Stop in for a cup of coffee

Yeah that guy really pissed me off. Its OK it all comes around eventually. I should have known by some of the questions on the phone.
That one is easy. Hell why not. Can always use parts. Shoot me a pm for the shipping a flat rate bag will work on that.
Beat his *** Hoppy lol
He will do it to himself I bet. I am sure there will be threads. Pretty sure he is winging it. I had to block him or I would seriously be a *** to the guy, ust not professional. I am sure the questions he will get will be unanswered.
Hey don't be slamming on 62....I don't feel any different then when I was 40.
I’m not, just saying the doc says the damage to my knees is such that he normally doesn’t see until after age 62? His words lol
Should be able to set it to the stock specs. Did I give you a copy of the sun card I forgot if I did or not. Just bumped it up a hair in the beginning of the curve..