Stock Market

Josh Brown is snarky, sarcastic and awesome. His cheeseburger, shake shack jokes are spot on.

If you are in love with BA and have to own it, sell close to the money covered calls on it. If it gets called away, you make $. If it stays flattish, you make $. if it Drops, you reduced your basis via call premium.

BA has a trendline from April 2020 through the two lows in 2022 that it is coming into now around 147 range. Might be a decent place to find a technical bounce.
This is a candlestick chart of NDAQ, the actual brokerage that charges for each transaction, billions of trades a day.
The red and green lines are "exponential moving averages" at different speeds.
When the lines cross, is an indicator, or trigger to get in or out of the stock.
"D" is dividend payment .
Lines up from the bottom is the volume/# of shares traded that day.

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You do a MACD without the MACD on the chart... :thumbsup:

I have one I call the Braindead. 5 minute chart, hull 14, 14 WMA, look for crosses and slope to confirm direction.
I was having a converstation with a friend about one of the youtubers that has a bazillion things he looks at. Paralysis by analysis. some say long, some say short some say flat...

Simplify is a really good approach
I was having a converstation with a friend about one of the youtubers that has a bazillion things he looks at. Paralysis by analysis. some say long, some say short some say flat...

Simplify is a really good approach

Where I learned brought in Fibonacci guests, chartist to read candlestick formations,lol, psychologists to control emotions,
Options traders, fun stuff covered it all.
It's sharpshooter stuff now, rules changing to tighten spread to 0.5¢
What the logarithms give, spreads take away.
When I started, spread was 3/16¢, 25¢ times a thousand shares was easy.
Dollar wasn't decimal, was sixteenths.
Certainly a lotta opinions.
I trade a lot with Fibs.

The dreaded 1/16th quotes. ugh Emotions and respecting stops is a huge EGO barrier.

I remember when options expiration was a royal screw job for retail. If you had an option and it wasn't at least .25 or more in the money, it wouldn't get auto-executed. LOL... The brokers/MM's were stealing that from clients. At least now if it's .01, they execute it.

So much easier to trade now than in the 90's. $20 each way for a stock transaction back then, and that was at discount brokers. oof...
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I trade a lot with Fibs.

The dreaded 1/16th quotes. ugh Emotions and respecting stops is a huge EGO barrier.

I remember when options expiration was a royal screw job for retail. If you had an option and it wasn't at least .25 or more in the money, it wouldn't get auto-executed. LOL... The brokers/MM's were stealing that from clients. At least now if it's .01, they execute it.

So much easier to trade now than in the 90's. $20 each way for a stock transaction back then, and that was at discount brokers. oof...

Yeah, and a cell phone, - crap, truck knocked down phone line, no cells, running to corner store to phone broker , lol

End of day settlement found I had bought 1000 share of something I had been watching, but never bought, - turns out my daughter saw our cat walk over the keyboard, I had "hot keys" touch 2 keys simultaneously to buy/sell.
Cat bought shares,
No animal was injured .
Funny now, expensive then . . lol
Folder up 15.8% since late January to today. Guess I should start looking for a '65 or '68 to fill in the gaps.. :) :thumbsup:

That's awesome, congrats!
A little attention, wise choices, can get you much further.
Good Job .

Mosta You should have similar, or at least improved returns, if not, maybe find out why, or make a change.

Despite what is being screamed at you from some sources . . .


There are 11 sectors in the market, All are near record highs.
  • Materials
  • Real estate
  • Consumer staples
  • Consumer discretionary
  • Utilities
  • Energy
  • Industrials
  • Consumer services
  • Financials
  • Technology
Whoever wins the election will get an economy at full throttle.

There are going to be some buying opportunities during the elections, somethings gonna tank the market, it will be a "knee-
jerk" reaction, many think no matter who is POTUS, any damage will take a year to take effect, unless you're kicked out of the country, or in jail .
Regardless, set "stops" so you can make $$$ buying it back later - cheeper . . .
In private conversation with Crackedback last week, I mentioned I bought some OKLO at $10ish on Monday, - later then sold half at $20 ish a week later.
Still own 50 shares for free.
OKLO is working on getting Small Modular Reactors (SMR) to market.
Sam Altman, kinda one of the fathers of AI, and funding/organizing the build of "garage size" modular Reactors to park beside these "DATA CENTERS" that require HUGE power.
These are the pre "suitcase" reactors that are gonna power electric vehicles insteada batteries .
Good trading, watch your ***, control your emotions.
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The world economy seemed to get a "kick-start" from that Japan hiccup, cuz since then Asia has improved, India, even Europe is up and trucking, and surprisingly Gr Britain all seeing recovery and economic improvement.
U.S. is still the envy of the world,

Recovering in only 2 years since Covid Shutdown.
Good Job

The lower middle class is still struggling, but upper 2/3 of middle class holding up well.
Visa, Walmart, Paychex numbers are favorable, unemployment was lowest if memory serves me.
Now, if we could get some tax money from the proper source . .

The govt in Australia is cracking down on mega stores for price gouging, going after Woolco, and others I can't recall.
I know something similar is going on in other countries, including ours.

