Stop in for a cup of coffee

As a kid I grew up on dirt bikes. We had a field nearby that the neighborhood kids rode to and we had hours of enjoyment. As I got older I rode bikes on the streets.
Years ago (42) I had a big bike. One night heading home about 40mph. A car started to turn in front of me and stopped, ok he sees me. Nope waited until I was about 30-40 feet from him and pulls across in front of me.
Hit him broadside just behind the drivers door. Ripped the front fork off the bike. I was able to push off the pedals and went over the car through the air landed on my feet and fell back on my butt whacking my head on the roadway. Lucky for me it was a cold night and I was wearing a helmet.
I never felt safe riding again and lost the urge for motorcycles.
We may have a change of plans. I think we are camping on the fairgrounds in our Swap meet area. Party!!!!
The camping this year sounds like it may be a bit of a mess? Just not sure with new venue, may turn out to be great just have zero idea. We are pussing out and hiding in a hotel! Either way can't wait.
The camping this year sounds like it may be a bit of a mess? Just not sure with new venue, may turn out to be great just have zero idea. We are pussing out and hiding in a hotel! Either way can't wait.
We have rooms rented but this camping thing came up here just lately. I think our group has 10 spots or so with trees! LOL
Yep walked away from it without even a bruise. Lady who witnessed it said it looked like a movie you hit the car, went about 10 feet up and then landed on your'd you do that?? Lucky and someone looking out for me.
Police shows up sirens blaring jumps out looks at the Kawasaki 900 in two pieces and says where's the driver. I replied I am. He says no the bike. I said that me. He looked at the bike, looked at me and says "How"??
I was 19 and left three days later for Army basic.
Still waiting for a control arm for my Ram. I think the new one I ordered will be here on Tuesday. Need to tell the first guy to credit me, never seen that one...What a PIA....Need to get this Truck back on the road, soon....

So far I've been lucky and never lost anything I've bought and shipped.
Have had very few lost. Some long delays. Usually cause they went th wrong way first. Thought I had a shipping screw-up this week. Gasket for the mower I ordered off ebag. Was guaranteed delivery for Frida -no show. I checked tracking and it says USPS received info, but no actual package movement mentioned. I got it yesterday and there is a label stuck on says 'not eligible for tracking' Never heard of that. It's a First Class oversized envelope. I've tracked plenty of envelopes. ???

Time to make pancakes!
Maybe. I thawed a couple sausages. Was thinking either pancakes, or pop a couple waffles in the toaster

Good Morning
The camping this year sounds like it may be a bit of a mess? Just not sure with new venue, may turn out to be great just have zero idea. We are pussing out and hiding in a hotel! Either way can't wait.
My bride lived in a tent and then a box trailer for a year in Iraq. She's told me more than once her camping days are over.
Not sure how many folks on here are going to Omaha show, Z Man and I are at same hotel looks like we fold up tents and head north to Minneapolis for MITP back to back road trips! Let summer begin.
We have six overnighters planned for this summer.
MITP we are coming in early Thursday afternoon. I want to get a lay of the land and check things out before it gets busy.
We have six overnighters planned for this summer.
If there is not Deer or Elk involved my bride figures her idea of roughing it is the remote needs new batteries. But throw in a rifle and a Deer or Elk and she will sleep on the ground for a week. I understand your wife's view. Ask her if her and her buddies ever got to the point when eating they would reach down and add sand prior to first bite. A act of total defiance to the desert. Thought being hah you did not ruin my meal today. Ask me how I know. My personal best 41 days no shower!
2nd Marines
If there is not Deer or Elk involved my bride figures her idea of roughing it is the remote needs new batteries. But throw in a rifle and a Deer or Elk and she will sleep on the ground for a week. I understand your wife's view. Ask her if her and her buddies ever got to the point when eating they would reach down and add sand prior to first bite. A act of total defiance to the desert. Thought being hah you did not ruin my meal today. Ask me how I know. My personal best 41 days no shower!
2nd Marines
She hated plastic eating utensils, the sand, the wind, rocket attacks, alerts in the middle of the night, walking to the latrine and shower.
It took her a long time to feel normal again. Still to this day she hates the sound of helicopters flying overhead. She worked and lived near the med station and helicopter pad.
Our deployments overlapped a few months. I did hitch a ride to her base with at the time Gov Rick Perry. We were on the ground about three hours, got to see her get promoted.
She got to come to my base initially for a couple days. Her return flight had problems and she ended up staying eight days.
I got home and went took off for Florida for a couple weeks.
Both retired now from the Guard/Reserves. Neither one of us miss it.
You want those guys to stick around? :realcrazy:

No, my dog is too old to fight off the coyotes... there were two of them right off the porch right next to him while I was putting on my shoes to see what was going on... They may have been trying to move in to attack him, but when they saw me come out they scattered....

When my Dalmatian was young, he was very strong and could handle himself if he had to fight a coyote... The kids that used to do the guy's yard across the street told me that they saw my dog chase 5 coyotes across into that yard once by himself... I've seen him chase away 3 at a time before...

When I first got my Dal, he pulled me on the street in unplowed snow when I walked my son to the bus stop... I was about 5 times his weight and he pulled me while on his leash with a choke collar... He was very strong when he was young... But now he's older and the back legs ain't what they used to be....
Not sure how many folks on here are going to Omaha show, Z Man and I are at same hotel looks like we fold up tents and head north to Minneapolis for MITP back to back road trips! Let summer begin.
I'll be there, what Hotel are you at? I'm at the Holiday Inn Express, just a couple miles from the show.
That's what I'm talking about!

She hated plastic eating utensils, the sand, the wind, rocket attacks, alerts in the middle of the night, walking to the latrine and shower.
It took her a long time to feel normal again. Still to this day she hates the sound of helicopters flying overhead. She worked and lived near the med station and helicopter pad.
Our deployments overlapped a few months. I did hitch a ride to her base with at the time Gov Rick Perry. We were on the ground about three hours, got to see her get promoted.
She got to come to my base initially for a couple days. Her return flight had problems and she ended up staying eight days.
I got home and went took off for Florida for a couple weeks.
Both retired now from the Guard/Reserves. Neither one of us miss it.
I’m 6 years from retirement, 5 months from my contract end, I still don’t know what I want to do
Guess I better get moving. Lawn mower aint gonna put itself together. And the grass is growing now....
Yep, time for me to get then serviced and the deck leveled. I usually bag the first trip and then sharpen the blades.