Stop in for a cup of coffee

Finish up wheels this morning, maybe jack up the dart and “throw” them on.
I should put motor/trans in as well.
Suddenly, I want a hotdog...
Good morning, final minutes with my sisters and their families, everyone’s still speaking....some grumbling!



Hey Ray, definately Moan-day around here, getting all of us to the airport and ferry and piles of laundry to be done, I feel guilty leaving!
Good Morning All. Worked on the Demon yesterday. I now have headlights, taillights, turn signals, hazzards, and brake lights. WooHoo! So, I took it for a drive around the neighborhood. Got way too far to walk in a hurry when it died. Crank - Fire - Quit repeat...repeat...repeat... Look, gas gauge says empty. Grrrrr. Left it on the side of the road with a distant neighbor I don't know watching it from his campfire. Walked home in haste, no gas in the can. Hopped in truck, drove to gas station and filled the 5 gal can, drove to car and poured it in. Gauge level came up, but no change in how it behaved. Finally got it to catch and stay running. Died several times on the way back home (maybe a mile). Got home and rev'd it several aggressive times (little upset at this point). Dropped it in gear and mashed it.....violent burnout in driveway. Left off, rolled forward - repeat...3 total. Car runs different and sounds different. Sounds like a carb issue to me. Will pull the fresh rebuilt carb of my son's rat rod for now so I can go through this one. Also, have to adjust the brakes as it pulls to the passenger's side and will turn 90 real quick during the burnout.
He brought me to one they are really good! That was a food ride home, German for lunch, then a White castle stop to get a suitcase for home then those hot dogs. Only in America!
It’s all a blur in the memory lol. But wasn’t that 2 trips? I know W.C. and Yocco’s was the Jersey trip. Ottos was by Wolfie...
happy Monday moanin
Nice day. 72F and no rain. Out back in a comfy chair. Feet up. Sippin my first cup of coffee at near 10am... :thumbsup:
That new race track owner sure missed a nice weekend to assault our ears with oval track fun. This 1 or 2 events per month stuff is getting old real fast.
That new race track owner sure missed a nice weekend to assault our ears with oval track fun. This 1 or 2 events per month stuff is getting old real fast.
He probably just bought it to sell to a developer...Could care less with racing...
He probably just bought it to sell to a developer...Could care less with racing...
If he thought he could do that he didn't do his homework. The parking lot is on a Federally protected wetland that was grandfathered in when the feds started doing that wetland stuff. As far as I know, nothing permanent can be built on it that isn't already there. There are rumors that he is looking for a renter to run the place. I hope for improvements and pray that it doesn't close at the same time :lol:.
If he thought he could do that he didn't do his homework. The parking lot is on a Federally protected wetland that was grandfathered in when the feds started doing that wetland stuff. As far as I know, nothing permanent can be built on it that isn't already there. There are rumors that he is looking for a renter to run the place. I hope for improvements and pray that it doesn't close at the same time :lol:.
In this new political reality, there is no such thing as protected land. IMO.
In this new political reality, there is no such thing as protected land. IMO.
It certainly seams that way. Even with wetlands. I think if you do enough improvements etc... If you can dump enough sand to build on in the ocean and pay the building commission for their blessing....