Krogers is trying to buy the Albertsons chain of Grocers on the West Coast.
You folks ***** about losing freedoms, communism, inflation.

Spend a few minutes typing a few words to your Congressman/woman, and Senators complaning bout this take-over that will close an estimated 100 stores, and will prices go up ?
Might also mention you're not happy selling U.S. Steel to Japan Steel, and lose control over steel, and quality steel here in the U.S.

Good trading .
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Totally agree no-one in the boardrooms should be making $100 million salary with perks, without paying decent taxes, nevermind "option" bonuses etc.
They've made enuff off the middle class, and it's hurting those of us, - apparently paying higher proportional taxes than millionaires!
Making millions and paying $850 in personal tax, and donate it to the country, my ***.

Everytime you read/hear the word "tariffs", -
Think - "I pay those at the cash register".

Everytime something lands on a receiving dock, there will be a newtariffs on the bill.
Everytime the cash register rings. There will be several tariffs accumulated to that item, since it landed on our shore, tariffs that weren't there before.
Think about it . You pay the tariffs, everyone.

"I collected $100 trillion in tariffs from China my *** ! !
We paid that $100 trillion and wonder why our cost of living is so high . .? ?

The rich will still be widening rivers to get their yachts to the ocean.

Some just want to eat and educate their family.
Others want you to pay for their Caribbean cruises on their yacht. Airfares to exotic "private" estates .
They prob pay less than $1000 income taxes each year as well.
"Good accountants" save you more than they cost. (They own yachts too).

The rich want to stay rich, and vote that way,
I just want to feed and educate my families,

I vote to Tarrif the crap outta the rich, and leave us reg folk alone, <$400k yr.

If I don't buy Chinese Trash, I don't pay tariffs. Tariffs only apply if you buy things that are tariffed.
I mentioned I bought some OKLO at $10ish on Monday, - later then sold half at $20 ish a week later.
Still own 50 shares for free.

That is one of my favorite things to do. Stock doubles, sell half, basically free shares depending on if in a taxable or retirement account. House money!

I think I posted something about a buddy that would buy 100 shares, if it went up 6-10%, he'd sell enough to cover his initial investment and wait for it to cycle down to find a new entry point. His mantra was share accumulation was the key to success. He did this with a lot of energy companies, exxon, chevron, hess, slob (SLB) since he was familiar with the oil patch. Toss in dividend reinvestment for each and nice returns over the years. The kicker of doing this is that his TRUE cost of the shares was his tax liability on the gain. If the shares were $100 and he was in the 20% bracket, his taxes were $20/share. Once he got 100 shares sell a couple series of covered calls or puts and true free shares.
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There's going to be a day pretty soon where you won't go outside.
People jumping out of windows and all that.
I just hope the housing market "corrects", so I can buy another house.
I just hope the housing market "corrects", so I can buy another house.
Not so sure it'll come down much, cuz of huge demand, no supply.

The economy is Soo good, there is talk of delaying any further rates reductions .

The rates need to come down, imho, to help folks get mortgages.

I can't help wondering why.
My first mortgage was 9% in 1969ish, next one in 1972 was 18% ish.
Didn't stop me, or anyone else, that's the way it was.
My apprenticeship wage was like $3.50 ish
Now folks won't work for under $15, rather sit home with a tablet.
My take is that new home construction is overcorrecting, and that there will be a glut when they are all finished.
People here will not sell their home financed at 3% and buy another and pay 6.5%
Young people need to start off with a smaller less expensive home.
The trend for some ypounger gen is NOT to own a home, but to take trips and make memories! And on the credit card.
The gov ment can not afford interest on their trillions of $ debt. But the gov ment will continue to spend like a drunk. Politicians just say "its NOT their money!"
The election will not be a driving for to reduce Fed.rates. $$$$$$
The new 11 millions illegals need a place to hang their hats.
I can't help but think of gobt as like a big corporation.
I remember NVDA at 60ish next yrs earnings, - that fn crazy, - normal would be 18.
Anyway NVDA kept producing, got down to 50, still outta this world, demand, production, sales, profit.
Gets down to 30 ish, believeable, expensive, but demand, production, all reducess "debt" to acceptable values.

I look at the economy and national debt, kinda the same way, our economy is going great guns, 4 BIG name chip factories are now built out East, opening very soon.
Other BIG manufacturing plants are being built.

All this production is gonna generate enuff jobs, and $$$ to pay debt.
Not overnight, it'll be a while like NVDA took over 5 years.
Covid musta added a lot of national debt, couldn't be helped,
Costa doing "business", a bad year . ( sick time, lol)
So it's not all doom and gloom.
Just need to tax those that can afford it.

Wonder if they're building a buncha new, big yacht harbors.
My $0.02.
^^^ IO agree, BUT the gov ment has the ability to always spend more an more and more!!
Yep, growing the economy at a huge rate is our only hope.
The gov ment will always spend that years budget so they came demand a bigger one next year! :BangHead:
I think the idea of SMRs (small modular reactors) is exciting for the future generations.
Sam Altman is a "visionary" in the field of A.I., and the realization of the need for energy without stringing wires everywhere, we prob all saw when they brought out EVs, but he's likely going to be instrumental in solving that problem.

Due Diligence.