Stop in for a cup of coffee

The wife brought back a small bag of black walnut salt water taffy. Yum.
The wife brought back a small bag of black walnut salt water taffy. Yum.
Sounds good. I haven’t eaten anything with them in for at least a few years- even though I have several trees. Just out mowing and they have already started to drop.
“Threw” the wheels on the dart.
Increased the value dramatically, at least now its not in the minus dollar value any more.
Just got trunk open,some bonus parts, a straight bumper i totally forgot about.
Gave you a 'like' but that was not meant to encourage eating sweets and processed foods.
Guard unit changed my dates so I may go over to the Nats. Can't decide. Really need to stay home and work on the dart/polara
In this new political reality, there is no such thing as protected land. IMO.

Right official at the right level with right $$$$ problem solved. I pity da fools that buys the condos after the permits are bought when their garages flood and their buildings sink into the mire :rofl:
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Café du Monde without the steamed milk :D I think the caffeine takes effect faster :eek: Bad personal choice when hanging around waiting on an important phone call :lol:
Back from my mothers house. Had to do her dishes, clean up the kitchen. Freakin mess. Seems the lady I pay to do the cleaning quit last week with no notice. I called her to ask WTF, and she said my mother accused her of stealing something stupid, so she quit. Jeezzz.....
Back from my mothers house. Had to do her dishes, clean up the kitchen. Freakin mess. Seems the lady I pay to do the cleaning quit last week with no notice. I called her to ask WTF, and she said my mother accused her of stealing something stupid, so she quit. Jeezzz.....
Sounds like when my FIL lived with us. Tried to fire a visiting angel when she didn’t make his grilled cheese right in the middle of the night. Had the poor woman in tears. :BangHead:
Sounds like when my FIL lived with us. Tried to fire a visiting angel when she didn’t make his grilled cheese right in the middle of the night. Had the poor woman in tears. :BangHead:
Yep, just like that.....