Stop in for a cup of coffee

I’m 6 years from retirement, 5 months from my contract end, I still don’t know what I want to do
do the tgps (TAPS) now brother, and plan ahead. My family threw a wrench into my plans and efforts at the last minute needing my help (huge gear shift of problems) and it is a great idea to see all that is involved within the decision of what to do next. Plus, some colleges have aptitude (both skill and desire) tests that can correlate some terrific and specific jobs you would enjoy. You can take those tests without enrollment often enough. The chinese proverb is to keep your favorite thing your hobby and NEXT favorite thing your job.
pm me your mailing address in two weeks (after i am done moving and I send you some literature i got from taps about government benefits.
I made a quick run to Mickey D's for coffee...half mile away.
Did the McD's stop last night for a tall latte on the way back from the track :D I ran equipment for 40 years and those winged Sprints got dirt and dust in places earth moving equipment never did :eek: The ethanol fumes, that rush of air as 20sumthin' wings race past at 95mph. Must remember to use the Bakersfield Speedway survival equipment at the other Bakersfield speedway (KCRP) next time. Gooood Morning :lol:
do the tgps (TAPS) now brother, and plan ahead. My family threw a wrench into my plans and efforts at the last minute needing my help (huge gear shift of problems) and it is a great idea to see all that is involved within the decision of what to do next. Plus, some colleges have aptitude (both skill and desire) tests that can correlate some terrific and specific jobs you would enjoy. You can take those tests without enrollment often enough. The chinese proverb is to keep your favorite thing your hobby and NEXT favorite thing your job.
pm me your mailing address in two weeks (after i am done moving and I send you some literature i got from taps about government benefits.

Already head of it. I’m a civilian engineer drafter on the civilian side for a DoD contractor. And am finishing up my MBA.

And the motorcyclist survived?
last word we had, he was alive and alert but pretty fubared. Life lined to the state trauma hospital 70 miles away.

Jeep driver was fully ejected and flew about 50 yards into a cornfield. Volunteer fire EMT happened to be a few seconds behind the crash and started trying to save the guy but he was dead at the scene

Jeep passenger survived with only a scrape. We learned this morning the motorcycle riders wife and kid was in a van and were following him when it happened and they got a front row seat to it all.
Hello All! I'm back from the Portland swap meet. A lot of walking (7miles), did the expo and outside but not the PIR. I only bought a hat, saw some cool stuff including this, never have saw one for sale at a swap, only at a car show.




Morning Mikee. The bride mentioned you yesterday when asking what local beer we should take to share at MITP.
Sometimes I like how she thinks!!:thumbsup:

Speaking of I like the way you think....

One day in school the teacher asks little Johnny,
"If there were five birds on the tree and you shoot two birds with your gun then how many would be left?"
"None because they would all fly away.", replies little Johnny.
"That is incorrect.", says the teacher, "there would be three left, but I like the way you think."

Then little Johnny asks the teacher,
"If there were three women on the bench with an ice cream cone, one biting on the cone, the other sucking the cone, and the last one licking her cone, which one is married?"
"The one sucking on the cone," guessed the teacher.
"That is incorrect," replies little Johnny," The one with the wedding ring on her finger is married, but I like the way you think."
Already head of it. I’m a civilian engineer drafter on the civilian side for a DoD contractor. And am finishing up my MBA.

last word we had, he was alive and alert but pretty fubared. Life lined to the state trauma hospital 70 miles away.

Jeep driver was fully ejected and flew about 50 yards into a cornfield. Volunteer fire EMT happened to be a few seconds behind the crash and started trying to save the guy but he was dead at the scene

Not a pretty sight to see. A few years ago I heard a dreadful noise from the nearby road. Hustled over there to find a mini van had bounced off a tree. One of the passengers was sitting on the shoulder of the road semi coherent mumbled something about "he's still in the car" looked inside kid was pinned in there.
On the way back to the phone I heard "help me, help me" 6' up in another tree I find another kid. Called 911 grabbed the tree pruning shears, flash light, and a hand full of clean shop towels and rushed back. The kid in the car's injuries were catastrophic and did not survive. Checked the one on the shoulder no leaks of vital fluids. Kid in the tree was too high up to remove by myself and was impaled by the tree in numerous places. Proceeded to do some tree trimming to make his removal safer for the professionals. I'm pretty sure he made the trip to the hospital with tree branches still attached and he survived.
On the way to the race track yesterday in the day light I spied a '65 or '66 Dart GT with a shoe polish "for sale" sign scribbled on the windshield. Too late and too dark to explore on the way home.
This must be a new record. I filed my taxes last Sunday and got the refund in my bank account today!