love to follow 66 all the way but i just won't have the time to do it..
There are TWO new mexico alignments of old US route 66. The original was a convulated route that went N to Santa Fe, then followed the Rio Grande river S to Las Lomas. The route then cut NW to Laguna. The mid 1930's "straightening" made the route basically E-W, and it followed Central Avenue right through Albuquerque. Leftists have placed a "light rail" on Central so the character and ambiance is reduced to an extent.
I just got home from a 5282 mile road trip in my Dart that included all of Route 66. If there is anything that I can do in terms of up to date information or site specific suggestions let me know.
I just got home from a 5282 mile road trip in my Dart that included all of Route 66. If there is anything that I can do in terms of up to date information or site specific suggestions let me know.

thanks.. not sure what toi good thing is i will be following a specific route that the event provides... i have maps and book so hopefully i can find stuff othert hent he the event check points that i waant to see.... if i think of something i'll let ya know...

whats the driveline combo of your dart? i have a mild 360,904 and 3.23 gears.. thinking of going 2.94 or 2.76 over the winter.. i only put around town, don't race it so i'd rather have it a highway cruiser so i can do more road trips.. not sure what i wan yet though.. i guess i'll be able to tell more after this trip.
If you have time for the pics at the beginning and the end of Rte. 66, do it. I have pics somewhere of the end of US Rte. 1 (Key West) and Rte. 66 (Santa Monica).
Just my opinion
If you have time for the pics at the beginning and the end of Rte. 66, do it. I have pics somewhere of the end of US Rte. 1 (Key West) and Rte. 66 (Santa Monica).
Just my opinion

i won't be going to the end. just don't have the time... i can hit the begining but not sure i want to go into chicago because of time and the muesum i want to see in st. louis... still have to map that a littler better to see what makes sense.
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i won't be going to the end. just don't have the time... i can hit the beginong but not sure i want to go into chicago because of time and the muesum i want to see in st. louis... still have to map that a littler better to see what makes sense.
Either way, it sounds like it will be a fun trip. :thumbsup:
Remind me again where the beginning and ending of the event part of Rt 66 are...

October 10 - Ozark Raceway Park (tech and testing) - Tech opens at 8am.
October 11 - Ozark Raceway Park, MO. Racing from 9am-3pm.
October 12 - Mokan Dragway, MO. Racing from 9am-3pm.
October 13 - Tulsa Raceway Park, OK. Racing from 9am-3pm.
October 14 - Drive Day
October 15 - Amarillo Dragway, TX. Racing from 9am-3pm.
October 16 - Drive Day
October 17 - Albuquerque Dragway, NM. Racing from 9am-3pm.
October 18 - Alien City Dragway, Roswell, NM. Racing from 12pm-6pm.