Stop in for a cup of coffee

Im awake. Morning all!
The lincoln is coming for ps leak.
Hope its an easy fix.
Im awake. Morning all!
The lincoln is coming for ps leak.
Hope its an easy fix.
A bit more snow this morning glad we shoveled last night. Getting ready to go down to Chicago and watch the Jets thrash the Blackhawks Friday. Watching the Hawks at home is always a treat. They be sucking right now tho.
3-4” of snow 3 weeks ago.
Nothing since.
Its 4 degrees below freezing and warming up this weekend.
When we do get snow,i have very little to shovel.
Plow does 99%
I shovel the steps and doorways. Its great.
That reminds me, i should fix and sell my snowblower.
aahh coffee
Skipping coffee, I need whiskey or stronger this am haha gonna be one of them days
Had my 2nd cup. Coffee’d out.
Have to get ready for work.
Just came in from shoveling a easy 6 inches of snow. Figured do it tonight vs in the morning. We like the cardio! wife and I are head down shoveling what feels like miles of drive, late at night, quiet, no wind and mid twenties. Hound is frolicking in snow, All is perfect. Well..... I hear what can only be described as pure panic out in road, keep in mind front yard is about 1,000 acres of corn or beans. Not exactly in town. So I look up from shoveling and my fearless German Shepard has introduced herself to a gentleman and his bait dog taking a walk down the road! Disclaimer, she is quite well trained to the point of hand signals no need for verbal commands, that type of trained. So anyway she is exhibiting zero aggression and just wants to play with bait dog in the snow. Gentleman was not impressed shall we say, scooped up fluffy stuffed it inside his coat and huffed off. Also note, once I saw her and his agitation I simply called her back to my side which she did post haste. I explained to wife she was now going to be blog bait as a result of dog off leash! Our family has all shapes and sizes of dogs and we love em all. Guy caught me by surprise walking down road late at night and totally confess I simply was not watching my hound at all. She is quite friendly when not "on" and loves to play, but certainly can see the poor guys side of equation when large German Shepard is bounding towards him thru the snow. I explained to her (the dog) she got me in trouble! Well trained my aching foot. I am a bad dog owner today! Lesson learned. Hope you guys are all warm and dry.
That's actually funny. Don't sweat it. I wouldnt consider it completely surprising - kindof goes with the territory when walking or bicycling rural roads, even semi-rural.
Someone now wants 'modern' turn signals.
Is that a stylistic thing like this Loewy design?

Now THAT's modern lighting! circa. 1957

Or maybe he wants a screen instead of lamp. It could be tied to his smart phone, and therefore the internet. That would make a smart signal.

Tied to GPS, this has the amusing feature of signalling after the turn has started.
But using g**gle glasses, it would signal when he was looking to turn.
It might signal at some other times too. :rolleyes:
Amtrack is now backpedalling on replacing the signboard at 30th Street Station Philadelphia.
Seems they were convinced that since people wanted modern up to date train information, that meant changing the signboard to a screen.
This morning it seems they finally got the message.
Keep the flipboard and post information via internet.
Tea for me this morning. Good morning all. I followed Dr. Karl's suggestion and got some Ny-Quil. Pretty much slept through the night. Tea with a little honey tastes good. Speaking of that, Mitch has that in the morning in VN. LOL What's that little honey's name Mitch?
Speaking of mid 20th century modern
Inga Saffron's column about the flip-board includes two Solari's that represent the hieght of that style.
One masss produced (now a collectors piece!)

The other pretty much one-off for Saarien's TWA terminal (JFK Airport)

Pretty cool.
Speaking of mid 20th century modern
Inga Saffron's column about the flip-board includes two Solari's that represent the hieght of that style.
One masss produced (now a collectors piece!)
View attachment 1715260984

The other pretty much one-off for Saarien's TWA terminal (JFK Airport)
View attachment 1715260985

Pretty cool.
TWA Terminal... Affectionately referred to as the TWAT...
Hey all slept in today doesn't happen often. Up in time to go have coffee @Ddaddy had a huge MOPAR A body buddy show up. Gave him a calendar, he was like a kid at Christmas. When I told him about the t-shirt he said to count him in.
They are coming today to install the mini split in the garage. Never to be cold or hot out there again!!!!
Buddy who is an electrical contractor just changed out 2x4' light fixtures at a high school. They replaced with LED's. Why they didn't just replace the light blubs we don't know. Anyway he let me have eight for the taking. Going to save them for the new garage.
Got to go do some pickup in the garage and make room for the contractor.
Hey Timmer. Wife was asking last night if you were going to Carlisle. I told her you'd try and then explained all you had going on.
She said you were a good man and your wife was a saint. She is a firm believer in life challenges big and small and how we handle them as a person.
Hey all slept in today doesn't happen often. Up in time to go have coffee @Ddaddy had a huge MOPAR A body buddy show up. Gave him a calendar, he was like a kid at Christmas. When I told him about the t-shirt he said to count him in.
They are coming today to install the mini split in the garage. Never to be cold or hot out there again!!!!
Buddy who is an electrical contractor just changed out 2x4' light fixtures at a high school. They replaced with LED's. Why they didn't just replace the light blubs we don't know. Anyway he let me have eight for the taking. Going to save them for the new garage.
Got to go do some pickup in the garage and make room for the contractor.
Hey Timmer. Wife was asking last night if you were going to Carlisle. I told her you'd try and then explained all you had going on.
She said you were a good man and your wife was a saint. She is a firm believer in life challenges big and small and how we handle them as a person.
Thanks, Dang kids are expensive.......:BangHead: