Stop in for a cup of coffee

Tea for me this morning. Good morning all. I followed Dr. Karl's suggestion and got some Ny-Quil. Pretty much slept through the night. Tea with a little honey tastes good. Speaking of that, Mitch has that in the morning in VN. LOL What's that little honey's name Mitch?
Her name is Duyen, pronounced "Jean" :thumbsup:
Tea for me this morning. Good morning all. I followed Dr. Keefer's suggestion and got some Ny-Quil. Pretty much slept through the night.
You're :welcome:
I did a shot of it myself last night. :thumbsup: Could have slept another hour, but had to get moving...
Have appt shortly with new doc (last one retired) Was scheduled a month ago as new patient check up. but I think I got something cooking in my sinus.

Good Morning
You're :welcome:
I did a shot of it myself last night. :thumbsup: Could have slept another hour, but had to get moving...
Have appt shortly with new doc (last one retired) Was scheduled a month ago as new patient check up. but I think I got something cooking in my sinus.

Good Morning
Was that you that recommended that. Thanks. It did work. I'm a little foggy from the NyQuil but at least I am not asleep. LOL (no more fog than usual) :lol:
I thought so to.
A friend/ old customer has a electrician friend that replaced the energy efficient fluorescent lights in a small warehouse with led's he got a whole pallate of lights and bulbs for a $100 bill.
A friend/ old customer has a electrician friend that replaced the energy efficient fluorescent lights in a small warehouse with led's he got a whole pallate of lights and bulbs for a $100 bill.
I retrofitted 20 2X4 units in my shop, last year. Pulled all the ballasts, and direct wired them, for LEDs. Think I paid $600 for 80 LED bulbs.
I retrofitted 20 2X4 units in my shop, last year. Pulled all the ballasts, and direct wired them, for LEDs. Think I paid $600 for 80 LED bulbs.
You'll pay for the conversion in a few years I bet. LED's don't take much current for sure.

Gooood morning :D
You'll pay for the conversion in a few years I bet. LED's don't take much current for sure.
I did rewire all the units, myself.. So, saved a bunch there... The difference in lighting in here now, is amazing. I do have three rows of 6 on the ceiling, all on different switches, so I can limit the amount of light, if needed. Was getting pretty dim in here for a while, bulbs going bad, ballasts going bad. Finally made the commitment to change it all, and I'm very happy now...
7014 welding rods make lots of smoke. Shop is cloudy. Need to make an air filter and pressurize my office. The dust is bad.