School Discipline Finally Flies Back to the Future



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2009
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La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
A Georgian grade school might begin to incorporate the "paddle" after three strikes. I wonder where they find the paddles, a "sex shop"? I was spanked a few times on the butt at home, left a lasting impression.

Georgia school can spank misbehaving students with 24-inch wooden paddle under new policy

Nothing like the picture! Lol. Our wood shop teacher would have us make one if they needed one.
I'd be all for it...if it wasn't for the three strikes preceding it
We've all seen parent count "One, two, two and a half, two and three qaurters"
All it does is teach kids that THEY are in charge
My kids know full well that if I have to count, it will be as I apply the board of education to the seat of knowledge
You couldn't have said it any better diymirage. I had 8 kids and if they got out of line there butts would be sore. I had so many people say that my kids would hate me when they grew up, well my kids are all grown up and we are still a close family and I love them and they always visit me and still get hugs from them and respect. If a kid gets out of hand they need to know that sooner or later they will have to pay for there actions.
I can say this my youngest son, which is now 18, I never had to paddle him, just give him the look, or talk to in a stern voice.

His older siblings met the paddle, he must have paid attention, because he was alot younger.

When they got out of hand, there was an oak paddle that was about 8" wide that was used on them.

The older siblings turned out fine.
I got paddled three last year they did that in Missouri. First or second grade, so 1985/86.

Man, kids today need that. I think parents shouldn't be allowed to decide punishment for misbehavior in schools. People need to fear educators
I can say this my youngest son, which is now 18, I never had to paddle him, just give him the look, or talk to in a stern voice.

His older siblings met the paddle, he must have paid attention, because he was alot younger.

When they got out of hand, there was an oak paddle that was about 8" wide that was used on them.

The older siblings turned out fine.
I did't have to spank my youngest and now 17 and my best friend. Some kids just don't need it but as a parent we should do the best we can to make sure our kids grow up to help in the world not tear it down.
I got paddled three last year they did that in Missouri. First or second grade, so 1985/86.

Man, kids today need that. I think parents shouldn't be allowed to decide punishment for misbehavior in schools. People need to fear educators

I would agree with you 100%, but; political correctness does not allow such things.

Snowflakes melt!
You couldn't have said it any better diymirage. I had 8 kids and if they got out of line there butts would be sore. I had so many people say that my kids would hate me when they grew up, well my kids are all grown up and we are still a close family and I love them and they always visit me and still get hugs from them and respect. If a kid gets out of hand they need to know that sooner or later they will have to pay for there actions.
Well said Fred. Spare the rod and spoil the child is the old saying. Our kids knew better than to act up and we could take them anywhere. If they started getting out of hand I only needed to stare at them and they straightened up. Our kids weren't abused in any way shape or form but they were well behaved. We are all very close and it has rubbed off on their kids as well. Maybe more should try it with their kids. Not a lot of respect out there for parents and seniors today or is it just me.
Well said Fred. Spare the rod and spoil the child is the old saying. Our kids knew better than to act up and we could take them anywhere. If they started getting out of hand I only needed to stare at them and they straightened up. Our kids weren't abused in any way shape or form but they were well behaved. We are all very close and it has rubbed off on their kids as well. Maybe more should try it with their kids. Not a lot of respect out there for parents and seniors today or is it just me.
I see it here to Mark not as bad as the big cities and have some real nice kids stop over to visit my son but I run into punks out here and would love to slap them for there rude remarks and actions.
i remember one day, we were in a small diner in a little podunk town and our oldest wast acting up
so, i did what needed to be done, took him out to the bathroom, explained what he did wrong, reminded him of the penalty and them administered the penalty

what i did not realize (or perhaps simply didnt care about) was that the walls of that place were made out of tarpaper and apparently, everyone in the diner could hear me applying the penalty
so when we walked out there, the wife had allready paid the bill and got the little one ready to go

the stares i was getting from other diners were unbelievable, they looked at me like i was trying to kill the boy
All my 3 kids got spanked at one time or another. I also counted to 3 . I never got past 2. Love my kids , and they love their mom and I.. have respect for others and they know when they screw up they're gonna hear about it. Are they perfect? Nope and neither am I. We just have love and mutual respect for each other... and man do we know how to be goofy and crack each other up... let alone poke fun at others... I feel blessed to have great kids
Somehow, I don' t think that picture is an accurate representation.
Kids are really getting big these days, aren't they?

