Stop in for a cup of coffee

Super hot weather lady says we can expect 8-24 inches of wet heavy snow tomorrow thru Friday. I am voting on a great big pass. It is a school weekend for me so I will have to thrash on Saturday only. Getting so close to paint I can smell it.

I only gave you a thumbs up because of your super hot weather lady... Come one post a pic of her...

Im thumbs downing the snow..
Somedays, dealing with your kids is trying... Yesterday and this morning is one of those days... I cancelled her driving test because of her attitude and mostly because while out practicing yesterday she totally forgot how to drive and damn near got in an accident if I didnt yell for her to stop, but if I wasnt with her Im afraid she would of been t-boned. So we get home and I ask whats up with the driving today and all I get are excuses for every mistake she made. Then all hell broke loose and Im the worst parent ever, I think this is the 3rd year running. LOL

So needless to say, until she can admit to her mistakes and drive consistently with only minor mistakes she will not be taking her test.
I found this post of a FABO member's 71 Duster for sale from a while ago. He had this pic saying it was an R11 Music Master AM radio...It isn't for sale, but it tells me what it looks like.

Music Master AM Radio.PNG
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I miss that channel I have to turn the antenna to get it but lose a bunch of others if I do it!