she is not my mom.....

Go out and buy a bunch of coprophilia magazines and "accidently" leave them out where she'll find them. Then start staring at her at random moments, when she catches your gaze excuse yourself and go to the bathroom. Trust me, she'll find a new domicile :D

Now that's sick....Damned funny....It just MIGHT WORK!!!!!
Mopardude I know where your coming from. It's a long story so I won't get into it but it's a similar situation. You definitely need to make sure your dad knows exactly how you feel. Maybe you've been too lenient in talking to him about the problems. Maybe show him this thread and that'll get him understanding.

If she's like you say it's no wonder the last guy divorced her.

I wish you the best in getting it resolved.
If it's bad know just think what winter is going to bring dude, I would have a problem with any one that acted that way, I would not let her cook for me and tell her to leave my laundry and room alone.......I hope things get back to normal soon, and I think it's time for a round table with you and your dad. Sounds like there is no humbling this lady that should be walking softly and with a smile.
Chill out for a second and listen.

[ame=""]YouTube- Dont Ask!!!! (bob and tom show weird song)[/ame]
Is she attractive?

Sounds like maybe Dad got snookered by a vixen.

Maybe you should start talking to yourself ALOT and smear crap all over the walls- maybe she will get the hint.

NO! She is not attractive! She is no younger than 55, is 6 feet tall, skinny as a tooth pic, skin is weathered and leathery, and blond gray stringy hair. She looks twacked out all the time!

Have you tried having a heart to heart with your pops?? go out for a beer, or dinner or something (not @ the house) and lay it out for him. Be firm, but not overbearing, the light bulb may go off in his head.

I did tell my dad, he knows I don't like her. He assures me that she is not here to stay, but how much longer???? It's driving me nuts! Just right now, today (8-17-2010) at 9 am she was using a BELT SANDER inside the house sanding this dresser she has been working on! It woke me up and I was SO MAD!!

tag team and then the curb

EWL!! Gross!!!

Go out and buy a bunch of coprophilia magazines and "accidently" leave them out where she'll find them. Then start staring at her at random moments, when she catches your gaze excuse yourself and go to the bathroom. Trust me, she'll find a new domicile :D

OMG that's horrible!!!!

If it's bad know just think what winter is going to bring dude, I would have a problem with any one that acted that way, I would not let her cook for me and tell her to leave my laundry and room alone.......I hope things get back to normal soon, and I think it's time for a round table with you and your dad. Sounds like there is no humbling this lady that should be walking softly and with a smile.

Funny that you mention the laundry thing....About 4 days ago, I come into my room to find ALL my clothes washed and folded....I mean, everything! My socks, undershirts and UNDERWEAR!!! She fricken washed my underwear and FOLDED them! I totally felt violated.......
She is doing all these things to claim your Dad's space as her territory. The key thing your Dad has to do is SET A FIRM DATE say 30 days from now that she must be out. Then change the locks.
Not just violated, sounds like I would make a choice and not eat her food she is cooking :read2::read2:
and can she be trusted to be in you and your dad's home :-k keep an eye on little things missing that you take for granted that you have saved in your closets attic and or basement, I have seen and heard of this kind of thing happen disgust and I hope she would not do that to folks helping her out.
Just me :blackeye: I have been on the receiving end of a thief in the house putting on face :ncool::ncool:

Be real nice and smile at her 8)and just say no thank you.... and go on with your day :clock:

On the up side :happy3: sounds like she is helping around the house and means well. Just have hope that your dad has thing under control 8)
I guess in all fairness it is your fathers house. But it sounds like you are helping take care of things too. Have you tried talking to her? Have you really sat down and had a chat to see if you can make things better?
On the up side :happy3: sounds like she is helping around the house and means well. Just have hope that your dad has thing under control 8)

Yea, one thing she does is keep the house SPOTLESS! The bathrooms, sweeps and mops, dusts, does all the yard work, pulls weeds, planted a garden, edges, cleaned out our backyard, cleans all the windows, everything is clean...

But get this, I'll have a glass of soda, or water, or milk, or any beverage...or have some food and leave my plate or cup on the table, I'll leave for not even a MINUTE, come back and they are gone, clean and put away....Then she complains that I don't ever do my dishes!!!!! What the hell???????

I wonder where the heck she gets her energy..
might be a closet coke fiend

or a meth head? that chit is evil.

Been there, got the "T"shirt.

PM me if you want to talk more.

What if she is doing all this work to please your father (and you), busting hump 24/7 to help out? that would suck for you, not for dad

"Then she complains that I don't ever do my dishes!!!!! "
Come clean, you left them there, she cleaned them.....

Change it up, it's that simple. Don't ever walk away from a dirty glass, as absurd as it sounds to me. (viewing my own desktop disaster)

If your dad loves her, that's all that really matters, I'm dealing with a little less weird situation with my dad (M-in-law is a TOTAL control freak) and I'm learning to "deal" with it. Though I'm near 50 and not living at (his)home, has to make it easier for me to deal with. I wish you all the luck.

OBTW Be active, not reactive, calculate every move (comment), take your time, think about things thoroughly, then act with a level (cool) head.

I wish you all the best. sorry for the long rant, this hit's home for me in a big way.


