Stop in for a cup of coffee

Same color. All there and in good original condition.
It is probably a better car than this one because a truth about this car is that it's really a 63 but I couldn't find good 63 fenders anywhere but I found and gutted a 65 more door and transferred all the parts over and pretty much made a 65 wagon

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I can have bonfires and shoot my guns in my backyard so what's more paradise
And I don’t have to pay taxes on sunlight and rain water. Nope, the good old fly over state for me instead of some high tax beach state hehe
It's raining and I am inside with a cold. Otherwise I would be out working.

My back is hurting so much that it's hard to walk, this is the first time this happened to me so I am a little skeeered.

Might have to go to the doc tomorrow.

Make a bowl of chicken noodle soup with some fresh minced garlic... You should start to feel a little better by the time you finish the bowl...
Prob did should be in your feedback. What is it? Kind of overloaded right now with LA's.

Karl Been four but messed with them for years.
It's an old la came out of a 318 I had. If you want it to rebuild and sell il ship it to you no charge!! I'd rather you make some money off of it and it go to a good home than throw it in the trash.