At least in my state they are:

Obesity in Children of Los Cabos and Baja California Sur is Alarming. So What Are We Doing About It?
Date Published: 5/27/2013 With an alarming 38 % of the children in Baja California identified with child obesity, the western state of the Republic of Mexico, is moving rapidly with sweeping changes to help radically reduce those high numbers which rank the country as the nation with the highest rate of child obesity in the world. Earlier this year, the Senate of Mexico approved a reform to help in its fight against child obesity. The proposed changes were submitted by the general secretary of the national union of education workers, Rafael Ochoa Guzman. The most glaring change in the reform is at the elementary school grade level requiring students to participate in a half hour (30 minutes) of daily exercise. This proposal received the endorsement from the House of Representatives. ''What remains an important aspect of this Senate approval is that the food at the schools have a higher nutrient contribution,'' said Oscar Millan, president of the health commission, adding that, ''For us, the battle of obesity is a priority.'' While some members of the Senate hoped the half hour of physical exercise could have been split in two 15 minute parts throughout the school day.
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My 4 kids knew if I said your getting spanked/punished it was happening. And grounding them for a week and after 3 days saying it’s over...a week is a week. And please and thank you were expected. Saying that, we were all at a restaurant and another person on his way out said I had the best behaved children he had ever seen.
Kids are really getting big these days, aren't they?

At least in my state they are:

Obesity in Children of Los Cabos and Baja California Sur is Alarming. So What Are We Doing About It?
Date Published: 5/27/2013 With an alarming 38 % of the children in Baja California identified with child obesity, the western state of the Republic of Mexico, is moving rapidly with sweeping changes to help radically reduce those high numbers which rank the country as the nation with the highest rate of child obesity in the world. Earlier this year, the Senate of Mexico approved a reform to help in its fight against child obesity. The proposed changes were submitted by the general secretary of the national union of education workers, Rafael Ochoa Guzman. The most glaring change in the reform is at the elementary school grade level requiring students to participate in a half hour (30 minutes) of daily exercise. This proposal received the endorsement from the House of Representatives. ''What remains an important aspect of this Senate approval is that the food at the schools have a higher nutrient contribution,'' said Oscar Millan, president of the health commission, adding that, ''For us, the battle of obesity is a priority.'' While some members of the Senate hoped the half hour of physical exercise could have been split in two 15 minute parts throughout the school day.
Child and adult obesity is a major concern in North American period. Thanks to McD's, Burger King, Wendy's and those cheap buffets. Then we have the carbonated soft drinks and energy drinks including Red Bull etc.. They all contain huge amounts of sugar and caffeine. Then we have the problem of i-pads, phones, desk tops and laptops. Kids and adults alike are spending too much time on these gadgets or glued to a TV. When we were kids we didn't have all that crap and we went outside and used our imagination to play with friends. You went in the house when then street lights came on, had a bath/shower because you were dirty from playing outside all day. Your head hit the pillow and were off to sleep and dream about the adventures ahead of you the next day. Life wasn't perfect but we had fun and we weren't overweight and gasping for breath just from climbing the stairs heading to bed or to the refrigerator. We all need to think about it. It may save your life.
Child and adult obesity is a major concern in North American period. Thanks to McD's, Burger King, Wendy's and those cheap buffets. Then we have the carbonated soft drinks and energy drinks including Red Bull etc.. They all contain huge amounts of sugar and caffeine. Then we have the problem of i-pads, phones, desk tops and laptops. Kids and adults alike are spending too much time on these gadgets or glued to a TV. When we were kids we didn't have all that crap and we went outside and used our imagination to play with friends. You went in the house when then street lights came on, had a bath/shower because you were dirty from playing outside all day. Your head hit the pillow and were off to sleep and dream about the adventures ahead of you the next day. Life wasn't perfect but we had fun and we weren't overweight and gasping for breath just from climbing the stairs heading to bed or to the refrigerator. We all need to think about it. It may save your life.
You sure hit that square on the nail Mark. Put up a basket ball hoop or a tennis ball net and get the kids out there with parents and friends and that is quality time.
I was a single parent starting when my kids were 7 and 2. They both learned to count to 3 at a very young age as they knew that:
1 = Dad's asking me to stop
2 = Dad's telling me to stop
3 = I should have listened earlier

They heard "3" at the same time they felt the swat.
They also learned that if they acted inappropriately in a public place, they didn't want to "Go outside where we can discuss this" because it was going to be a one-sided "discussion" and they weren't going to have any input.
They both learned very early that Dad was consistent and fair.
We're all very close today (they're both over 30 now) and they can't believe how their friends kids lack any discipline.
I was a single parent starting when my kids were 7 and 2. They both learned to count to 3 at a very young age as they knew that:
1 = Dad's asking me to stop
2 = Dad's telling me to stop
3 = I should have listened earlier

They heard "3" at the same time they felt the swat.
They also learned that if they acted inappropriately in a public place, they didn't want to "Go outside where we can discuss this" because it was going to be a one-sided "discussion" and they weren't going to have any input.
They both learned very early that Dad was consistent and fair.
We're all very close today (they're both over 30 now) and they can't believe how their friends kids lack any discipline.
Sounds like you did a good job ocdart. My wife died and had all 8 of my kids at home the youngest was 2. Never got on welfare and battled the old ladies trying to get the state to take my kids away from me because I would not stay home and raise them the way that most thought I should.
I had 3 older kids that would take care of the younger ones when I was at work, and by God was not going to get on welfare. We made it and are still a happy family, I never remarried and my youngest is sill at home for another 2 years I hope.
When I see all the kids out in the world that never got spanked and were let to do what they wanted I am ashamed that my generation and the one after me is letting this happen.
I've shared this story before but here it is again. This is how it was in our family. I remember when I was probably 3 and my sister 6, Mama took us to the Piggly Wiggly. I was in the buggy and my sister walking. Somehow, we communicated to knock stuff off the shelves at the same time as Mama was pushin the buggy (with me in it) down the isle. At the same time, we both stuck our arms out and raked stuff off the shelves before Mama could stop the buggy. I of course knocked the most stuff, because somehow bein in the buggy gave me the advantage.

Here's what happened next. There was a display of flyswatters hangin on the isle. You know the ones. The plastic flap molded around a long metal handle. This bein summer, we were in shorts. Mama whipped one of those flyswatters off the display, turned it around backwards and worked our legs over GOOD with that metal handle. When she was done, she hung the flyswatter back on the hook, all mangled to hell and back. We also got the belt from Daddy when he got home. Man. We had whelps on our legs for a week. Child abuse? Yeah in this day and time I guess. But you know what? We never did any of that bullshit again. Kids today think they can get away with anything, simply because they can and do.
My Mom used to make me go outside and get the switch that I was going to get the whipping with! I got the bright idea to get a tiny little twig. She drug me back outside and stripped a limb of a bush as big as your thumb.....and beat me like a red headed yankee step child! I didn't try that one again, but the next idea was to sit down so she couldn't swat my legs. That didn't work out too well either. I had more stripes than a
My Mom used to make me go outside and get the switch that I was going to get the whipping with! I got the bright idea to get a tiny little twig. She drug me back outside and stripped a limb of a bush as big as your thumb.....and beat me like a red headed yankee step child! I didn't try that one again, but the next idea was to sit down so she couldn't swat my legs. That didn't work out too well either. I had more stripes than a
I think my mom hit harder than my dad she would use the kitchen spatula and my dad had a big *** paddle. The first hit with the paddle and I would fall over and my dad figured that was enough. But moms spatula it would take many swats before I fell over. You think I would have learned and fell over on the first swat.
I think a lot of us older guys and gals got a pretty purple back side a time or two and we are still alive and we all learned the hard way don't steal, cheat and by God clean your bedroom.
I never counted.
When questioned, they all agree, that they only got what they earned.
And there is plenty of love going around when they all congregate at home, several times a year, and many other times on individual visits. They are 38,36,and 34.
My son was like the good dog, just had to look and behavior immediately changed. Today, everybody likes him,young and old. Hes turning into a good man.

Daughter, constant battles,arguments-you name it.
Rude, demanding and no respect for anyone. Tried everything.
Nothing works.
Was always a problem in school.
Has had 7 or 8 jobs in the last year. Will not listen to any advice or reccomendations.
Somehow feels entitled to whatever she wants.

Just saying, discipline doesent always work.some kids just have a mean streak.