speedometer cable question


mad dog

Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2013
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Hey guys, i bought a new OER brand speedo cable for my Duster, its brand new... my question is since its new does it need to be lubricated before I install it?
If so what product and how do i lube it... maybe its already lubed from the factory ?
thanks.. Rich
Mine was not lubed.

I used white lithium lube.

Others have recommended graphite.

Check the FSM i seem to recall something I there about living the cable.

Also recall someone making an adapter with a zerked to pump lube into the covering.
i was wondering about that, even if i lube it i can realistically only lube the ends....
i was wondering about that, even if i lube it i can realistically only lube the ends
Pull out the center and lube it, then add some to the sheathing and insert the center. Add more lube as you work it back in.
Lube it. Lithium or graphite is the current "go to" lube, but I have used regular general purpose grease in the past. Anything is better than nothing.
Pull the cable out of the sheath and coat it with grease. Then I use the needle attachment on my grease gun to pump as much grease into the sheath as I can from both ends. Rin the cable back through it a couple of times to distribute the lube. You can even attach a drill to the cable and spin it a little to make sure it's worked in.
Someone had a thread where they slipped a 1ft hose over 1 end with the cable removed and poured gear oil in the hose and then blew compressed air until it came out the other end. Then lubed cable with grease. I believe he was resurrecting an older cable. I just greased mine but was thinking of trying it but didn't.
I use synthetic wheel bearing grease once and never have had a needle start jumping again but I expect graphite would be the lowest friction.
i have the clear synthetic sta-lube in my gun now, would that be a good option?
if not i will pick up some white lithium...
My only caution is will the grease get liquid and seep.

The housing probably needs far less lube then we all put in.

Call a speed o shop for recomendations
My only caution is will the grease get liquid and seep.

The housing probably needs far less lube then we all put in.

Call a speed o shop for recomendations
ive read that wherever lubricant you use should be compatible with trans fluid as the grease can travel down the sheath and end up mixed with trans fluid
i believe the synthetic stuff is pretty durable and holds up well to heat and other fluids... cant confirm though, im
probably over thinking this whole process...Rich
Use white lithium in a tube. Don't use white lithuium in a spray can, it hardens like a rock over time.

Your lube won't get inside the trans, there is seal on the gear.

I use wheel bearing grease and it works just great.

Gear oil? You want to smell that inside the car?
thanks everyone for the responses, i really appreciate it.
Actually the Accessory section of the FSM lists a part number and procedure for living the speedo cable.
Just know if you use anything like any kind of grease.....something that's non-dry, you will have a gummy mess eventually. As the cable breaks in and wears with the outer housing, bits of both will get into the lube and create a gummy mess. Sometimes you're lucky and it has no effect. Other times it will lead to the needle bouncing because the gummy mess is trying to grab the spinning cable inside the housing. Graphite is all I use for that reason.
I think there is also some Teflon based stuff for cables/chains. That could be the graphite stuff Rusty mentions.
I think there is also some Teflon based stuff for cables/chains. That could be the graphite stuff Rusty mentions.
Most of the big box parts stores also sell a dry lube in a spray that works, too. Same stuff that you use to lube motorcycle chains.
I ended up useing all weather speedometer cable lubricant PN 4318078, actually by the chrysler corporation. I followed the directions on the back of the tube....easy peasy...Rich