Stop in for a cup of coffee

Sounds good. The aluminized body filler seems to work well in limiting the moisture. Costs more, and harder to get nice finish with it, but I can accept that!

Evercoat metal 2 metal is the one I've used.
Don't show anyone these photos.
Slicing - - I've moved up from sabre saw to cutting wheel.


inside rust gets Hammerite paint

quality fitting

you didnt see this, and the full weld weld looks just as pretty, not.

aluminized filler

primer and brown paint
If you were looking for a mandrel saw, i have. Saw and mandrel. And a spare blade.
Don't show anyone these photos.
Slicing - - I've moved up from sabre saw to cutting wheel.

View attachment 1715260868
inside rust gets Hammerite paint
View attachment 1715260869
quality fitting
View attachment 1715260870
you didnt see this, and the full weld weld looks just as pretty, not.
View attachment 1715260871
aluminized filler
View attachment 1715260872
primer and brown paint
View attachment 1715260873
A big thing for me,its on the hoist at eye level,and i start to get picky...
A big thing for me,its on the hoist at eye level,and i start to get picky...
Never thought about that (being on a lift) having a disadvantage. LOL
Yea. That's terrible. Better put it back on the ground, and it will be away from the light too.

Its funny but its true. I painted the rockers flat black and nobody notices.
Going to put another patch in the drivers side this weekend (I hope). There's now a welder renting next to my garage. He's willing to MIG it. So the welds at least will be much better than my oxy-acet work.

Eventually I'ld like to get some more of the dents out of the Wagoneer, but its not a priority.
Don't show anyone these photos.
Slicing - - I've moved up from sabre saw to cutting wheel.

View attachment 1715260868
inside rust gets Hammerite paint
View attachment 1715260869
quality fitting
View attachment 1715260870
you didnt see this, and the full weld weld looks just as pretty, not.
View attachment 1715260871
aluminized filler
View attachment 1715260872
primer and brown paint
View attachment 1715260873
Your getting off easy. Mine had inner and outer gone.
Cinnamon 75 Duster \
Evening all.
Just came in from shoveling a easy 6 inches of snow. Figured do it tonight vs in the morning. We like the cardio! wife and I are head down shoveling what feels like miles of drive, late at night, quiet, no wind and mid twenties. Hound is frolicking in snow, All is perfect. Well..... I hear what can only be described as pure panic out in road, keep in mind front yard is about 1,000 acres of corn or beans. Not exactly in town. So I look up from shoveling and my fearless German Shepard has introduced herself to a gentleman and his bait dog taking a walk down the road! Disclaimer, she is quite well trained to the point of hand signals no need for verbal commands, that type of trained. So anyway she is exhibiting zero aggression and just wants to play with bait dog in the snow. Gentleman was not impressed shall we say, scooped up fluffy stuffed it inside his coat and huffed off. Also note, once I saw her and his agitation I simply called her back to my side which she did post haste. I explained to wife she was now going to be blog bait as a result of dog off leash! Our family has all shapes and sizes of dogs and we love em all. Guy caught me by surprise walking down road late at night and totally confess I simply was not watching my hound at all. She is quite friendly when not "on" and loves to play, but certainly can see the poor guys side of equation when large German Shepard is bounding towards him thru the snow. I explained to her (the dog) she got me in trouble! Well trained my aching foot. I am a bad dog owner today! Lesson learned. Hope you guys are all warm and dry.
I will pass and bite the bullet. The thing is, it seems no matter how much you pay for tires, they all last and drive the same.

I look at the rain and snow traction on tires for daily drivers... It's not hard for tires to grip in dry conditions, but you need them to bite when the weather is bad....

A good set of tires can keep you from getting in an accident...
Ok, I gotta get some sleep... :realcrazy:

Trying to catch up from the last few days... I'll catch up on the remaining 100 posts after I wake up later.... :BangHead:

As long as you all don't get too chatty in the morning and get me more behind... :wtf:

<I said get more behind....> :lol:

I'll catch you all in the morning.... :popcorn:
Good morning Crew. Supposed to get snow today. Hopefully not too much. More training at work today so I will have a lot of catching up this evening again. Hope everyone has a great day