Stop in for a cup of coffee

Have to diagnose a low fuel rail pressure and a lean code tomorrow. The fuel system was polluted previously, has had several fuel pumps and many times treated for misfires.
They get their Fuel from a tank in the yard,not equipped with a filtering system. But this is the only truck with issues.
Only fird though,and fuel system pressure is low to begin with.
Doing great, Goodguys was loads of fun, hitting a few local shows nothing big yet.
Getting ready for Mopar max show and Mopars on the miss. Can't wait. Lon
I hope to be driving by then. Busy weekend there. I can't go to Dubuque. I am hosting a Neita Reunion on Sunday.
Chris, it all depends how you value your time, and time away from the family.
For me an hour each way was my limit.
Yeah I hear ya. My dad drove nearly 3 hours each way and it sucked
<~~~~ Not Gremlin
<~~~~Sock Monkey

Up, just getting to the second cup. Had a fast storm yesterday and Marilyn noticed a leak in the roof. Guess what I am doing today?
I am heading to the range today with a couple buddies. It is our last league day shoot. We are trying in vain to unseat the reigning and perpetual champions. A team of retired guys that shoot virtually everyday and throw up a bunch of perfect scores. We are within two points of them but likely won't get it done. Them old guys rock! They have won every year for many years.
Sorry I'm late, but we can begin the day now.
Good Morning!!
I am heading to the range today with a couple buddies. It is our last league day shoot. We are trying in vain to unseat the reigning and perpetual champions. A team of retired guys that shoot virtually everyday and throw up a bunch of perfect scores. We are within two points of them but likely won't get it done. Them old guys rock! They have won every year for many years.
Have fun and shoot them straight!!