Dude, I'm right here on the coast maybe we can help each other through whatever, it aint all that!
Hmmm it sounds like she might really be a meth head, from so many things you said. The super energy, cleaning/organizing, belt sanding an old dresser (my friend who's a recovering meth user calls that a 'sketch-project.) Skinny and weathered-looking. Has no place to go/nothing to fall back on.

Notice if she eats on a normal schedule or just occasionally.

If she's a meth head you need to get her out of your lives ASAP, she will only cause your Dad and you misery.
If you can see the signs that she is gonna ruin your Dad, have a talk with him.

He may be blinded by a stray ******** or two from this chick, sorry, but it happens, I've seen it a hundred times.

I would pry as much as you can out of your Dad, but it sounds like this chick is making herself a foothold in this home, and is agressively working to impress Dad. make you look like a loser and eventually push you out of the house by her agressive Suzie home-maker behavior.

I'd tell Dad, it's her or me, and leave the decision up to him.

Then he will have to ask himself if he likes your help with the rent better than a hopeful stray b/j from the leatherskinned broomstick chick, and a clean house.

This is the honeymoon period, but this chick definitely seems like a professional life sucker, and your Dad is victim # 534.

I think Dad is thinking with his *****, sorry, no offense but lonely guys will take whatever they can get, and I'll bet he's embarassed to tell you he's messing with her out of respect for your feelings.

Yep, I would tell Dad I'm looking at other places to live because this chick is a disaster waiting to happen.

I would try to lookk up this chick's history also, and find out all you can about her, do some digging.
She could be another Lynn Turner.........the anti freeze killer chick.

You said he met her from a craigslist ad?

Copy and paste a link of her ad and post your own ad asking if anyone has had dealings with her.
You might get some info that way.
If you can see the signs that she is gonna ruin your Dad, have a talk with him.

He may be blinded by a stray ******** or two from this chick, sorry, but it happens, I've seen it a hundred times.

I would pry as much as you can out of your Dad, but it sounds like this chick is making herself a foothold in this home, and is agressively working to impress Dad. make you look like a loser and eventually push you out of the house by her agressive Suzie home-maker behavior.

I'd tell Dad, it's her or me, and leave the decision up to him.

Then he will have to ask himself if he likes your help with the rent better than a hopeful stray b/j from the leatherskinned broomstick chick, and a clean house.

This is the honeymoon period, but this chick definitely seems like a professional life sucker, and your Dad is victim # 534.

I think Dad is thinking with his *****, sorry, no offense but lonely guys will take whatever they can get, and I'll bet he's embarassed to tell you he's messing with her out of respect for your feelings.

Yep, I would tell Dad I'm looking at other places to live because this chick is a disaster waiting to happen.

I would try to lookk up this chick's history also, and find out all you can about her, do some digging.
She could be another Lynn Turner.........the anti freeze killer chick.

You said he met her from a craigslist ad?

Copy and paste a link of her ad and post your own ad asking if anyone has had dealings with her.
You might get some info that way.

I like you because you get it!!!

Don't let your dick run your life!!!!!!
Well, I found out that this lady was snooping through my computer, WHICH PISSES ME OFF BY THE WAY, and she saw this thread, and now she is all butt hurt and doesn't say one word or look at me! BAHA HA HA HAA!! I was wonderng why she was acting different towards me the last couple days! lol
Well, I found out that this lady was snooping through my computer, WHICH PISSES ME OFF BY THE WAY, and she saw this thread, and now she is all butt hurt and doesn't say one word or look at me! BAHA HA HA HAA!! I was wonderng why she was acting different towards me the last couple days! lol

Did she have permission to use your computer? If not, she is showing how untrustworthy she is.
Well, I found out that this lady was snooping through my computer, WHICH PISSES ME OFF BY THE WAY, and she saw this thread, and now she is all butt hurt and doesn't say one word or look at me! BAHA HA HA HAA!! I was wonderng why she was acting different towards me the last couple days! lol

She's been cornered! What would she do if she caught you in her purse?:thebirdm:
Checking out her stash? Throw that in her face, well maybe not, that might endanger your life.:stop:

I'd say the cat's out of the bag then, and it's time you all have a nice sit down.

Be careful, a wild animal will do irrational things when cornered, just sayin'

Resolution or not it's a step forward, :cheers:

Well, I found out that this lady was snooping through my computer, WHICH PISSES ME OFF BY THE WAY, and she saw this thread, and now she is all butt hurt and doesn't say one word or look at me! BAHA HA HA HAA!! I was wonderng why she was acting different towards me the last couple days! lol

HAHAHA atleast she knows how you feel now and will probably mention something to your old man......and maybe something will come of it? hopfully good
Did she have permission to use your computer? If not, she is showing how untrustworthy she is.

That's a reeeeeeeeeeally nice way to put it Gold, thanks, I could not say it better.


PS, 318, check your stash of loose change/ keepsakes, their probably near gone by now. If she uses your computer?,,,,, ya know. Maybe it's time for a new toothbrush too.
PS, 318, check your stash of loose change/ keepsakes, their probably near gone by now. If she uses your computer?,,,,, ya know. Maybe it's time for a new toothbrush too.

Good points. Back when I was a young I let a distant cousin stay with me for a while an he did the same stuff. Couldn't leave any change laying around or it mysteriously disappeared.

I just hope he didn't use my toothbrush. That's sick!!:bootysha: