Stop in for a cup of coffee

Please remove your hats for a moment of silence. My 25 year old espresso machine passed on this morning :(

Will try @Tooljunkie 's method of descaling the boiler, small amount of chain in the water tank, bungee cord to the wheel of the Ram drive it around the block :thumbsup: Or maybe just vinegar the stuffings out of it :lol:. There is a blocked orifice between the boiler and the water diffuser. If all fails will have to press the spare into service.
Will try @Tooljunkie 's method of descaling the boiler, small amount of chain in the water tank, bungee cord to the wheel of the Ram drive it around the block :thumbsup: Or maybe just vinegar the stuffings out of it :lol:. There is a blocked orifice between the boiler and the water diffuser. If all fails will have to press the spare into service.
Vinegar or clr.
Joey is one of us guys. He's cool. Being the owner has to take some of the fun out of this place.

Now that's hot in anyone's gender!
Hypothetically speaking: would you stay for 500 more a month

Or leave for an increase of of just under 2000 more per month but have to drive an extra 45 minutes and 37 miles each way, adding to the hour drive and 50 miles you already drive
Hypothetically speaking: would you stay for 500 more a month

Or leave for an increase of of just under 2000 more per month but have to drive an extra 45 minutes and 37 miles each way, adding to the hour drive and 50 miles you already drive
Stay for a drive like that. Gas and time is not worth it.
Hypothetically speaking: would you stay for 500 more a month

Or leave for an increase of of just under 2000 more per month but have to drive an extra 45 minutes and 37 miles each way, adding to the hour drive and 50 miles you already drive
so, hour and forty five minutes one way? Eight hours work? You’ll be looking at 16hr day. No way...
I wouldn’t want more than 45min one way unless it was something where drive time was paid like service jobs. Then it’s just part of your work day.

so, hour and forty five minutes one way? Eight hours work? You’ll be looking at 16hr day. No way...
Your math is off. 1 hr 45 each way is a total of an extra 3.5 hrs a day making for a 11.5 hr day, not an 18 hr day.

The extra 45 mins each way adds 1.5 hours to the current day. That’s 7.5 extra hours per week or 33 hours per month average. Being paid an extra $2000 per month means being paid $60 per hour for the extra drive time. Call it an even $50 per hour after expenses.

Seem worth it now?
Your math is off. 1 hr 45 each way is a total of an extra 3.5 hrs a day making for a 11.5 hr day, not an 18 hr day.

The extra 45 mins each way adds 1.5 hours to the current day. That’s 7.5 extra hours per week or 33 hours per month average. Being paid an extra $2000 per month means being paid $60 per hour for the extra drive time. Call it an even $50 per hour after expenses.

Seem worth it now?
I was using my fuzzy calculator. Lol
And don’t forget the future career benefit. Making an extra $24k per year means that in the next job, they have to match and exceed the new salary level to entice you...regardless of how far you have to commute. It’s how career professionals build their salaries as they go.

It’s never about today, it’s about a long-term strategy to get to where you eventually want to be.
Your math is off. 1 hr 45 each way is a total of an extra 3.5 hrs a day making for a 11.5 hr day, not an 18 hr day.

The extra 45 mins each way adds 1.5 hours to the current day. That’s 7.5 extra hours per week or 33 hours per month average. Being paid an extra $2000 per month means being paid $60 per hour for the extra drive time. Call it an even $50 per hour after expenses.

Seem worth it now?
Yep, already have a 10 hr day already.
And don’t forget the future career benefit. Making an extra $24k per year means that in the next job, they have to match and exceed the new salary level to entice you...regardless of how far you have to commute. It’s how career professionals build their salaries as they go.

It’s never about today, it’s about a long-term strategy to get to where you eventually want to be.
Thanks Dave.

Oh I might add, that 2 grand extra is AFTER taxes, 401k and benefits.
There's a big +
This is what has kept me from sleeping for 2 weeks. Current company has countered with an offer just good enough to keep me intrigued. New prospect threw the full kitchen sink at it. It’s a gamble working for contractors as we live/die by contracts.
Chris, it all depends how you value your time, and time away from the family.
For me an hour each way was my limit.